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Chariots of Fire Chariots of Fire is a captivating film that was released in 1981. Directed by Hugh Hudson, this British

Chariots of Fire

Chariots of Fire is a captivating film that was released in 1981. Directed by Hugh Hudson, this British historical drama tells the inspiring true story of two athletes who compete in the 1924 Paris Olympics. The film explores their struggles, determination, and the conflicts they face along their journey towards glory.

The cast of Chariots of Fire is filled with talented actors who bring the characters to life. Leading the way is Ben Cross, who portrays Harold Abrahams, a Jewish sprinter from Cambridge University. Cross skillfully captures Abrahams' relentless drive to overcome the prejudice he faces and prove himself on the track.

Ian Charleson delivers a remarkable performance as Eric Liddell, a devout Christian from Scotland who competes in the 400 meters. Liddell's unwavering faith and strong principles often clash with the demands of his athletic career, which Charleson brilliantly portrays.

The film also features Nigel Havers as Lord Andrew Lindsay, a fellow Cambridge University athlete and a key supporting character. Lindsay's friendship with Abrahams evolves throughout the story, highlighting the power of camaraderie and mutual support in sports.

Another standout performance comes from Ian Holm as Sam Mussabini, the dedicated and experienced coach who helps train Abrahams. Holm's portrayal of Mussabini adds depth to the film, emphasizing the importance of mentorship and guidance in achieving greatness.

Besides its compelling story, the film's iconic soundtrack composed by Vangelis adds a layer of emotional depth. The main theme, also titled "Chariots of Fire," became a global sensation and earned Vangelis an Academy Award for Best Original Score. This instrumental piece captures the soaring spirit of the athletes, evoking a sense of triumph and determination.

If you'd like to relive the magic of Chariots of Fire, you can easily find and play the movie online or download it for future viewing. It remains a timeless classic that continues to inspire audiences around the world. The combination of exceptional performances, a captivating storyline, and a moving soundtrack make it a must-watch film, even decades after its release.

Chariots of Fire received critical acclaim upon its release and achieved considerable success at the box office. It won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Costume Design. In addition, the film received numerous other accolades, further cementing its place in cinema history.

While Chariots of Fire is a fictionalized retelling of real events, it effectively captures the essence of the characters and the era they lived in. It sheds light on the significance of athletics in a broader social context and demonstrates the power of sport to overcome personal and societal barriers.

Whether you're a fan of athletics or simply appreciate an inspiring and thought-provoking film, Chariots of Fire is an excellent choice. So why not sit back, press play, and allow yourself to be transported to a time when determination, courage, and a burning desire for victory prevailed on the track? Experience the inspiring journey of Abrahams and Liddell, and let the triumphant sounds of Vangelis's score captivate your senses.

Don't miss the opportunity to watch or download Chariots of Fire and be moved by this timeless masterpiece. It remains an exemplary work of cinema, a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit, and a reminder that with dedication and unwavering belief, anything is possible.
A bit more my size. Mean with it, though.
A content man.
A different god.
A different mountain top.
A distance traditionally recognised as one of 188 paces.
A helplessness.
A leader in his field.
A Lithuanian Jew.
A name like Abrahams, he won't be in the chapel choir, now, will he?
A rare ethnic advantage. It's called the gift of the gab.
A Scot.
A short sprint is run on nerves.
A simple matter of national dignity. Being a patriot, I'm sure you understand.
A sort of cocktail de maison...
A sticky moment, George.
A triumph, I hear.
Abrahams hat trick.
Abrahams, Grande Bretagne.
Abrahams. HM.
Academically sound. Arrogant.
According to my brother. Tim says that's why you always win.
After 300 metres, rigor mortis sets in.
After all that work...
Against such great American athletes as Charlie Paddock and Jackson Scholz?
All nations before him are as nothing.
All of us! You, Henry, Andy and me, we're all in!
All right, sir.
All right.
All that work.
All the best of luck.
All these men...
All those in favour say aye.
All we need now is Sunday.
An age old, burdened, sour...
And a true athlete.
And all that England stands for.
And an anger.
And Anglo Saxon.
And are counted as the small dust in the balance.
And are therefore expected to behave as such.
And don't forget...
And for what?
And here am I.
And I bitterly resent your suggesting otherwise.
And I for one intend to keep it that way.
And I know which is the most important.
And I run down it.
And I tell you this without in any way...
And I'll carry the future with me.
And I'm now eagerly awaiting the start of term proper.
And I've deeply hurt someone I hold very dear.
And if all the world can do...
And if he doesn't?
And intellectual promise.
And it's pretty difficult to swallow.
And it's your sacred duty to put them to good use.
And Jackson Scholz.
And lead them to glory.
And let no power or persuasion deter you in your task.
And let the world stand back in wonder.
And Mr Watson of New Zealand I believe you know.
And myself...
And not be weary.
And not faint.
And now by tragic necessity, their dreams have become yours.
And now I find myself sitting here, destroying it all.
And our fathers that begat us.
And pray like hell that he wins!
And remember those few young men...
And run them off their feet.
And so are her corridors of power.
And Stallard and Aubrey?
And strong though the temptation may be...
And thank you...
And that!
And the rules by which they govern.
And the war to end wars bitterly proved your point.
And then let the gun release you.
And there's Scholz.
And they died for England...
And this is our Harold Abrahams.
And those rules say that the Sabbath is his.
And those who stalk them guard them with jealousy and venom.
And to them that have no strength...
And vanity.
And we fought in the war together.
And we've got it for keeps.
And were a glory in their days.
And what do they say about the son?
And what do you think now?
And when I run...
And when I run... I feel his pleasure.
And where does the power come from to see the race to its end?
And which we, who are older than you...
And wings on our heels.
And without them our allegiance is worthless.
And you, sir.
Andy, I've lost him.
Animés par le respect des règlements qui les gouvernent...
Another day, another race.
Anyway, being ******* hasn't done you any harm.
Are my most complete man.
Are they indeed?
Are you refusing to shake his hand?
As an athlete, you value economy of effort.
As I said...
As I see it, for you...
At all costs, no. But I do aim to win within the rules.
Aubrey, I ask you, for God's sake!
Aubrey, I've known the fear of losing.
Aubrey, old chap, I'm scared.
Auld Reekie. I'll be sad to leave it.
Away with your bother!
Aye, Mr Abrahams. So's the Scot.
Aye. Must have a clear conscience.
Bad luck, lad.
Barrack room law?
Battle on your hands, what!
Beating him the next time.
Because I told myself...
Because if you drop him, you'll never find another one like this.
Because we've had today...
Because you're overstriding.
Before you allow Eric here to go...
Believe me, I won't waste any time.
Better! Seeing as I'm persona non grata.
Beyond measure, sir.
Bit of a loner, like me.
Bon voyage and safe journey back to China.
Bravo, Harold!
Bravo! Bravo!
Brown and yellow, white and black...
But achieved with the apparent effortlessness of gods.
But actually, you're as soft as a limp pocket.
But being oriental born myself...
But certainly the bravest.
But fascinating.
But for Harold, it's a matter of life and death.
But he also made me fast.
But he also made me fast.
But he won't go any faster, not in the dash, anyway. He's a gut runner.
But how long does that last?
But I can only point the way.
But I can't get it on my own.
But I can't make that sacrifice.
But I have to.
But I want you to do more than just watch a race.
But I want you to hold your fire for a while, Liddell.
But I've got a lot of running to do first.
But if you were my age, with a chance to win the World Championship in Paris...
But looking about me now...
But most of all, an unassailable spirit of loyalty...
But now I'm almost too frightened to win.
But the old man forgot one thing.
But there, Mr Abrahams, I'm afraid our paths diverge.
But they that wait upon the Lord...
But this contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States.
But this fine old university of ours, she offers some rare consolations.
But we do have a strict amateur code.
But we feel we may, in our unsophisticated way, have their match.
But which to us summon up face after face...
But will I?
But, when faced with a stand like yours...
By the freshmen's dinner, a sumptuous affair.
By the way, it's awfully kind of Pa to finance me here, in spite of my idiocy.
By the way, what are your names?
Bye bye.
Californian cannonball. World's fastest human.
Can we allow him to change events at such short notice?
Can't reach him.
Cannot hear, without emotion.
Care about things that really matter.
Carlton Hotel, Broadstairs, Kent.
Catch it on the edge of a remark.
Charles H Paddock...
Charles Paddock.
Charlie Paddock.
Charlie, Charlie, rah rah rah!
Cheers. Thanks for coming.
Clean sweep for Cambridge star.
Clearest thinking athletics coach in the country.
Colonel, don't worry your head.
Come here a minute, Mr Abrahams.
Come in!
Come in.
Come on now!
Come on, Abrahams, you swank!
Come on, Aubrey, the old leg break.
Come on, Charlie!
Come on, Eric!
Come on, Jennie, let's go for a walk. I've got something to say.
Come on, Liddell!
Come on, now! Keep it up, come on!
Come on, or we'll miss the boat.
Come on, Sam. We're going home.
Come on, Scotland!
Come on, sir. Wake up. King's Cross.
Come on, that's more like it!
Come on!
Comradeship and mutual responsibility.
Cost you a fortune in postage stamps.
Dad's right. Run like we know you can, strong and true.
Day in, day out.
Dear Mr Abrahams.
Dear Mum. I'm most awfully sorry about your cold and the general dreariness.
Death to the sprinter.
Decrying your achievements, in which we all rejoice...
Defensive to the point of pugnacity.
Delighted, Liddell. Delighted.
Did they both do it?
Didn't I tell you, Eric? Didn't I tell you?
Dinner for your whole team at my club when we get back to London.
Do they say he can run?
Do we take it that you employ this Mr Mussabini on a professional basis?
Do you believe in what we're doing here or not?
Do you know who you won for out there today?
Do you love running?
Do you not think he's busy enough without taking up racing?
Do you not think, if we can find him some kit...
Do you remember when we first bumped into each other, old man?
Do you think you can beat the Americans?
Do you want the kid to grow up thinking God's a spoilsport?
Do your best. That's all we can expect.
Does it make all that difference?
Does your arrogance extend that far?
Don't be impertinent.
Don't compromise. Compromise is a language of the devil.
Don't fret yourself.
Don't go.
Don't state the obvious, Cadogan.
Don't tell me, Sandy. I don't want to hear.
Don't worry. I shall protect my investment.
Don't you believe it. His head's not back yet.
Drop down at the first stride.
Enchanté. Good luck.
Energy of soul.
England beckons for sprint blue.
Eric Liddell?
Eric Liddell. Well, you know all about him.
Eric Liddell's a fine man and a fine runner.
Eric Liddell's picked too.
Eric, may I introduce His Grace the Duke of Sutherland...
Eric, you can praise the Lord by peeling a spud...
Eric's special to me. Precious.
Especially if you've got a bet on it.
Et à I'honneur du sport.
Et désireux de participer...
Even before you called me up before this inquisition.
Even superior.
Everyone runs in her own way...
Excellent effort of Lindsay's, don't you think?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Expecting great things, from all accounts.
Fainteth not...
Far from it.
Faster, come on!
Father's never going to learn how to do that.
Feel a cold reluctance in a handshake.
Fine. Do you good.
Fleet of foot and strong of limb...
Follow in the footsteps of WG. Any Yorkshiremen here?
For China.
For goodness' sake, snap out of it, Harold. You're behaving like a child.
For his country's sake, yes.
For reminding me that I am, and will be whilst I breathe...
For the last three years I've devoted myself to my running...
For the life of Harold Abrahams.
For the past year, you have concentrated on developing your own technique...
For the sake of your college and your country, seize this chance.
For their sakes...
For those not familiar with the rules...
For those who remain, may God protect them...
For your hospitality.
Four feet wide with ten lonely seconds to justify my whole existence.
From a special correspondent.
From a special correspondent.
From every civilised nation on the face of the earth.
From nothing, he built what he believed...
From within.
From within.
From yours truly, Sam Mussabini.
Full of honesty and goodness...
Games? You must be joking.
Gentlemen, Abrahams, Liddell and Lindsay...
Gentlemen, get to your marks.
Gentlemen, to your marks, if you please.
Gentlemen, would you draw back, please? Away from the course.
Get back! Give him air!
Get him on the track, I'm telling you...
Get him up. Come on, gently.
Get it level! Go and do it again.
Get set!
Get set.
Get set.
Get set.
Get to your marks.
Get to your marks.
Get up, lad. Get up.
Get well warmed up...
Give or take a second, they're good enough for me.
Go for release.
Go home to that girl o' yours and start some bloody living.
Go on, go on, on, on!
Go on! Go on!
Go out determined to do your best.
God knows, I love my country.
God made countries. God makes kings...
Good evening, Miss Gordon!
Good evening.
Good luck to you all.
Good luck tonight.
Good luck, Taylor.
Good luck.
Good luck. Don't expect I'll see you till after the race.
Good middle distance men don't grow on trees.
Good night to you, sir.
Good night, sir.
Good. I felt sure you would understand.
Good. I was sure of it.
Got your plate full there, Harold.
Harold on the piano with his beloved Gilbert and Sullivan.
Harold! Harold! We're in.
Harold's here. As intense as ever.
Has formally made challenge for the college dash.
Hast thou not heard...
Hast thou not known?
Have a seat.
Have faith, in the face of life's realities?
Have I got everything, Sam? Everything you need?
Have you come across a fellow called Abrahams? HM Abrahams?
Have you got another two coins, Mr Abrahams?
He bringeth the princes to nothing.
He can't love me and say that.
He can't see or hear anything beyond that, not even you.
He did have us beaten, FE.
He did it, sir.
He frightens the living daylights out of me.
He giveth power to the faint...
He increaseth might.
He is alien.
He maketh the judges of the earth as a vanity.
He may be your best friend, Sandy, but he's my best brother.
He ran them off their feet.
He runs like a wild animal.
He says he needs to clear his mind of me.
He unnerves me.
He wanted for nothing.
He was ahead. There was nothing you could have done. He won fair and square.
He was more marvellous, that's all.
He worships this country.
He'll be right in a jiffy. I'll go away and get his clothes.
He'll never do it.
He's a damned fool!
He's a great runner but he needs to go further out.
He's all heart. Digs deep.
He's challenged for the college dash.
He's fast, Jennie. You've seen him with a ball in his hands.
He's got something personal to prove.
He's had two races today already. He'll die.
He's here to show us what may be done and more essentially, what may not be.
He's only just set eyes on her. I've worshipped her for years.
He's out, I tell you. You're all deaf and bloody blind.
He's trying your special for the first time tonight.
Head down.
Hear, hear. In my day, it was king first, God after.
Hello, Jeremy.
Henry the mile, and me the steeplechase.
Her kid brother is athletics mad. Always talking about me!
Here in Cambridge, we've always been proud of our athletic prowess.
Hey, hey!
Hey, Mr Liddell! What do you think of your chances against Abrahams?
Hey, Scholzy!
His heart's set on following Father in the mission.
His speed is a mere extension of his life, its force.
Hm? What's that, old boy?
How can I watch if I'm reading a book?
How do you do? You've come a long way.
How good are you, Eric?
How will you feel if she pops the question?
However, I believe and hope you will win...
Hurry along, Mr Abrahams. She's about to sail!
I always thought the Irish had all the luck!
I am a Cambridge man first and last.
I am an amateur.
I am an Englishman first and last.
I believe God made me for a purpose.
I believe I did, sir, yes.
I believe in the pursuit of excellence...
I believe that God made me for a purpose.
I can find you another two yards.
I can run fast.
I can see he was right.
I can see that, laddie. What's your name?
I can take it, then, that you would be acutely grieved to discover...
I can't bat for toffee.
I can't vouch for those times.
I can't wait.
I ceased to be a "laddie" when I took up the King's commission.
I do apologise for barging in like this.
I do fret myself, Eric.
I do fret myself, Eric. I'm frightened for you.
I don't know that they'll understand.
I don't run to take beatings!
I don't understand.
I don't want his work spoilt with all this running talk, do you hear?
I doubt if there's a swifter man in the kingdom.
I feel his pleasure.
I gave up my rugby.
I had to look for him.
I have no doubt...
I have no formula for winning the race.
I have not. I'm seeing myself off.
I hope you enjoy the games.
I imagine he lends money.
I intended to confirm this with Lord Birkenhead tonight...
I just don't know what to do.
I just might possibly persuade them.
I know, and I'm glad to know you, sir.
I know, Sam.
I love and admire him.
I might get through.
I must go. I'll see you in three weeks.
I must say, sir, I felt it was an impractical suggestion.
I remember we shared a taxi together.
I run to win.
I saw you play for Scotland. It depressed me no end.
I say, Abrahams, what have you got on your feet? Rockets?
I should be letting the Olympic Games interfere with my shorthand.
I should use the springy old six spike shoes.
I shouldn't think so.
I suffered from a natural incredulity.
I take the war list...
I think it's a very good idea.
I think it's going rather well.
I think not.
I think that's a splendid idea.
I understand. I wanted you to know that.
I want that Olympic medal.
I want their faces leering at you every time you shut your eyes.
I want to compare faith to running in a race.
I want you to help me take him on.
I want you to imagine you're running on hot bricks.
I want you to take part in it.
I wanted to run. I was desperate enough to try anything.
I was afraid you weren't here.
I was beaten out of sight in the 200.
I was late. I apologise.
I was mistaken.
I was proud of you. Don't make me ashamed.
I was there, remember? Watching.
I will honour."
I wish you could see, Ma, the wonderful spirit abroad now we've left home.
I won't run on the Sabbath and that's final.
I wondered if I could be so bold as to suggest a possible solution.
I would like to give you something more permanent...
I'd be obliged if you'd remember it.
I'd heard you were both the best.
I'd like to wish you the best of success.
I'll be here when you come back.
I'll be the one that does the begging.
I'll do my best. Can do no less.
I'll give ye a five goal start.
I'll have a word with the French.
I'll raise my eyes and look down that corridor...
I'll settle for the fascinating.
I'll take these.
I'll take you apart piece by bloody piece.
I'll watch you. I'll observe. And if I think I can help...
I'm 24 and I've never known it.
I'm afraid I am, sir.
I'm afraid there are no ways, sir.
I'm afraid there is a growing suspicion in the bosom of this university...
I'm asking you to manage the mission on your own...
I'm Eric Liddell.
I'm forever in pursuit and I don't even know what it is I'm chasing.
I'm frightened for what it all might do to you.
I'm frightened for you.
I'm frightened what it all might do to you.
I'm from Oxford, sir. They wrote to me.
I'm going back to China.
I'm going to rule you with a rod of iron.
I'm going to take them on. All of them.
I'm here for you, Ma.
I'm here spectating, that's all.
I'm honoured to be worthy of his attention.
I'm more of an addict. It's a compulsion. A weapon.
I'm not sure that I do either, sir.
I'm not sure that I understand.
I'm not without a certain pull...
I'm relying on you now to keep them all out of mischief.
I'm thinking of him and not your blessed athletics team.
I'm what I call semi deprived.
I've already got my medal.
I've decided.
I've got my degree to get.
I've never ever seen a man so smitten as our Harold.
I've never seen such drive, such commitment in a runner.
I've never seen this sort of thing, but I am enjoying it.
I've no idea.
I've seen better organised riots.
I've seen him with a Bible in his hands.
I've waited 30 bloody years for this.
If I can see the big prize hanging there...
If I can't win, I won't run.
If I may, I'd like to propose a toast.
If I win, I win for God.
If only as a rugby player...
If they aren't temptation enough...
If we don't win now, we never will.
If you can't take a beating, it's for the best.
If you commit yourself...
If you didn't, I wouldn't have come within a mile of you.
If you don't run, you can't win.
If you leave your feet too long on the ground, they'll get burnt.
If you peel it to perfection.
Il est trois heures du matin.
In all the 700 years, nobody's ever done it.
In helping to complete the education of an Englishman.
In the headlong pursuit, may I suggest, of individual glory.
In the name of that loyalty...
In your country and your king. Your loyalty to them.
Inspire them...
Is it not true that the main event of the meeting is still to be run?
Is that all? You're an idle man!
Is that occasionally you're asked to give things away.
Is the Flying Scotsman from Aberdeen.
Is the only one to provide satisfactory results.
Is to want to go home to bed, then they can go to hell!
It happened to be me.
It is. Aye.
It means the world to me, this, you know.
It means they lead me to water, but they won't let me drink.
It requires concentration of will.
It says in the Old Book, "He that honours me...
It was marvellous.
It would, sir, yes.
It wouldn't be right.
It's a race you've lost, not a relative. Nobody's dead.
It's a secret concoction of Toffy's...
It's a sight and a half, in't it, Jennie?
It's absolutely fundamental. You never look.
It's across the courtyard, top right hand corner, up the stairs.
It's an ache.
It's an awful step you're taking, Liddell.
It's as good as being in there, isn't it?
It's certainly true that the Americans have prepared seriously...
It's full of running and starting and medals and pace.
It's full of sprinting and starting and medals and pace.
It's hard, I know, but you've just got to try and understand.
It's hard.
It's just that I'm a little envious, that's all.
It's marvellous for esprit de corps. Most of the chaps have managed to get down.
It's me!
It's my job.
It's not fair!
It's not just fun.
It's not the losing, Syb.
It's not the prettiest quarter I've ever seen, Mr Liddell.
It's often said that giving beats receiving.
It's only a heat.
It's quite simple as a matter of fact, sir.
It's said that you use a personal coach.
It's so full of it, you've no room for standing still!
It's so full of it, you've no room for standing still.
It's the coach that should do the asking.
It's the last event of this gathering, by tradition.
It's tiptop, Mr Abrahams. You've done a grand job.
It's very special.
It's waiting for me.
Jackson Scholz. How do you do?
Jackson Scholz...
Jennie, Jennie, Jennie!
Jennie, Jennie! Don't fret yourself.
Jennie, you've got to understand.
Jesus said...
Just a couple of inches. Now...
Just as he was on our very first day at Cambridge.
Just as I expected.
Just swing along, you guys, and wait.
Just think what it means to a man like Harold.
Just to be on this ship.
Just to see you run.
Keep doin' it like that, come on!
Keep your arm around.
Knocks you back.
Le pied de porc anglais, madame.
Least of all a guilty national pride.
Leave everything to me.
Leave him be. The poor fella's whacked.
Let each of you discover...
Let it be known that HM Abrahams of Gonville and Caius...
Let me exhort you. Examine yourselves.
Let me tell you...
Let us praise famous men...
Liddell... he is your future king.
Life isn't that gloomy, is it?
Life slips by, Abrahams.
Life slips by.
Like my brothers and my sister here...
Like that. Like that...
Like the bridegroom...
Like the wind.
Like you.
Lindsay. I race beside my friend here.
Look at them.
Look, here's the finish. You see?
Look, Jennie, I'm sorry.
Lord Birkenhead has advised us as to your attitude...
Lord Birkenhead, are the Yanks so well trained...
Lord Birkenhead, are the Yanks so well trained...
Lost by looking right.
Make yourself comfortable.
Many a dead man would have liked a share of it.
May I ask what form this disloyalty, this betrayal, takes?
May I ask you on behalf of the Olympic Committee...
May I remind you...
May the years ahead be happy and content.
Maybe you haven't got a job.
Meaning what?
Mildred, would you get my spikes?
Mind your step, sir. We want you to get there in one piece.
Mm. As they invariably are.
Monty, you'd better have my glass. I've a terrible feeling you're going to need it.
More combative and certainly more cavalier.
Mr 'Arold. He won!
Mr Abrahams will run alone.
Mr Abrahams, is it?
Mr Abrahams, your position, please.
Mr Abrahams!
Mr Abrahams!
Mr Abrahams?
Mr Bowman.
Mr Liddell, is it OK if me da comes?
Mr Liddell, sir!
Mr Liddell.
Mr Liddell.
Mr Mussabini, I believe.
Mr Mussabini, yes.
Mr Mussabini.
Mr Mussabini...
Mr Provost, sir.
Mrs Abrahams just rang, miss.
Much as I would like to do so.
Music critic of the Star.
My arrogance, sir, extends just as far as my conscience demands.
My boy as things stand, you must not run.
My brother will be insanely jealous.
My brother's a doctor.
My dear boy, your approach has been, if I may say so, a little too plebeian.
My favourite, please.
My first day at Cambridge was rounded off...
My name's Keddie. Colonel John Keddie.
My old father swore by it.
My son.
My text this afternoon is taken from Isaiah, chapter 40.
My university and my country.
My work has suffered.
Name after name which I cannot read...
Names which will be only names to you...
Nasty fall you took.
Naturally, sir. I would, deeply.
Neither is weary?
Nevertheless, he's a professional.
Nice to have you on the same side at last.
No ball!
No doubts, though.
No problem. He's a flyer.
No referenda as to which road to take.
No regrets, Eric, that you're not down there with them?
No sake is worth that, FE.
No tickle for me.
No, Aubrey.
No, I mean it. You can push guts, bully them, but you can hone nerves.
No, that's silly. I do it because I love it.
No! Not your head back again!
No. No, sir.
No. Why?
Nobody's forcing you to follow it.
Not a policy very conducive to the fostering of esprit de corps.
Not so, Mr Starter!
Not tonight.
Nous jurons être venus à ces huitièmes Olympiades...
Nouveau record olympique et mondial amateur.
Now he's got a chance to prove himself.
Now if you win, I pay, Abrahams wins, you pay, all right?
Now remember, on the first strike of 12.
Now there are just two of us...
Now, Coote, if I shed a drop I want to know.
Now, do you know why you lost the other day?
Now, God knows, what do I aim for?
Now, I can see it there.
Now, in one hour's time, I'll be out there again.
Now, no hurry. You've got an hour before we kick you out.
Now, you leave it to me.
Numéro 278.
Numéro 419.
Oh, and here's the paper, with your picture in.
Oh, Andy.
Oh, I'm so pleased!
Oh, it's 15 minutes to curtain up, miss.
Oh, my God.
Oh, no, of course. You don't. Nor drink.
Oh, you care.
Oldest con in the business.
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