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Wonder Woman Wonder Woman, the iconic superheroine, has captivated audiences for decades across various forms of media.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman, the iconic superheroine, has captivated audiences for decades across various forms of media. With her strength, compassion, and fierce determination, Wonder Woman has become an emblem of empowerment and a symbol of female strength. Whether it's the groundbreaking 1970s television series or the more recent blockbuster movie, the character has left an indelible mark on popular culture.

The 2017 film "Wonder Woman" directed by Patty Jenkins brought the character to new heights and introduced her to a whole new generation of fans. Gal Gadot beautifully portrayed the Amazon princess, infusing her with grace, power, and unwavering resilience. Set during World War I, the film follows Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman, as she navigates the human world and discovers her own extraordinary abilities. The film's action-packed sequences, heartfelt storytelling, and strong performances made it a critical and commercial success.

The cast list for "Wonder Woman" boasts several talented actors who brought the story to life. Alongside Gal Gadot, Chris Pine delivers a memorable performance as Steve Trevor, an American pilot who becomes an ally to Diana on her quest to end the war and restore peace. Robin Wright mesmerizes as Antiope, the fierce and wise general of the Amazon warriors. Connie Nielsen brings depth to her portrayal of Hippolyta, Diana's mother and the queen of Themyscira.

Directed by the visionary Patty Jenkins, "Wonder Woman" hit theaters in 2017 and became an instant sensation. With its grand scale, mesmerizing visual effects, and empowering themes, the film quickly earned praise from critics and audiences alike. It showcased the power of representation, proving that strong, complex female characters can dominate the box office and inspire viewers of all ages.

To commemorate the film's success, a soundtrack was composed by Rupert Gregson-Williams. The score perfectly captures the spirit of Wonder Woman, blending epic and heroic motifs with moments of reflection and emotion. From the thrilling action cues to the poignant character themes, the soundtrack enhances the film's narrative and showcases the depth and complexity of its inspiring protagonist. The Wonder Woman soundtrack can be played and downloaded here.

"Wonder Woman" is not only a film but a cultural phenomenon. It's a celebration of female strength, resilience, and compassion. It resonated with audiences, igniting conversations about gender equality and the significance of representation in media. The film's success opened the doors for more diverse storytelling and empowered female characters on the big screen.

In addition to the 2017 film, Wonder Woman has made appearances in other forms of media throughout the years. The iconic 1970s television series starring Lynda Carter remains a beloved classic. Carter's portrayal of the superheroine made her an instant role model, inspiring generations of young girls to embrace their own strength and potential. The show's catchy theme song, composed by Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel, has become synonymous with Wonder Woman's enduring legacy. The theme can be played and downloaded here.

Whether through film, television, or music, Wonder Woman continues to captivate audiences and inspire individuals around the world. Her story serves as a reminder of the power within us all and the importance of standing up for what is right. So, go ahead and immerse yourself in the world of Wonder Woman, play and download her iconic sounds, and join the ranks of those who have been touched by the indomitable spirit of this legendary superheroine.
A bottle of your very best Hermitage Blanc.
A contractor that sets up intelligent operations for any number of nations.
A dental appointment.i lost a filling
A ghost town called Alba..
A messenger will be here to pick it up.
A style all her own.
A wonder woman.
Abner .
Abner convinced that your life is necessary..
Abner wouldn't like that.
Abner? Oh, Please. Abner.
About those lives, mr. Smith.
Ah. you do know who i am.
All five parts being necessary to use any of them.
Alright. the clock is ticking get on it.
And , then you called me.
And Abner Smith.
And after we're done we get to the so called...
And consulets through out the world, none of those was touched.
And don't forget to call maintenance about the air conditioning here.
And i advise you to do as you was instructed.
And I have ten books that which as soon as the ransom is paided..
And i really hate to have a guest at one my parties.
And I won't ask for Abner's approval.
And i would go in your place without hesitation.
And I'm to be alone when i open it.
And if he discovers out that the money is marked he'll sell the lists and the codes to our adversaries .
And if i win...
And if you don't have dinner with me tonight...
And is no way that four hoof transmitters is going to go on the frits.
And maybe I can help you to find what you came to Cap d'Antibes for..
And mine.
And my room is bugged.
And now you're charged with a mission.
And our guess is it's not a bomb.
And our word has to be good.
And put it down on the floor.
And relax?
And second he runs up against a problem , he can't really handle.
And since he's still the boss, i'd hate to have to explain it to him.
And so, your mother spoke of according to our just laws..
And tell him there's a 50 dollar tip if he gets here in the next minute..
And tell him to have the messenger sent to Steve Trevor.
And tell the waiter to let himself into the room,
And that box on the floor.
And the agents will remain, undercover secret and safe.
And the other one's is on a long vacation in China.
And then join me, all right? Right.
And there are the basic morality, of right and wrong.
And this is where you plan the robbery.
And we may want to do business with them again.
And what if she doesn't?
And when you return to the island give her my love.
And with that list the key to every diplomat and military code...
And with those 39 lives lost our entire organization...
And yet you still followed it. How?
And you are invisible when you fly it.
And you my sister.
And you was in New York ahead of me. How?
Any place you choose.
Are the ones we overlook.
As i've looked forward to meeting you, Mr. Smith.
As to where and how the ransom is to be paid.
As you all know a agent in the field reports in every 72 hours...
Assuming our instuctions we had our lab people check out by every method.
Because we made a deal, George.
Before we confront that. will you answer a question for me.
Both sides are considering an exchange, Mr. Secretary.
Brilliant people there.
Business of course.
But i think you'll fit .
But inevitably two things occur..
But it has its own style.
But it's the best i could do on short notice.
But just why did you decide to pay me all this money?
But please don't. i'm sure i can handle it.
But that line usually has a very disarming effect..
But there's also joy.
But there's quite a few attractive and appealing men in this world.
But to take his shoes off in the hall first.
But you deserve Champagne.
But you did pick the right dentist, the frenchman.
But you don't think it is.
Can i bring you a appetizer, mister?
Certainty. i'll call him straightaway.
Charles Sangry, Freelance operative without nationality.
Come in, come in.
Come sailing with me tomorrow.
Common sense would seem to indicate you to need re evaluate your position.
Completely vulnerable to be apprehended or eliminated.
Consider ...
Consider the proposal, I'll phone back.
Could find a lot to buy with 5 million dollars.
Could survive in your memory longer than a few days.
Data bank, line3A.
Day and night. shine the light on him and he'll light up like a Christmas tree..
Deactivated the signal transmitters .
Did you order a drink?
Dinner, Dee? don't answer now. think about it. think about it
Do enjoy your present.
Do we know who it is the messenger?
Do you mind?
Do you think I'd do anything contrary to your orders?
Do you want me to send you some company for moral support?
Each was broken down into five parts...
Enjoy your stay in France.
Even if i don't like it.
Even if i give you my word. i'd make no attempt to steal it
Except for the books and for the safety of those 39 agents..
Except probing and X ray.
Find George and go to the glen..
First he decides to take over at some point.
For hitting that Stump, George.
For that is the only true means,
For your peace of mind.
Gentlemen, go right on in.
George, i seriously doubt that any woman...
George, Take the burro and leave.
George, You Don't want to relax.
Get them, Joey.
Give the Burro a command in Spanish, and slap him on the romp and leave.
Given any choice i'd spend the rest...
Giving all the preference information the data base of computers...
Good, this way Please.
Good. What about electronic tracking.
Guess who turned up riding the burro?
Has come up with only 3 individuals or organizations capable of this enterprise.
Have you read all these books?
He can hold her in her own?
He has a clever grotesque turn of mind..
He has given us 48 hours to gather the money.
He will contact us again in one of our top secret codes...
He's a very sound sleeper and he doesn't hear me knocking.
He's not going to like this, George.
He's too clever not to do a thorough examination when he gets it..
Here's the ransom, Steve.
How can you stand up after that?
How do they activate?
How i shall miss you.
How Much?
How's it going?
I am delighted you decided to accept my invitation to join in this enterprise....
I am so sorry.
I bring you love from your mother, Diana.
I brought your trunk.
I called to invite you to lunch.
I can call the agency, so that someone can replace me while i'm gone.
I did not save your life on the island to take it now.
I didn't me why should you want to...
I don't agree with you, Mr. Smith.
I don't know that wine.
I don't think so.
I find it very difficult to accept your word of honor...
I got five big ones that saids you can't take her off from here.
I guess the honeymoon is over, George.
I had to guess your dimensions, but...
I have another question.
I have everything i want.
I have no choice but follow their instructions, Colonel.
I have this Marvelous plane. That flies that much faster than yours..
I haven't really?
I hope you feel up to coming in tomorrow.
I hope you will have the opportunity.
I intend to return to your goverment.
I just can't let you put me in that trunk, George.
I know it's small.
I know.
I left Cap D'Antibes a full hour or more , Before you had.
I look forward to our next enterprise together.
I made my choice.
I meant why should i.
I met you under other circumstances.
I misjudged you, George.
I need a light.
I never would have guessed it George.
I only came by to rescue the books you borrowed.
I owe you my life. Set your price. I pay it.
I prefer not to drink at lunch, thank you.
I propose to leave here with the money by helicopter.
I really wish you're let us mark that cash, Steve.
I remember.
I reserved the computer and their waiting for your call to the data bank, line 3A.
I seriously doubt that you will have success that you think you will, George.
I sincerely wish that we might have spend more time together.
I still worry .
I stole the plans for it from Strategic Air Command.
I take it the trunk is for me?
I take it you are the one, who sees to the burro.
I think i know what your's is, George.
I think the french one.
I think we can work out a compromise.
I think we're being watched.
I think you're find Cap d'Antibes a very exciting city.
I thought so until I saw the topographic map ...
I thought you couldn't.
I want all available agents in here at once, Diana.
I want the things this world has to offer.
I want you to be there.
I was in Lisbon.
I was out this morning.
I was totally unaware that anything like that happened.
I was wandering if you did.
I will take your life.
I will tell them that you appreciate their talents.
I will.
I won't be indebted to you ,Diana.
I won't underestimate you again..
I would have guess the english?
I would like a glass of Hermitage Blanc, if you don't mine.
I would thank you, but i had nothing to do with making it what it is.
I'd like to see it sometime.
I'll be away from the office for awhile.
I'll discuss it with George, i promise.
I'll have to pass.
I'll make you a wager for a million.
I'll phone you back when a decision is reached.
I'll return the books.
I'll spend the rest of my life wishing that...
I'm afraid i can't have dinner with you tonight.
I'm afraid that's just not possible.
I'm curious to as when my part in it begins.
I'm empowered to offer you 1 million dollars...
I'm just gonna have to throw myself from the top of this building.
I'm not.
I'm standing here looking at her.
I'm sure Abner Smith knows our....
I'm sure it's not to keep George company in some glen.
I'm sure you didn't call to chat, George.
I'm sure you realize that we have something of a problem to solve.
I've been told to make you a proposition.
I've looked forward to meeting you for a very long time.
Ice the glasses.
If anyone can, you can.
If he's able to.
If i can.
If i have anything to tell you.
If it's not clear to you let me make it clear.
If this was a normal business transaction. Mr. Smith, it would be..
If those lists and codes fall into the hands of our adversaries...
If you don't forget George is both heartless and...
If you give me your word your word,
If you took the time to study your adversaries ...
If you turn up again, I'll kill you.
Im sure she did her best to get here.
In Berlin, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro,
In every illegal operation there is a need for someone like George.
In use by our goverment through out the world.
Inside the north wall of the grand canyon.
It happens.
It was perhaps inedible.
It was warm. there was a wind.
It would have been a lot tougher if the snake had bitten me.
It's a inexpensive rome wine.
It's a necessary risk.
It's an elevator system of the most advanced engineering.
It's not that. you see my plane is invisible.
It's ok.
It's that woman.
Joey, I don't want any trace of these bodies found.
Joey, welcome the lady , politely.
Just after our agents had finished reporting in.
Just delay, George, 72 hours.
Just delay, George.
Just give me the saddle bags.
Just put the milk down and slide it as close to me as you can.
Just the ten valuable books.
Killing people makes other people much more angry we got the money.
Last known location, Caracas, Venezuela.
Last known location: Cap d'Antibes, France..
Leaving the books with you.
Let me make love to you.
Let's get back to our problem.
Let's get out of here.
Let's just not hagel. What's your top offer..
Let's stop nonsense and get down to business.
Lets go, buddy.
Makes them furious.
Marvelous. it's one of ours.
May i look?
Might i impose on you to?
Mr. Steve Trevor.
Mr. Trevor will pay the ransom.
Must we make war against each other?
My key. i've locked my key in my room.
My mission is to bring you a message of great sadness, sister..
My name is George Calvin.
Name Your Own Price.
Never photographed.
No everythings fine.
No more fighting between us.
No naughtiness i hope?
No need.
No thanks, George.
No way for you to stop me from leaving.
No, departure from routine.
No, if he finds some way to get his hands on the money...
No! No!
Nobody can replace you.
Non toxic fiuld, this will allow it to be tracked easily from the air....
Not if she told Steve Trevor? where she is.
Not to worry, Mr. Smith.
Not until I repay my debt
Now ,to more pleasant things.
Now hit the javelin, you just threw
Now if you like to swim, you'll find bathing attire in the cabana.
Now my friends are going to take you sailing for a few days.
Now part from these few who are your closest friends.
Now pour some milk in the saucer.
Now put those saddle bags.
Now the thief knows that and has set his price for returning those 10 books accordingly.
Now there is only one.
Now why wasn't you surprised.
Now Why would you say that?
Now will you see if the copter is fueled, George.
Now you don't know me, but you just passed me in the lobby.
Now you see that I knew what your offer would be..
Now you're suppose to put the money where?
Odds are i'll be in Caracas by dinner time.
Of course I understand the implications, commissar.
Of the area around Alba, Nevada.
Of the evening talking to you but I really must go now.
Of which I dedicated my life Mr. Smith.
Oh I certainly hope not, George.
Oh no. no trouble at all my pleasure.
Oh this has been a tough one.
Oh, Dee.
Oh, don't think about that, Cass.
Oh, i know that, George. goodnight.
Oh, i'm sorry. i almost forgot your tip.
Oh, it is.
Oh, my dear what brings you to my door at this hour?
Oh, no.
Oh, yes, yes . of course your husband.
Oh, yes.
Oh. George. you don't?
On the north end of the great canyon.
One from among us has fled the island.
One maybe two, but not all four.
One of our very best.
Open the pouchs, George.
Or at a prearranged time at 10 minute intervals.
Our people will be at their mercy for the next 3 days.
Painful, a little.
Paris, and London.
Part from them with the same dignity and strength,
Perhaps it's better you start out now.
Phone in this evening?
Probably just as well.
Procedure almost as well as we do..
Right. See if you can move that to another day.
See you later.
Send them in when they get here Dee.
Send up a container of milk and a saucer.
Set your price.
Shall i pick you up?
She does have her style?
She just checked into the hotel Saint Germain, room 702.
She might.
She must now face her times of trial alone.
She not just gonna let us walk away with that money.
She should be eliminated.
She's being seated, at your table.
She's here now waiting for you.
She's late.
She's on her way up.
Should i check it for markings?
So be it, sister.
So do i.
So don't force us to damage you before we put you in the trunk.
So far a gentleman has dropped in on me from the roof of the elevator.
So having parted from the many sisters you're known all the days of your life.
So I authorized the bags to be fitted with tear gas elements...
Some place very public, I imagine.
Someone who has an ego so large, that he...
Something has gone wrong, Steve.
Something more then half.
Somewhat involved. But I am making progress..
Sound tests picked up a heartbeat or something like it.
Stay right there.
Steve, I'm perfectly safe..
Still at the Glen.
Succeeds because he can't really live with failure..
Taking our only pure love of justice and light,
Tell him we will leave the airport by any road..
Tell him. She's in her room
Thank you again.
Thank you that won't be necessary.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. Now if you excuse me.
That burro should be here any time now.
That burro.
That day has come.
That depends on the question.
That i have the proper response from your mr. Trevor.
That i haven't welcomed personally.
That is a very interesting story.
That is our real strength.
That means 39 dead or imprisoned agents. its too big of a risk.
That means we are completely out of touch with all of our agents for the next 72 hours.
That seems fair.
That she followed you here.
That should insure your mind that your agents will be safe.
That Stump over there.
That the man made world would one day require a ultimate woman.
That they will be returned. the moment...
That they would have had.
That was in our childhood.
That would pervent her from coming here did you George?
That you won't try to sabotage it.
That you'll never lose , the sensitivity.
That's a relief, George.
That's a strange kind of messenger, don't you think, Steve?
That's impossible.
That's sweet. thanks.
That's very thoughtful, George. But I just assume meet you there.
The almost basic and simple facts
The animal been sprayed over all with an infrared fluid.
The bar is open. Why don't you have a drink?
The books are in this leather case.
The british crime Cartel, headed by Winston Thomas...
The burro it is a perfect choice..
The complete list of all our agents in the field,
The english dentist is in the hospital in Belgrade,
The girl from the airline delivered them herself.
The hoof transmitters are all go, Steve.
The hope that your presents in the world of man...
The last time we was in contest together there was no victor.
The mushroom shaped rock.
The people you are leaving it with has children?
The sails looked like clouds. all that was missing.
Their cover identities and their specific assignments, has been stolen.
Their here, sir.
Their willing to make a exchange Nitski for Lao Shi.
Then our sisterhood ends here.
Then walk slowly over here.
Then you didn't get the room with the trap door in the floor?
Then you probably be in business for yourself instead of working for me.
Then you weren't in your car when it attempted to run me down earlier?
There are some things in this world... worth learning to like.
There could be there's a assassin in there, Steve.
There is no greater wonder then...
There is no hope that i will ever return to the island .
There is no way for you to leave here.
There is time to decide that then isn't there?
There it is.
There was dozens of decoy books planted in various Embassies...
There's a conference at 11 with the head department.
There's deep sadness with having you leave us.
There's no reason to run away.
There's someone riding it.
They can't be reached or warned between Communications.
They never bug that room.
They was kept in highly secret hiding places.
They was replaced simultaneously and ingeniously...
Think about the money we now have.
This is a car used in a operation last year.
This is beautiful.
This is George. i just got in.
This is room 519.
This isn't a democracy, George?
Those agents you placed in jeopardy.
Those instuctions came from the thief.
Times like this i really worry about you.
To accomplish that mission you must leave this island.
To form a professional alliance with my employer.
To recover those books and save those lives.
To set things straight.
To that world beyond our's here.
To the wonders of the outside world.
To this night.
To which you here.
Tracks, Mr. Smith.
Tracks. of course Tracks.
Trevor wouldn't risk marking it.
Try not to be late.
Two leather saddle bags then take the animal to a place in Nevada.
Under the circumstances, I didn't think that you would be sailing the Mediterranean.
Usual way, a sharp blow on either bag.
Very good, mister.
Violence and mayhem that's so gross.
Visually create confusion using three identical, identical Burros..
Was a angel to make it perfect.
We all miss you, Dee.
We already have that tooken care of
We are not getting any signals from the hoof transmitters.
We better get chopters in here to make visual contact..
We both know your Goals.
We did hear about the delivery we have to make.
We don't need that.
We don't take a vote here.
We have 15 million dollars in these pouches.
We have a hour lead on her.
We have microtransmitters between the hoof. and the shoe. four of them in all
We have no choice.
We have to check the personal evaluations.
We have to kill her.
We haven't met.
We scrubbed off the ultraviolet spray.
We was so much alike.
We were there the last time, you offered anybody a parting drink.
Well don't stand behind the Burro when you give him a SWAT..
Well here's the day's surprise.
Well how can i refuse?
Well i don't care about the others.
Well not really seriously. i was relativity certain of you.
Well that's very impressive, but, no thanks..
Well that's very kind of you, but...
Well then you can't lose.
Well, Dee what do you think?
Well, It has been a pleasure doing business with you.
Well, then how can i refuse.
Well, what about a parting drink.
What can anyone think with that many live in jeopardy.
What could be more public then the Governor's Grill at the Peregrine?
What do you think, Dee?
What is it?
What now.
What other way could there be now, Diana.
What room might that be?
When any one of those two situations arises,
When you finally caught up with him. how was the bout with your dentist.
Where are they taking the money?
Where i bought some information or something or another.
Where is the other?
Where you go, i go.
Which dentist are you gonna try?
Which of us?
Why don't we just pick a comfortable spot where we can wait for the burro
Why don't you come in and tell me all about it?
Why George?
Why not?
Why the gun, George?
Why, George?
Will bring closed eyes to the genuine valor of women.
Will cease to exist in that one deadly sweep.
With 39 lives at stake, mr. Smith.
With headquarters in Llandaff Wales.
With special lighting already installed on the helicopters..
Without us being right behind it,
Wonder Woman. i love you.
Wonder woman. she's here.
Would you like it to be 3 million, George.
Would you mind calling my room and waking up my husband?
Yachts, sails like clouds.
Yes of course I'm calling from a public telephone booth.
Yes Sir.
Yes thanks.
Yes, a problem.
Yes, sir?
Yes, sir.
Yes. that's what i said.
You are exactly as I pictured you.
You are so totally captivating..
You are that ultimate woman, Diana.
You are the most beautiful woman i ever seen in my life.
You came close, Abner.
You carry with you our love.
You deserve it.
You did a beautiful Job gentlemen.
You didn't happened to arrange something...
You didn't tell me.
You don't find me attractive? appealing?
You each got 1 hour to devise a counterplan...
You find a way to be broke in a year, George.
You found what has to be the most unlikely place to live in the entire country, Mr. Smith.
You have my word of honor, my word of honor.
You just costed me 1 million dollars.
You know as well as i do we will face each other again.
You know she didn't.
You know...
You misunderstood me.
You must adopt other ways.
You need a angel, never George, never.
You see hoofprints is almost like fingerprints.
You see to it paying Cass, Joe and the others, George.
You violated the law.
You want all the money, George?
You was right, Mr. Smith.
You were tied up in conference,
You were wearing two bracelets when you arrived...
You will be careful?
You will be the wonder woman.
You won the bet.
You would not take my life.
You'll never know how long these things can take.
You're always a step ahead of me.
You're endowed with extraordinary wisdom,love and strength, daughter.
You're fast. i like you.
You're gonna regret it.
You're kidding.
You're not surprised. i wanted to surprise you.
You're not where someone can get after you with a car.
You're on.
You're welcome.
You've had a very long and dry trip.
You've heard Abner's offer, you haven't heard mine.
Your debt is paided.
Your new life will demand.
Your taller then i expected.
2 million dollars?
2 million is all mine.
5 million now. Even you..
10 thousand saids you're wrong.
15 million dollars in cash.
15 million dollars, Mr. Smith.
39 of our best intelligent operatives.
72 hours.
702. we're just across the hall.
at 4:00 this afternoon. and that's all?
be careful, Steve. thanks, Maurice.
but lady... don't talk.
can't swim, really, George?
Double or Nothing. You're on.
Four. oh that's fine.
he knows where it is. alright.
how about 8 Oclock. in the lobby.
how about 12:30? fine.
I think I can manage that. i'm sure you can.
May i show you around. i would like that.
No, leave that. Why? We can sell them again.
of course. of course.
Oh, tell Mr. Smith... i will explain.
phone in let me know. first chance i get.
Pick a Target. You Pick it.
room 702. hold on.
That is all. let's start with the call to London.
that's your final word? Final.
their already on their way. good.
to invite you sailing. on Mr. Smith's Yacht?
to my great sadness. and mine.
Trevor. you sound tired, Steve.
We got to kill her. No no no no.
whether i like it or not. i think You'll learn to like it.
why? because your eyes reach into...
Would you allow me to replace my weapon? No, Angela.
you got a bet. you're on.
You got the Tickets? In my pocket.
you're the boss. yes, George, i am.
"C'est la vie".
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