Adding Maching Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Aerosol from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Air Raid Alert from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Air Raid All Clear from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Aircraft Carrier, Primary Flight Control from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Airport Control Tower from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Airport Terminal Building from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Alarm Only from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Anchor Being Raised from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Anchor Lowering from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Anti Aircraft Barrage from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Applauding Audience, Large Gathering from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Assembly from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Atomic Bomb from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Atomizer from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Audience Laugh Sequences from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Audio Oscillator, Three Sweeps from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Avalanche from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Baboons from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Baby Cries from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bacon Frying from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Balloon Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bank Interior from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Barroom Brawl from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bath Being Drawn from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Battle, Overall Perspective from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bell Buoy from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bells from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Big Ben Strikes Midnight from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bird Cage from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Blacksmith's Shop from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Blizzard from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Blowtorch from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Body Falling Downstairs from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Body Falling Downstairs, Victim Groans from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Boiling Water from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bon Voyage Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bosun's Whistle from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bottling Plant from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bowling Alleys from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bowling Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Brushing Hair from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bubbles from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bugler's Charge from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Building Demolition from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bullfight Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bullfrog from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Burglar Alarm from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Bus from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Busy Office Area from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cafeteria Background from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Calculator from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Calliope from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Camel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Can Opener from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Door Closes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Horn from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Laboring Uphill from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Pulling Tin Cans from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Skid from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Skid And Crash from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Stops, Engine Idles, Shuts Off from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Car Wash from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Carillon Christmas Chimes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Carnival Midway from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Carousel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Carpet Sweeper from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cash Register, Modern Type from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cash Register, Old Crank Type from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cathedral from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cement Mixer from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Champagne Cork Pops from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cheap Alarm Clock Ticking from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Chicken Coop from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Children Playing In Schoolyard from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Children's Party from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Chimes Tolling Hour from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Chimpanzee from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Chopping Wood from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Church Bells from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
City Catastrophe from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
City Room from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cloth Tearing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Coal Truck Unloading from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cocktail Party Background from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cocktail Shaker Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Coffee Percolator from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Coin Counting and Sorting Machine from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
College Cheers from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Construction Crane from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Coughing - (Female) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Coughing - (Male) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cows Mooing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Coyote Howls from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Creaking Ship from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cricket Background from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Crow from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cuckoo Clock Strikes Twelve from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Cymbal Crash from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dentist's Drill from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Department Store from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Diesel Engine Room from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Diesel Train from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dinner Triangle from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dishwasher - Machine Goes Trough Several Cycles, Shuts Off from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dive Bomber from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Diving Board, Swimming Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dog Barking from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dog Howling from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dogfight, WWII Aircraft from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Door Buzzer from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Door Buzzer from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Door Chimes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Door Knocks from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Door Opens And Closes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Door Opens And Closes Quickly from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Double Barrel Shotgun from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dripping Faucet from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Drum Roll from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Dry Cleaning Plant from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ducks from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Earth Shovel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Earthquake Tremor from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Electric Drill from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Electric Golf Cart from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Electric Grinding Wheel - Tool Is Sharpened Numerous Times from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Electric Shaver from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Electric Toothbrush - Sink Running In Background from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Elephants from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Elevated Train Passes By from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Escaping Steam from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ethereal Space Sounds from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Expectant Crowd Noise from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Explosions from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
F 100 Jet Fighter Take Off from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
F 100 Sonic Boom from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
F 100 Sub Sonic Fly By from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Factory from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Factory Whistle from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Fencing Match from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ferry Boat from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ferry Boat, Deck Perspective from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Film Projector from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Fire Alarm from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Fire Engine Passes With Bell Clanging from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Fire Scene from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Fireworks from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Foghorn from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Football Game from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Freight Elevator from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Freight Yard from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Funeral March from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Garage And Bodyshop from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Garbage Disposal from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Garbage Truck Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Gasoline Pump from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Gears Stripping from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Geiger Counter from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
General Construction from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Goblet Smashing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Gong, One Stroke from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Gong, Seven Strokes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Good Humor Truck from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Grand Central Station from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Grandfather Clock Strikes Twelve from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Grenades & Mortars from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Griddle from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hacksaw from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hail To The Chief from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hammering from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hand Sanding from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Handball Game from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Happy Baby from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Heartbeats from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Helicopter Approach And Landing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Helicopter Flight, Interior Perspective from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Helicopter Passes Overhead from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Helicopter Start Up And Take Off from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Home Air Conditioner - Goes Trough Two Speeds from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hoot Owl from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Horse Gallops By from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Horse Race from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Horse Walks And Whinnies from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Horse Whinnies from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hospital Operating Room from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hospital Waiting Room from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hot Rod Motor Revving Up from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hunting Horn from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Hyena from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
IBM Electric Typewriter from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ice Pick from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Indian War Dance from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Instrument Approach And Landing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Integration Rally from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Jet Airliner Interior from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Joyous Bells from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Jungle Drums from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Kennel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Key Cutting Machine from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Key In Lock from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Knife Sharpener from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Las Vegas (a) - Slot Machine from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Las Vegas (b) - Crap Table from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Las Vegas (c) - Wheel of Fortune Spins from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Las Vegas (d) - Roulette from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Laughing - (Female) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Laughing - (Male) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Lawnmower, Hand Type from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Light Plane from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Light Plane In Flight from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Light Plane Interior from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Light Plane Takeoff from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Linotype Machine from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Lion House At Zoo from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Locker Room from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (a) - Buskers In Leicester Square from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (b) - Horse Guards Parade from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (c) - News Hawkers In Picadilly from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (d) - Prospect Of Whitby Pub from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (e) - Cricket Match from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (f) - Double Decker Bus from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (g) - Billingsgate Fish Market from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (h) - Westminster Carillion from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (i) - Big Ben Strikes Noon from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (j) - Big Ben Strikes Midnight from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (k) - Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (l) - Telephone Box from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (m) - Petticoat Lane from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (n) - Auction At Christie's from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (o) - Underground from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (p) - Battersea Amusement Park from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (q) - Changing Of The Guard At Buckingham Palace from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
London (r) - Blind Buskers from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Lumber Yard from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
M1 Rifles from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Machine Guns from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Machine Guns And Mixed Rifle Fire from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Machine Guns With Explosions from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (a) - Bicycle Race from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (b) - Rastro from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (c) - Sound Trucks At San Ysidro Festival from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (d) - Verbena Madrilena from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (e) - Hotel Lobby from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (f) - Telephone Ringing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (g) - Pelota Match from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (h) - Outdoor Cafe from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (i) - Flamenco Guitarist (Sabicas) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (j) - Lotery Seller from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (k) - Angry Stadium Crowd from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (l) - Restaurant from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (m) - Radio Time Signal from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Madrid (n) - Madrid Radio Dial from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Major League Baseball Game from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Manual Of Arms from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Mean Cat from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Metal Crash from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Metal Gate Closes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Metal Lathe from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Metronome, Three Tempi from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Milking Machine from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Mission Bells from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Mocking Bird from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Model Electric Train from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Model Plane from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Monkey House from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Morse Code Transmission from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Motor Launch from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Motor Launch Wake from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Motor Scooter from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Motorcycle from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Muffled Drums from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Multi Engine Piston Aircraft Passes Overhead from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Music Box from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
New Year's Eve from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
New Year's Eve In Times Square from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
New York Street Vendor from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
News Presses, High Speed from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
News Presses, Moderate Speed from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Niagra Falls from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Office Safe Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Oil Well Drilling Rig from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Oscillator from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Outboard Motor from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Overstuffed Closet - Contents Crash To Floor from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paper Tearing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Parade, Marching Band Passes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (a) - Place De La Concorde from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (b) - Galeries Lafayette from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (c) - Notre Dame Cathedral from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (d) - Eiffel Tower from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (e) - Le Metro from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (f) - Flea Market from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (g) - Merry Go Round In Tuileries from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (h) - Open Air Puppet Show from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (i) - Petanque from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (j) - Cafe De La Flore from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (k) - Restaurant from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (l) - Night Traffic from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (m) - Siren from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (n) - Apache Dancing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (o) - Les Halles Market 300 AM from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (p) - Gare Du Nord from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Paris (q) - Orly Airport from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Parrot - Says 'Hello' from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Passenger Train Passes Rapidly from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pepper Mill from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pigs from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pile Driver from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pinball Machine from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ping Pong from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pistol Shots, Random Fire from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pistol Shots, Rapid Fire from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Piston Airliner Landing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Plane Crash from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Plate Glass Breaking from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pneumatic Drill from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Police Whistlers from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Political Convention from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pool Game from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Pop Bottle Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Power Saw from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Precision Drill Team Sounds Off from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Prize Fight, Large Arena from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Public Address System Feedback from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Railroad Car Interior from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Railroad Cars Coupling from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Railroad Crossing Bell from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rain from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rainy Night In City from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rattletrap Car from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Refrigerator Door - Opens And Closes, Two Sequences from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Restaurant Kitchen - Very Noisy, Sounds Of Pots, Pans, Voices from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Retreat from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Reville Bugle Call from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Revolving Door from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Riveting from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Roaring Fire from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rocket Countdown And Blast Off from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rocket Launcher from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Roller Coaster from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (a) - Borsa (Rome Stock Exchange) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (b) - Traffic from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (c) - St Peter's At Noon from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (d) - Sistine Chapel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (e) - Roman Restaurant from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (f) - Streetcar Ride from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (g) - Department Store from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (h) - Outdoor Movie from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (i) - Borghese Gardens (Noon) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (j) - Fontata Di Trevi from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (k) - Flea Market from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (l) - Telephone Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (m) - Rome Radio Dial from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (n) - RR Terminal, Overall Perspective from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (o) - Station Platform from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (p) - Electric Train from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (q) - Train Through Tunnel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rome (r) - Fiumicino Airport from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rooster Crows Three Times from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Rowboat from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ruffles And Flourishes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
San Francisco Cable Car from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sawing Wood from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
School Bell Or Town Crier Bell from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Screen Door Opens And Closes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sea Lions from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Seagulls from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Seaplane Taxi And Takeoff from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sewing Machine from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sheep from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ship Churning Through Water from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ship's Bells Strike Hour from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Shooting Gallery from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Shotgun Blasts, Rapid Succession from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Shower from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Shutter Banging from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Siren, Ambulance Or Police from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Skeet Shooting from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sleigh With Bells from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Small Clock Ticking from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Snare Drum Flourish from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sneezes - Two Times from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Snoring from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Soldiers Marching from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sonar Pings from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Spad (World War I Fighter) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Splash from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sports Car Horn from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Sports Car Race from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Squeakie Water Pump from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Squeaky Door Opens And Closes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Stage Coach from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Stage Coach Passes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Standard Typewriter from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Static from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Steam Locomotive from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Steam Shovel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Steam Train Approaches, Stops from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Steam Train Passes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Steamship Blast from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Stock Exchange from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Stock Market Ticker from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Strafing From Low Flying Fighter Plane from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
String Of Firecrackers from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Stunting Airplane from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Submarine Sequence (a) - Dive Klaxon from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Submarine Sequence (b) - Venting Tanks from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Submarine Sequence (c) - Throb Of Engines from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Submarine Sequence (d) - Man Battle Stations from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Submarine Sequence (e) - Periscope Being Raised from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Submarine Sequence (f) - Two Torpedoes Being Fired from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Subway Sequence, Exterior from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Subway Sequence, Interior from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Supermarket Checkout Counter from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Surf from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Symphony Orchestra Tuning from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tank from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tank Maneuvering from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Taps from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tea Kettle Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Telegraph Click Sounder from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Telephone Busy Signal Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Telephone Rings Five Times from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Telephone Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Telephone Sequence from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Teletypes from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tennis Match from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Theatre Lobby from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Throaty Car Horn from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Thunderstorm from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Ticking, Then Alarm from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tire Pump from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Toilet Flushing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Toothbrush from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tractor from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Traffic from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Trolley Car from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tropical Birds from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tropical Birds from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Truck from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Truck Convoy Passing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Trumpet Fanfare from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Trumpet Fanfare from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Tuning The Short Wave Radio Band from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Turboprop Start Up from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Turboprop Taxis from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Turkeys from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Turnstile from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Two Cycle Motor from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Vacuum Cleaner from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venetian Blind - Is Raised And Lowered from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (a) - Grande Canal Traffic from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (b) - San Marco Square At Noon from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (c) - Express Motor Launch Trip from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (d) - Vaporetto Ride from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (e) - Boat Dock from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (f) - 'School's Out' from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (g) - San Marco from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (h) - Billiard Parlor from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (i) - Accademia Bridge At Night from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (j) - Canal Scene from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (k) - Gondolier from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Venice (l) - Milan Airport from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Volcano from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Volkswagen from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Voodoo Ritual from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Walking Down Hall from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Walking on Gravel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Washing Machine from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Water Cooler from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Water Lapping from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Water Pours Into Glass from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Water Running Into Sink from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Water Wheel from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Wedding March, Processional from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Wedding March, Recessional from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Western Gun Battle from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Whip Cracks from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Window Breaking from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Window Shade - Is Raised And Lowered, Two Sequences from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Windshield Wipers from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Woman's Terrorized Screams from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
World War II Fighter from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Wrestling Match from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
Yawn - (Male) from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
4 Engine Piston Airliner Starts Up, Taxis from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
4 Engine Piston Airliner Take Off from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
21 Gun Salute from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
707 Jet Landing from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects
707 Jet Take Off from Vedette Records - Authentic Sound Effects