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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1 The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1 takes us back to

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1 takes us back to the enchanting world of Middle-earth, where ancient powers collide, and a battle for dominance begins. Set in the time long before the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, this highly anticipated television series immerses viewers in the rich lore and epic stories that have captivated audiences for decades.

Helmed by visionary showrunners J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, The Rings of Power promises a thrilling and immersive experience that delves into the untold tales of Tolkien's universe. With breathtaking visuals, stunning costumes, and groundbreaking special effects, this series serves as a prequel to the beloved film trilogy, expanding upon the intricate mythology that has made Middle-earth a global phenomenon.

The cast of The Rings of Power is a formidable ensemble of talent. Notable actors portraying key characters include:

1. Robert Aramayo as Elendil - A skilled and noble human, revered for his valiant efforts in facing the forces of evil.
2. Owain Arthur as Celebrimbor - A talented elf, master craftsman, and wielder of knowledge that could change the fate of Middle-earth.
3. Nazanin Boniadi as Galadriel - A powerful elf queen, wise and enigmatic, who holds secrets that could sway the future of Middle-earth.
4. Tom Budge as Palantir - A mysterious sorcerer shrouded in darkness, wielding dark powers for his own nefarious agenda.
5. Ismael Cruz Córdova as Arondil - A charismatic Numenorean who seeks power and influence in his relentless pursuit of dominion.
6. Ema Horvath as Tyra - A courageous and spirited woman whose fate becomes entwined with the rings of power.
7. Markella Kavenagh as Eldien - A ranger from the North, skilled in survival and combat, determined to protect Middle-earth from the encroaching darkness.

Each episode of The Rings of Power takes viewers on a riveting journey packed with action, captivating drama, and surprising revelations. The first season, consisting of 10 episodes, forms an engrossing narrative arc that lays the foundation for the epic battles and alliances to come.

Immerse yourself in the spellbinding soundscape of The Rings of Power. You can play and download the incredible soundtrack, filled with haunting melodies, grand orchestrations, and evocative themes, capturing the essence of Middle-earth's beauty and danger. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to Tolkien's world, these sounds are sure to transport you to a realm of magic and wonder.

Experience the splendor and peril of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1, an unforgettable journey that will leave you longing for more.

A big one.
A couple of shabby disputes, a bit of uneven dice handling.
A cruel and cunning sorcerer.
A dog may bark at the moon.
A dog.
A door was filled in here.
A fellow passed through, said his grazing's gone rotten.
A gift I have decided to refuse.
A grower.
A Harfoot?
A hundred times over, in every way but words.
A kind of constellation.
A life you missed.
A place known as Middle earth.
A seedling of our Great Tree in Lindon.
A tongue lashing, if you don't mind your own cartwheels.
A tower?
A very happy match, indeed.
A workforce greater than any ever assembled.
Able to birth a flame as hot as a dragon's tongue,
Accompanied by Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion.
Afraid I don't take your meaning.
After all you have endured...
Ah, there it is.
Ah, yes. Your mystery sigil.
Ah. She has returned.
Alfirin seeds.
All right, smart foot. Then what is he?
All right, then, my friend.
All the far outposts are being disbanded.
Allow me a few days to work mine.
Almost like a brother to me.
Almost like...
Alone, if I must.
Always did have a talent for lurking.
An Age ago, our kind brought war to these shores.
An Elf.
An oversight, for which I am here to humbly ask forgiveness.
And a legion of Elves went to war.
And always poking it into trouble,
And anything bad that happens the next three seasons
And as a measure of our gratitude,
And as pure as starlight.
And be grateful.
And Crookfinger Lake's always seepin' vapors.
And for many Elves, the pain of those days
And granted passage across the sea to dwell for all eternity
And he was faced with the evil of his own reflection,
And I have asked for nothing but your ear.
And I would like very much to apologize to your family as well.
And in the moment of our complacency,
And in the West, do you think my fate would be better?
And look at her!
And look at you now.
And marked his flesh with a symbol.
And no army.
And now, at last,
And on each occasion, it ended in tragedy.
And pry us right out from under your pointy boots.
And she doesn't appear to have any sores.
And so much pain.
And so, we hunted.
And soon enough, we're left with our thumbs in our eyes.
And that is all you need to know.
And the one after that. And the one after that.
And the poisoning?
And the threat, at last, was ended.
And the well...
And then you are going to take me to their last known location.
And there, in the darkness,
And there's no misremembering how bleak a season that was.
And this enemy is out there somewhere, lying in wait.
And those who would seek to.
And tomorrow, begin the journey home.
And until we are certain
And we've decided that you will be working with him.
And what concern is that of yours, Elanor Brandyfoot?
And where to leave the mountain untouched.
And without proof or puddin', that's all it'd be.
And would last centuries.
And you are immersed in a light,
And you may find him less receptive than you might have hoped.
And you smell of rotten leaves.
And... Hana. His wife was Hana.
And... Oh, yes!
Answers first.
Any Dwarf prince has had in a generation,
Anybody finds out that we helped a stranger,
Anybody's head would be a bit higgledy piggledy.
Anything to report?
Anyway, we're unpacking our tools, and my team suddenly grows quiet.
Are there any others?
Are there healers among your kind?
Are you acquainted with the work of Lord Celebrimbor?
Are you acquainted with the work of Lord Celebrimbor?
Are you certain you know what you're doing?
Are you certain?
Are you going to arrange an audience or not?
Are you going to tell me where the enemy is or not?
Are you just going to stand there, breathing like an Orc?
Are you quite certain you're not part squirrel?
Around your neck.
As far as the Elves were concerned.
Ask me, we ought to break camp this moment.
At last, a little honesty.
At last, they are going home.
At last.
At sunrise we move on. We'll take the search further north.
Aw, stop your lounge a daising and lend us a foot.
Aye, and that's how it starts.
Aye. For now.
Back on account of some sinkhole.
Banished. Yes. Understood.
Be quick about it.
Be still.
Because rather than rest in glory, I chose to seek out
Because the stone sees only downward.
Began to believe that Sauron was but a memory.
Beyond our wanderin'.
Beyond our wanderin'.
Big as great boulders.
Bind yourself to me!
Bit of a row over a girl.
Bloody mice.
Bring it down.
But because of who they still are.
But before squandering the best opportunity
But even then there was light.
But he cannot bring it down.
But I aspire to do far more than that.
But I have a pretty good idea where I can find them.
But I'll allow you to explain the details, Lord Celebrimbor.
But I've lived an entire life in that time.
But if you do, watch yourself.
But instead, I am to leave them.
But keep an eye out, the both of you.
But mark this, Arondir,
But none who ever dared search for this last stronghold
But not before much sorrow.
But not too comfortable.
But rather you who defied the High King,
But Sauron found him first
But she was a moon eyed girl in love from the moment we met.
But sometimes the lights shine just as brightly
But that seems so simple.
But the children might not be.
But the Men who live here have not.
But the ship has a secret.
But the trail grew thin.
But the war left Middle earth in ruin.
But we call them artificers.
But we Harfoots are free from the worries of the wide world.
But what was their purpose?
But you have not seen what I have seen.
But you must learn to discern them for yourself.
By refusing to heed any limit placed upon you.
By what, I cannot say, but they were digging towards us.
Can that which is broken in you be healed.
Can we not take joy in that?
Can we turn back now?
Can you imagine? A pigberry?
Can you not find a way to mend this?
Can you?
Caraes in three moves.
Careful. That's fire root powder. You have to do it slowly.
Cave trolls and stalagmite spiders galore!
Century gave way to century.
Clear and clear.
Close kin, I know them. There are good people there.
Come along. Mother and Father are waiting.
Come on, big fella.
Come on, lad.
Come on! Give me your hand!
Come on! Give me your hand!
Come on. Rattle your dags!
Come. Come closer.
Commander Galadriel.
Commander of the Northern Armies. Warrior of the Wastelands.
Commander, wait!
Corsairs prowl these waters. Do you want to be skinned alive?
Couldn't put the weight of a leaf on that leg.
Countless times.
Cruelty will not be our deliverance.
Dangerous creatures they are.
Destroyed the very light of our home...
Did you draw some water?
Did you hear about the travelers?
Didn't say. East, I think.
Didn't you?
Discarded? Durin, I...
Do so now, it may never come again.
Do you blame us for your being stranded here?
Do you care for a drink, soldier?
Do you know why a ship floats and a stone cannot?
Do you truly believe seeking him out will satisfy you?
Does not mean you're any closer to finding Sauron.
Does she look dangerous to you?
Does the Elf understand?
Doesn't change the fact that there's a giant in there.
Don't be... If we didn't do everything we weren't supposed to,
Don't dress it up as heroism.
Don't you think it's the least bit strange?
Don't you?
Dug deep, and with care.
Durin didn't know.
Durin didn't tell me you were coming.
Durin, have I offended you?
Durin! Durin! Durin!
Durin! Durin! Durin!
Durin! Durin! Durin! Durin! Durin!
Duty demanded I return to Middle earth.
Dwarves, their mines. Men, their fields of grain.
Elanor Brandyfoot, with your father's nose,
Elf lords only.
Elf, maybe?
Elves have forests to protect.
Even stone cannot hide the mark
Even to speak the names of those they have taken from me.
Even trees have to worry about the soil beneath their roots.
Even you couldn't possibly believe that old scrap will float.
Eventually one or the other must surely break.
Every trace of our enemy is vanquished...
Evil does not sleep, Elrond.
Eyes open when they should be sleeping.
Fairly confident we were onto a sizable silver deposit...
Far below his purview, mind you.
Far more must have escaped, than we ever imagined.
Fashioned by Aulë himself.
Fëanor's work nearly turned the heart of the Great Foe himself. [laughs]
Fine. I won't tell anyone.
First one back to camp gets the first pie at Harvest Fest.
First the big people, now the stars.
First, I thought it merely curious.
Fixed upon the light that guides her,
For a whole week, I kept calling strawberries "pigberries."
For beauty has great power to heal the soul.
For believing it would grow in such darkness.
For Galadriel and for Middle earth.
For his Orcs had spread to every corner of Middle earth,
For the ceremony.
For the same wind that seeks to blow out a fire
For they have proven beyond any doubt
For those in whose bitter trials it has fermented.
For those you lost.
For though Morgoth fell an Age ago,
For unlike the stone, her gaze is not downward but up.
For we thought our joys would be unending.
Friend. Just a friend.
From that moment, he...
Further north?
Galadriel sails to the sunset.
Galadriel was so certain her search should continue.
Galadriel, stop!
Galadriel, you...
Gerda! Gamli! Come on, hurry along.
Get help. Go.
Get off me!
Give me one reason. One.
Give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
Go any slower, I'll be stuck here all day.
Go on, now. Come on.
Go on, quick.
Go there.
Go, and I promise you...
Go. Warn your people.
Good place for a hill troll to hide, if you ask me.
Had a bit of a thrill in here, Trewsday last.
Hardly slept. Mice were dancing a proper jig
Has a pairing between Elves and humans even been attempted.
Has ever found anything.
Has it been only 20?
Has it really been a fortnight already?
Have the wheels come off your cart? Get away from there!
Have you considered seeking partners outside the confines of our own race?
Have you considered the consequences I might face
Haven't you ever wondered...
Havin' them gone is a relief. Well, for most of us, anyhow.
He could do nothing but stare into their depths.
He could've landed anywhere, and he landed here.
He did.
He finds us in here, he'll knock our teeth out.
He has chosen to honor your accomplishments...
He is about to embark on a new project. One of singular importance.
He looked upon their light no more.
He wants us to help him find those stars.
He was here.
He will be banished from all Dwarven lands.
He'll welcome us with open arms,
He's come to check on us.
He's not here for us.
He's still out there.
Heard Waldreg caught herself and one of the pointies
Hello? It's me. It's me, Nori.
Help us!
Here we go, Elf.
Here! Over here!
Hey! [grunts]
Hey! I told you two to stay out of my heads!
Hey. Twos and hands, everyone. Time to go.
His eye was lazy, hers overactive, if you take my meaning.
His king sent him here to take what's ours.
His task is now mine.
His task is now mine.
His vow became mine.
Hmm. She wandered east a few days ago.
Honors, title.
Hope it's not Harfoots.
Hordern's a day's journey. If I leave now, I can reach it by dusk.
How 'bout this then...
How am I to know which lights to follow?
How am I to know which lights to follow?
How bad is it? Can he migrate?
How could it not grow in a home like yours?
How exactly are we supposed to carry a giant?
How familiar are you with the townsfolk of Hordern?
How far east?
How far east?
How far outside?
How far the river flows
How long can living flesh endure where even sunlight fears to tread?
How many more statues would you add to this path?
How many signs do you need?
How one object could be responsible for creating so much beauty...
How was it?
Hurry, help me build a torch. Hurry!
I admire all who can see into the mystery of things,
I am grateful you have not known evil as I have.
I am helping by asking him to help.
I am not some courtier to be placated by idle flattery.
I am simply wondering what manner of man
I can never return.
I can still feel the light of the Trees on my face.
I can still see it.
I can't believe I missed them.
I can't carry him alone. Are you gonna help me or not?
I can't help but feel there's wonders in this world.
I can't walk away from that. Not till I know he's safe.
I demand to speak with the King directly.
I do not feel victorious.
I don't speak firefly.
I doubt we shall find safety until we make landfall.
I fear I've overstayed my welcome.
I fear so, fair lady.
I fell out of a tree once.
I found something.
I go to seek the enemy that escaped us in the north.
I grieve for you.
I had no idea you admired them so.
I had to trade with another healer who was passing through.
I half expected you to arrive caked in grime and mud.
I have pursued this foe since before the first sunrise bloodied the sky.
I have said it already.
I heard you were leaving.
I helped you last night. You remember me, don't you?
I hope you can come to forgive me.
I intend to ask of the King a fresh company.
I invoke the Rite of Sigin tarâg.
I journeyed here to see my friend, whom I've greatly missed.
I know it sounds strange, but somehow I just know he's important.
I know something of the pain you carry.
I made it just as you taught me.
I mean the entire village was empty.
I must follow the passage. The other direction.
I need it completed by spring.
I need to know how many the enemy were,
I promise you there is not a soul amongst our company
I remember when the first of these were carved.
I see you planted the sapling.
I shared it with the High King.
I should've been here.
I suppose I've grown accustomed to it.
I suppose some part of me always believed my rest would be here,
I suspect finding safety won't be that easy.
I tell you, we remain here at our peril.
I thought I could, but I'm sorry.
I want to fill them with beauty.
I want to hear about you.
I wanted to help you.
I was careful.
I was resonating a freshly opened chamber,
I was separated from my ship.
I will not rest until it is put right.
I wish I could be one of them.
I won't harm you.
I wonder if there's trouble down south.
I... I slipped on wet grass is all. It's just a twist.
I... It has turned my heart, my lord.
I'd never get off me barstool.
I'd sense it if he were hiding something.
I'm certain of it. He doesn't know.
I'm Halbrand.
I'm just a Harfoot!
I'm Nori.
I'm Nori.
I'm sorry, I didn't know.
I've admired his artistry since I was a child. Why do you ask?
I've been remiss in not visiting sooner.
I've got my own plans, Elf.
I've known Elrond for half a century, Father.
I've long wanted to see them work.
I've never seen those stars before.
I've not seen this flower since I was a child.
I've seen landslides less dangerous than a wayward tongue,
I've seen my share.
I've told you.
If a fog lasts a little too long, a wheel gets stuck in a rut...
If after the ceremony that is still your wish,
If but a whisper of a rumor of the threat you perceive proves true,
If I let 'em pitch kettle me,
If the Watchwarden were to discover what it is that you're doing?
If there are any of you here who want to live,
If you are wrong,
If you want to murder Orcs and settle a score, that's your affair.
If you wish to discharge me without explanation,
In an act of magnanimity,
In the Blessed Realm, the Far West.
In the end, Morgoth would be defeated.
In the mornin', we'll pack him up some food and send him on his way.
In the unlikely event the Elf should win...
In their loyalty to Morgoth.
Inform Lord Durin that his friend, Elrond...
Instead of the Watchwarden.
Into the land of winterless spring?
Is he going to eat our berries?
Is it not possible the other commanders are right and our enemy is no more?
Is it some sort of map?
Is it true? About your mum?
Is there anything else?
Is what true?
Isn't it?
It blinds us.
It ended in death.
It has changed much, Watchwarden.
It is a beautiful tradition.
It is Elrond of Lindon,
It is only natural to feel conflicted.
It is over. The evil is gone.
It is said the wine of victory is sweetest
It just looks like a batch of dots and loops.
It looks like a footsie.
It waits.
It was a good ship, sister.
It was as if the ground has swallowed up the people of Hordern like flies.
It was but poisoned grass he was twattlin' about.
It was not your company who defied you out there,
It was only after one of his tears fell upon the jewels
It was Orcs.
It would take longer than your lifetime
It's a bloody patch of grass.
It's a lantern. We use fireflies.
It's a lie.
It's a long and ever changing story made of countless small parts.
It's ashes now.
It's been years since the last Orc was sighted.
It's been years since the last Orc was sighted.
It's difficult enough keeping watch over them
It's food.
It's going to sail.
It's hard to say which way is up and which way is down.
It's hard to see what is right...
It's just for one night.
It's like there's a reason this happened.
It's me! Stop!
It's not going to float.
It's when we sing to the stone.
It's your father.
Just a dog. You know how dogs love berries.
Keep walkin'.
Kneel here before us, victorious.
Last three nights. Scratchin' and scrapin'.
Leastways not for you.
Leave him, Malva. Why don't you help?
Let us say that all is as you fear,
Let's go.
Let's just get to the lake before sundown.
Let's not do anything rash just yet.
Like a spring rain over the bones of a spoilt carcass.
Like I was supposed to find him. Me.
Like in a ground shake.
Like they're watching for something.
Look at him. He's bleeding massive.
Look, Elf. You didn't cause my suffering and you can't fix it.
Looked like a badger. Maybe a fox.
Looks can be deceiving.
Lord Celebrimbor, trust me.
Lose your footing again, Galadriel?
Make yourself comfortable, please.
Mana... Mana...
Mana... Mana...
May also cause its spread.
Maybe that's why your father run off like he done.
Maybe you ought to stick closer to home, that way you don't miss anything, hmm?
Men did not do this.
Might your friend be able to grant me access to their workshops?
Mighty sweet back of his well the other day.
Missed? You missed my wedding.
Mm hmm.
Mm. [licking]
More and more of our kind
More intoxicating than any sensation in all of Middle earth.
More likely a Harfoot.
More than likely they just got lost, that's it.
More'n likely we're safer in camp than we are out.
Most likely searching for me at this very moment.
Most wounds to our bodies heal of their own accord,
Multiplying ever greater
Must you speak of leaving again so soon?
My apologies.
My brother gave his life hunting Sauron.
My brother vowed to seek him out and destroy him.
My father didn't run off.
My friend.
My hand is past feeling.
My heart sings to see you, old...
My lord, that would require a...
Night is closing in.
No getting better acquainted.
No matter how strong your will. Or your pride.
No one in history has ever refused the call.
No reminiscing about the past. And absolutely no staying for dinner.
No wounded.
No, don't!
No, I don't.
No, I'm Nori.
No, no, no, no...
No. And I'm still angry. Tell me about your king's proposal
No. I think you talk too much.
No. We keep moving.
Nobody does. As far as I know.
Nobody goes off trail and nobody walks alone.
Nobody goes off trail and nobody walks alone.
Nori, don't!
Nori, don't! He's dead! Come on!
Nori, I'm fine.
Nori! Ow!
Nori? Nori?
Nori's with them. You know Nori.
Not because of what their ancestors once did...
Not if he doesn't see us, he isn't.
Not to mention, Elves don't fall from the sky.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Now you sound just like Malva and the sisters.
Now, 20 years will do that.
Now, away with you. Go on.
Now, go on, fetch me some cold water and some salt.
Now, proper things first. Father always says,
Now, we learned many words for death.
Of course they do, Nori, what a silly question.
Of one whose very hand is flame unquenched.
Oh, come on!
Oh, great glory and splendor.
Oh, great goats!
Oh, it's not just them.
Okay? They're stars? What does that mean?
On my way.
On what day was he here?
On your wife, your children.
Once we lift our hammers,
One apology to Disa and you're off.
One day, our true king will return.
One filled with untold perils and strange creatures beyond count.
One whose meaning even our wisest could not discern.
One whose memory we all carry.
Only in the Blessed Realm
Only spotted it by mistake.
Or do you think me blind?
Or lying in wait, gathering strength,
Or some baby eagle with a broken wing.
Or toss it in the nearest slag pit.
Or where the sparrows learn the new songs they sing in spring?
Ostirith is empty. The watchtower abandoned.
Our days of peace begin.
Our paths set by the passing seasons.
Our secrets are our own.
Passed out of thought and mind.
Perfecting whatever dark art eluded him here.
Perhaps he sensed that it was you who was hiding something.
Perhaps His Lordship would be willing to escort me to the exit?
Perhaps not.
Perhaps they all fled.
Perhaps we would be wise to camp here.
Planted it. Raised it up.
Poisoned in dark whispers and dreams.
Poisoned more likely.
Poisoned? By who?
Prepare yourself.
Put up your sword.
Put up your sword.
Rams' horns blaring,
Rams' horns?
Rather than dwell upon your insolence.
Reflected in the water as they do in the sky.
Reflected in the water as they do in the sky.
Remarkable. I never dreamed to find your city so changed.
Remember, if anybody asks, we were just out digging for snails.
Remove your hand from me, sir.
Right up on that ridge.
Sadoc. Sadoc, please.
Salty rascal's got the King's bounty down there.
Sauron was here.
Say what you wish to say.
Seen what?
Set your mind at peace about it.
Seventy nine years I've been stationed here.
She has passed beyond my sight.
She may play coy now,
She might have inadvertently kept alive the very evil she sought to defeat.
She's got some sort of a sickness.
She's got some sort of a sickness.
She's here? Why didn't you say so?
She's lying.
She's making that face. Not that face, Nori...
Should the Elf forfeit,
Should've been at the wedding.
Sing to it properly, each of those parts will reflect your song back to you,
So for centuries now,
So he has sent me you instead.
So I can decide whether to present it to my father
So I will be equally plain.
So let it lie.
So letting it lie is not an option.
So when the Great Foe, Morgoth,
So, it is their labor instead to render hidden truths as works of beauty.
So, tell me,
So, what do you have to say to that...
Sod it, sit down.
Soldier. [sighs]
Some dark sorcery of old.
Some feared a new evil might arise from his shadow.
Stepped on a lucky board.
Stop! Don't!
Strange how?
Strange, isn't it?
Striving moment by moment to master her and pull her under.
Such is the burden of those who lead
Suppose you did fall quite a long way.
Surely we must first return home to take counsel with the High King.
Surely, it is lost to the ages now.
Tables filled with salted pork,
Take your leave.
Tell me everything.
Tell me, do you not think it's a coincidence
Tell me.
Tell the others to rest while they can.
Telling you its story, showing you what might be hidden,
Tends it like it's our third child.
Test him again
Thank you, Disa, for your hospitality.
Thank you.
That after he'd stolen them, for weeks,
That an Elf should just land on our doorstep? Now?
That for 79 years, you've kept watch over the men and women of Tirharad,
That is how we survive.
That is why I'm here with you.
That is, until he showed up at our next survey.
That one more Orc upon the point of your blade will bring you peace?
That only weeds will grow.
That our days of war are over.
That the reverie was finally broken.
That was long ago, Watchwarden.
That you need never see them again.
That's no corsair ship.
That's not who you are.
That's our ship.
That's your problem. You see, a wheel's supposed to be round.
The beauty of what could be...
The birth of my children, two of them!
The blood of those who stood with Morgoth still darkens their veins.
The Council regrets to inform you
The darkness of the water is vast and irresistible.
The diplomatic achievement of the age.
The Dwarven test of endurance,
The Elf does.
The Elf Elrond has invoked the Rite of Sigin tarâg.
The evil is gone.
The greatest of Elven smiths, of course.
The ground here is tetchy. Always has been.
The heart of many an Elf.
The High King has declared the days of war are over.
The jewels that contain the very light of Valinor.
The last time I saw it was on my brother.
The last time we had travelers this early, it was the Great Frost.
The likeness of one fallen, preserved upon a living thing.
The lot you lump us in with died off a thousand years ago.
The most important truths often are.
The one you were just discussing.
The order is given.
The past is with us all, whether we like it or not.
The people of Hordern were known for having been especially strong
The question now is, where?
The question now is, where?
The ship feels the darkness as well,
The sort that knows how to survive.
The Southlands.
The things we could use it to create could transform Middle earth.
The tides of fate are flowing.
The tool that wrought the Silmarils.
The true purpose of your visit. You want something.
The truth.
The Undying Lands of Valinor.
The very enemy responsible for your suffering.
The very symbol of our people's strength and vitality.
The way I see it, it wasn't Elves that chased me from my homeland.
The wee ones are still out there.
The wind is too strong.
The worm!
The worm.
Then I hope you find alfirin flowers beautiful.