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Vedette Records - Authentic Effects A of Authentic Effects from Jac Holzman at Elektra Records and was distributed to
Created by NicholasJudy456 102

Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects

A collection of Authentic Sound Effects from Jac Holzman at Elektra Records and was distributed to the Italian world by Vedette Records.
Adding Maching Sequence
Air Raid Alert
Air Raid All Clear
Aircraft Carrier, Primary Flight Control
Airport Control Tower
Airport Terminal Building
Alarm Only
Anchor Being Raised
Anchor Lowering
Anti Aircraft Barrage
Applauding Audience, Large Gathering
Atomic Bomb
Audience Laugh Sequences
Audio Oscillator, Three Sweeps
Baby Cries
Bacon Frying
Balloon Sequence
Bank Interior
Barroom Brawl
Bath Being Drawn
Battle, Overall Perspective
Bell Buoy
Big Ben Strikes Midnight
Bird Cage
Blacksmith's Shop
Body Falling Downstairs
Body Falling Downstairs, Victim Groans
Boiling Water
Bon Voyage Sequence
Bosun's Whistle
Bottling Plant
Bowling Alleys
Bowling Sequence
Brushing Hair
Bugler's Charge
Building Demolition
Bullfight Sequence
Burglar Alarm
Busy Office Area
Cafeteria Background
Can Opener
Car Door Closes
Car Horn
Car Laboring Uphill
Car Pulling Tin Cans
Car Sequence
Car Skid
Car Skid And Crash
Car Stops, Engine Idles, Shuts Off
Car Wash
Carillon Christmas Chimes
Carnival Midway
Carpet Sweeper
Cash Register, Modern Type
Cash Register, Old Crank Type
Cement Mixer
Champagne Cork Pops
Cheap Alarm Clock Ticking
Chicken Coop
Children Playing In Schoolyard
Children's Party
Chimes Tolling Hour
Chopping Wood
Church Bells
City Catastrophe
City Room
Cloth Tearing
Coal Truck Unloading
Cocktail Party Background
Cocktail Shaker Sequence
Coffee Percolator
Coin Counting and Sorting Machine
College Cheers
Construction Crane
Coughing - (Female)
Coughing - (Male)
Cows Mooing
Coyote Howls
Creaking Ship
Cricket Background
Cuckoo Clock Strikes Twelve
Cymbal Crash
Dentist's Drill
Department Store
Diesel Engine Room
Diesel Train
Dinner Triangle
Dishwasher - Machine Goes Trough Several Cycles, Shuts Off
Dive Bomber
Diving Board, Swimming Sequence
Dog Barking
Dog Howling
Dogfight, WWII Aircraft
Door Buzzer
Door Buzzer
Door Chimes
Door Knocks
Door Opens And Closes
Door Opens And Closes Quickly
Double Barrel Shotgun
Dripping Faucet
Drum Roll
Dry Cleaning Plant
Earth Shovel
Earthquake Tremor
Electric Drill
Electric Golf Cart
Electric Grinding Wheel - Tool Is Sharpened Numerous Times
Electric Shaver
Electric Toothbrush - Sink Running In Background
Elevated Train Passes By
Escaping Steam
Ethereal Space Sounds
Expectant Crowd Noise
F 100 Jet Fighter Take Off
F 100 Sonic Boom
F 100 Sub Sonic Fly By
Factory Whistle
Fencing Match
Ferry Boat
Ferry Boat, Deck Perspective
Film Projector
Fire Alarm
Fire Engine Passes With Bell Clanging
Fire Scene
Football Game
Freight Elevator
Freight Yard
Funeral March
Garage And Bodyshop
Garbage Disposal
Garbage Truck Sequence
Gasoline Pump
Gears Stripping
Geiger Counter
General Construction
Goblet Smashing
Gong, One Stroke
Gong, Seven Strokes
Good Humor Truck
Grand Central Station
Grandfather Clock Strikes Twelve
Grenades & Mortars
Hail To The Chief
Hand Sanding
Handball Game
Happy Baby
Helicopter Approach And Landing
Helicopter Flight, Interior Perspective
Helicopter Passes Overhead
Helicopter Start Up And Take Off
Home Air Conditioner - Goes Trough Two Speeds
Hoot Owl
Horse Gallops By
Horse Race
Horse Walks And Whinnies
Horse Whinnies
Hospital Operating Room
Hospital Waiting Room
Hot Rod Motor Revving Up
Hunting Horn
IBM Electric Typewriter
Ice Pick
Indian War Dance
Instrument Approach And Landing
Integration Rally
Jet Airliner Interior
Joyous Bells
Jungle Drums
Key Cutting Machine
Key In Lock
Knife Sharpener
Las Vegas (a) - Slot Machine
Las Vegas (b) - Crap Table
Las Vegas (c) - Wheel of Fortune Spins
Las Vegas (d) - Roulette
Laughing - (Female)
Laughing - (Male)
Lawnmower, Hand Type
Light Plane
Light Plane In Flight
Light Plane Interior
Light Plane Takeoff
Linotype Machine
Lion House At Zoo
Locker Room
London (a) - Buskers In Leicester Square
London (b) - Horse Guards Parade
London (c) - News Hawkers In Picadilly
London (d) - Prospect Of Whitby Pub
London (e) - Cricket Match
London (f) - Double Decker Bus
London (g) - Billingsgate Fish Market
London (h) - Westminster Carillion
London (i) - Big Ben Strikes Noon
London (j) - Big Ben Strikes Midnight
London (k) - Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park
London (l) - Telephone Box
London (m) - Petticoat Lane
London (n) - Auction At Christie's
London (o) - Underground
London (p) - Battersea Amusement Park
London (q) - Changing Of The Guard At Buckingham Palace
London (r) - Blind Buskers
Lumber Yard
M1 Rifles
Machine Guns
Machine Guns And Mixed Rifle Fire
Machine Guns With Explosions
Madrid (a) - Bicycle Race
Madrid (b) - Rastro
Madrid (c) - Sound Trucks At San Ysidro Festival
Madrid (d) - Verbena Madrilena
Madrid (e) - Hotel Lobby
Madrid (f) - Telephone Ringing
Madrid (g) - Pelota Match
Madrid (h) - Outdoor Cafe
Madrid (i) - Flamenco Guitarist (Sabicas)
Madrid (j) - Lotery Seller
Madrid (k) - Angry Stadium Crowd
Madrid (l) - Restaurant
Madrid (m) - Radio Time Signal
Madrid (n) - Madrid Radio Dial
Major League Baseball Game
Manual Of Arms
Mean Cat
Metal Crash
Metal Gate Closes
Metal Lathe
Metronome, Three Tempi
Milking Machine
Mission Bells
Mocking Bird
Model Electric Train
Model Plane
Monkey House
Morse Code Transmission
Motor Launch
Motor Launch Wake
Motor Scooter
Muffled Drums
Multi Engine Piston Aircraft Passes Overhead
Music Box
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve In Times Square
New York Street Vendor
News Presses, High Speed
News Presses, Moderate Speed
Niagra Falls
Office Safe Sequence
Oil Well Drilling Rig
Outboard Motor
Overstuffed Closet - Contents Crash To Floor
Paper Tearing
Parade, Marching Band Passes
Paris (a) - Place De La Concorde
Paris (b) - Galeries Lafayette
Paris (c) - Notre Dame Cathedral
Paris (d) - Eiffel Tower
Paris (e) - Le Metro
Paris (f) - Flea Market
Paris (g) - Merry Go Round In Tuileries
Paris (h) - Open Air Puppet Show
Paris (i) - Petanque
Paris (j) - Cafe De La Flore
Paris (k) - Restaurant
Paris (l) - Night Traffic
Paris (m) - Siren
Paris (n) - Apache Dancing
Paris (o) - Les Halles Market 300 AM
Paris (p) - Gare Du Nord
Paris (q) - Orly Airport
Parrot - Says 'Hello'
Passenger Train Passes Rapidly
Pepper Mill
Pile Driver
Pinball Machine
Ping Pong
Pistol Shots, Random Fire
Pistol Shots, Rapid Fire
Piston Airliner Landing
Plane Crash
Plate Glass Breaking
Pneumatic Drill
Police Whistlers
Political Convention
Pool Game
Pop Bottle Sequence
Power Saw
Precision Drill Team Sounds Off
Prize Fight, Large Arena
Public Address System Feedback
Railroad Car Interior
Railroad Cars Coupling
Railroad Crossing Bell
Rainy Night In City
Rattletrap Car
Refrigerator Door - Opens And Closes, Two Sequences
Restaurant Kitchen - Very Noisy, Sounds Of Pots, Pans, Voices
Reville Bugle Call
Revolving Door
Roaring Fire
Rocket Countdown And Blast Off
Rocket Launcher
Roller Coaster
Rome (a) - Borsa (Rome Stock Exchange)
Rome (b) - Traffic
Rome (c) - St Peter's At Noon
Rome (d) - Sistine Chapel
Rome (e) - Roman Restaurant
Rome (f) - Streetcar Ride
Rome (g) - Department Store
Rome (h) - Outdoor Movie
Rome (i) - Borghese Gardens (Noon)
Rome (j) - Fontata Di Trevi
Rome (k) - Flea Market
Rome (l) - Telephone Sequence
Rome (m) - Rome Radio Dial
Rome (n) - RR Terminal, Overall Perspective
Rome (o) - Station Platform
Rome (p) - Electric Train
Rome (q) - Train Through Tunnel
Rome (r) - Fiumicino Airport
Rooster Crows Three Times
Ruffles And Flourishes
San Francisco Cable Car
Sawing Wood
School Bell Or Town Crier Bell
Screen Door Opens And Closes
Sea Lions
Seaplane Taxi And Takeoff
Sewing Machine
Ship Churning Through Water
Ship's Bells Strike Hour
Shooting Gallery
Shotgun Blasts, Rapid Succession
Shutter Banging
Siren, Ambulance Or Police
Skeet Shooting
Sleigh With Bells
Small Clock Ticking
Snare Drum Flourish
Sneezes - Two Times
Soldiers Marching
Sonar Pings
Spad (World War I Fighter)
Sports Car Horn
Sports Car Race
Squeakie Water Pump
Squeaky Door Opens And Closes
Stage Coach
Stage Coach Passes
Standard Typewriter
Steam Locomotive
Steam Shovel
Steam Train Approaches, Stops
Steam Train Passes
Steamship Blast
Stock Exchange
Stock Market Ticker
Strafing From Low Flying Fighter Plane
String Of Firecrackers
Stunting Airplane
Submarine Sequence (a) - Dive Klaxon
Submarine Sequence (b) - Venting Tanks
Submarine Sequence (c) - Throb Of Engines
Submarine Sequence (d) - Man Battle Stations
Submarine Sequence (e) - Periscope Being Raised
Submarine Sequence (f) - Two Torpedoes Being Fired
Subway Sequence, Exterior
Subway Sequence, Interior
Supermarket Checkout Counter
Symphony Orchestra Tuning
Tank Maneuvering
Tea Kettle Sequence
Telegraph Click Sounder
Telephone Busy Signal Sequence
Telephone Rings Five Times
Telephone Sequence
Telephone Sequence
Tennis Match
Theatre Lobby
Throaty Car Horn
Ticking, Then Alarm
Tire Pump
Toilet Flushing
Trolley Car
Tropical Birds
Tropical Birds
Truck Convoy Passing
Trumpet Fanfare
Trumpet Fanfare
Tuning The Short Wave Radio Band
Turboprop Start Up
Turboprop Taxis
Two Cycle Motor
Vacuum Cleaner
Venetian Blind - Is Raised And Lowered
Venice (a) - Grande Canal Traffic
Venice (b) - San Marco Square At Noon
Venice (c) - Express Motor Launch Trip
Venice (d) - Vaporetto Ride
Venice (e) - Boat Dock
Venice (f) - 'School's Out'
Venice (g) - San Marco
Venice (h) - Billiard Parlor
Venice (i) - Accademia Bridge At Night
Venice (j) - Canal Scene
Venice (k) - Gondolier
Venice (l) - Milan Airport
Voodoo Ritual
Walking Down Hall
Walking on Gravel
Washing Machine
Water Cooler
Water Lapping
Water Pours Into Glass
Water Running Into Sink
Water Wheel
Wedding March, Processional
Wedding March, Recessional
Western Gun Battle
Whip Cracks
Window Breaking
Window Shade - Is Raised And Lowered, Two Sequences
Windshield Wipers
Woman's Terrorized Screams
World War II Fighter
Wrestling Match
Yawn - (Male)
4 Engine Piston Airliner Starts Up, Taxis
4 Engine Piston Airliner Take Off
21 Gun Salute
707 Jet Landing
707 Jet Take Off
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