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Ace reflexes ya bomb chucking waste of good scotch
Ahhh piss
All in a day's work.
All rockets no brains, ey mate?
All your heads look bloody 12 feet tall
Appreciated mate.
At ease
Aww did i get blood on your suit?
Back to the drawing board genius.
Backstab that ya snake.
Bloody beaut
Bloody bogan.
Bloody hell you're awful.
Bloody Piker.
Bombs away
Charge me doctor.
Come on.
Couldn't skip around it, could you? Your precious little Posey.
Denture your pot bellied lattice.
Dinkum Aussie
Dodge that, you're fat, jiggling butterball.
Dominated you blundered bastard.
Dominated you miniature delinquent.
Dominated your pun potato head.
Dominated, yeah little ankle butter.
Dominated, you kicked us out naked.
EL 2
Everything above your next gonna be a fine red mist.
Evil Laugh
Fighting men might not be your thing, lad.
Fine shot mate
Follow me doctor.
Get bloody going
Get over here ya yobos and help me defend
Get to it.
Give 'em a gobfull
Go go go.
Go on then, mates
Go to hell wanker.
Good job lads
Good one, mate.
Good shot mate
Gotcha you spestic little gremlin
Gotcha, you mental deffective
Happy Laugh
Hear me main GA.
Help me capture this bloody thing
Help me pin this down.
Help me.
Here was you: very full of yourself, then very briefly surprised, then dead
Here's a gadget you should build: One what stops my bullets
Here's a touching story: once upon a time you died and i lived happily ever after. the end
Here's some advice. Next time, shoot first.
Hey this is gonna be a real piece of piece. Yeah bloody fruit shop owners.
Hi, you're beating gravy fatso
Hit that charge doctor.
HL 2
How many times have you died? I'm actually getting impressed.
Howly dooley!
Hows about you call it a day
I got ya, you long-armed simpleton
I hate to break it to you, but your own team paid me to do that.
I just banged the word's fattest man
I need a hand defending here.
I own ya, ya pickel headed drongo
I reckon you're going to get real used to looking up at me.
I suspect you keep your big mouth shut now
I was never on your side either, wanker
I win you bloody backstabbing fraud.
I'm gonna blow the insides of your head all over four counties!
I'm gonna carve you a new cake hole
I'm gonna cut a smile into ya
I'm gonna make a nice bowl for your brains
I'm gonna plant one right between your eyes, you punter.
I'm gonna turn you to coloured rain
I'm gunnin for ya you mongrels.
I'm just getting warmed up
I'm not done yet mate. Not by a long shot.
I'm running out of places to put holes in you.
I've told you sniping was a good job.
If your strategy is to build me confidence, it's working
It's not your fire. Your filthy ass honest.
It's only gonna get worse, mate.
Keep opening your mouth while it's still attached to your bloody neck
Let us know your Daniel Twitchy hooligan.
Let's do this again.
Let's have a go yeah mug.
Let's see how much blood in ya
LL 2
Long Laugh
Look here, pumpkinhead, you're all done
Need some help here
Nice job.
Nice try mate, but I'm the best.
No worries.
Nobody's gonna miss you you mutant.
Not so smart with your brains outside your head, are ya?
Nothing personal mate, i'm just better
Now doctor now.
Now doctor now.
Now I've got to make a necklace out of your teeth bushmans rules.
Now that is how it's done.
Now that was a proper bloody routing.
Now this is a knife.
Oh, lend us your shovel, so i can dig your grave
Oh, that's apples mate.
On fire
One sniper to another - give up
Or slept in a corpse of water. Buffer out tougher than you.
Peace of piss
Piss off big head.
Piss off your bloody parkers.
Piss off.
Precious little Posey.
Quit blabbering, take your medicine like a man.
Ready to meet Sharpy.
Right then
Ripper yer riddle
Sharp Pain
Short Laugh
Should I saved a bullet for some of you blokes?
Skill always beats luck your weasel.
SL 2
SL 3
Sneak around that ya phoney scoundrel
Sniping's a good job mate.
Sorry there, nurse army struck you for an actual threat.
SP 2
SP 4
Spastic little gremlin
Spot on.
Spotted your fancy bloody wolfs?
Spy here.
Spy round here.
Spyes. bloody useless
Stab, stab, stab.
Stabbing time.
Standing around like a bloody idiot.
Stay with me doc
Steady steady
Stupid bloody spies.
Tagged ya, ya wobbling scot.
Take that book smarts.
Take that, ya quack.
Take that, you 2 faced mongrel
Talk your way out of that, you filthy spook
Thanks doc.
Thanks for being such a whopping big target mate.
Thanks for Standin' Still Wanker
Thanks for that Truckee.
Thanks for the target practice you pump bloody freakshow
Thanks mate.
Thanks mate.
That funeral I ain't gonna be open casket.
That helmet 'aint gonna save ya
That ones for me boys
That spy is an enemy
That there was a mercy kill. stay down lad
That was rubbish.
That's how we do it in the Bush.
That's some shonky business right there.
The demoman is a spy
The engineer is a spy.
The heavy is a spy.
The medic is a spy
The old chop chop.
The piro is a spy
The scout is a spy
The soldier is a spy!
They're all a bunch of now helpers.
This is as good as your gonna do.
This is getting embarrassing.
This is just getting started.
This sniper is a spy.
This way doc.
Tight date your rocket hopping simpleton.
Today, item shirts for men.
Wave goodbye to your head, wanker
We gave him a bloody drubbing.
Well, that was a real bloody routing.
What goes around comes around your snotty little Nance.
What's up, doc?
When I'll be staffed.
Where'd i get ya that time? The liver? The kidney? I'm losing track.
Ya better hold onto your head mate.
Ya call that snipin?
Yeah, big kid Bar the best cyclops.
Yeah, bloody fruit shop owners.
Yeah, that seems about right.
You are a creepy mute. Little bugger, ain't you?
You are inventing Loudon new ways to get killed by me.
You best keep lying down
You bloody poikers
You got a full head on you like a coffee table.
You had a good run, your mongrel.
You know what dominated means? Your buddy wet job?
You know what you and Jane Austen have in common? You're both dead women.
You know what you're dominating now bleeding.
You prancing show ponies.
You shouldn't even gotten out of bed.
You wanna hear something funny, you're dead?
You'll be needing another use for that neck.
You're dead. I think we're done here.
You're gonna keep finding yourself belly up.
You're making this so easy. I'm actually getting worse.
You're with me, Doctor.
'cause your gain soon mate.
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