Ah. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Ah. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Ah. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
All of a sudden the ants went nuts and started fighting each other. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
All you care about is your stuff. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
All you care about is yourself. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
And don't you dare leave me alone. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Are you like some kind of crazy person? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
At first they just crawled around outside our town. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Awesome. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Bad move, Mungo. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Brian Wilkes. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Brian Wilkes. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
But he said they were the dumbest fucking ants he ever saw. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
But those things, they're gonna get you. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
But what about Papa? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Bye. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Can you protect me? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Come on. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Come visit me sometime. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Cool. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Crap. This is hopeless. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Did you change your mind or something? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Did you find me a home? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Do you ever dream about monsters? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Do you like being bad or is it just you can't help it? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Don't worry about me. I'll be OK here. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Every time I'd sneak in there, he'd be sitting at that funny looking TV machine with the green words pushing buttons. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Fine, I guess. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Fire ants. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Fuck you. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Get away from me, you jerk. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
God. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Guess I accept your apology. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Hanging around this born place as usual. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
He always kept staring at us from the windows of his house and typing stuff into his TV box. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
He was kind of scary. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Hello. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Hello. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Here to make fun of me or something. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Hey there, miss. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Hey. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Hi there Mr. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Hi there. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Hi. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Holy moly. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
How are you today? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
How can I ever trust a grown up again? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
How could you do this to me? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Howdy, Mr. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I already knew anyway. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I bet you're so bad because your mom didn't love you. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I can see what you're doing, you know. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I can't remember. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I do. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I don't know. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I don't really like sleeping in a huge cave. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I don't think I should talk to you. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I feel kind of sick. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I guess this is goodbye then. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I hope they get you too. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I hope you found me a place to live. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I just call them fire ants. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I keep having dreams about the ants. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I kind of don't like it in here. I'm going to be really lonely. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I live in grade itch. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I need you to find my paper. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I need you to find my paper. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I remember you. You're mean. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I said it, and I mean it. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I thought you were different. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I understand. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I wish you could stay here with me and Gray Ditch. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I'll get my stuff together and move on out there right away. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I'll head over there and wait inside. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I'm bored. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
I'm scared. I don't know what to do. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
If they didn't know that. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Is there any food in here? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
It was a nice man but he never wanted to play with me very much and we barely talked. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
It was like they were totally crazy. It was really scary, but kind of cool at the same time, You know what I mean? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
It's all their fault. They did this to us. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
It's lonely. No one really comes by here. Plus, this place keeps reminding me of my Papa. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
It's pretty close to the diner, you can't miss it. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Just don't forget about me. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Just help me, promise you'll help me. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Like big, smelly Mungo. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Maybe I shouldn't have eaten that wizard. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Mungo. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
My dad used to always say you can do whatever you want in life, but the family comes first. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
My house is the one closest to the huge sign and the old diner. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
My name's Brian Wilkes. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
My Papa is missing, and I think the ants may have gotten him. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
My Papa would always say they're fucking ants. Well, that's what he used to call them anyway. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Nah. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
No, go ahead. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
No, I can never go home. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
No, those things will get me. I can't. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
No. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
No. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
No. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Nothing. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Now that the fire ants are long gone, maybe people will begin showing U here again. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Ohh besides me and my Papa, there was Doc Wesco who stayed with us, and Will Brandis and his Mama and Papa too. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Ohh man, you got me. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Ohh no. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Ohh, come on. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
OK, I guess. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
OK. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
OK. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Please don't go, please. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Please don't hurt me. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Please find my Papa and make him come back. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Please no. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Raw. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Raw. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Really. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Rivet City. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Rivet City. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Say you're sorry three times and you better mean it. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
See you around. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
See you later, alligator. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Something about laying eggs. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Son of a bitch. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Stop it. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Tell me already. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Thank you so much. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
That's right, an asshole. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
The name's Brian Wilkes, by the way. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Then you can make these things go away. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
There were seven of us living there in tall old brick houses. I think I'm the last one left. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
They always just say sorry, but then it turns out to be a bunch of lies. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
They got huge teeth and skitter around grabbing everything in their path. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
They keep coming. They scare me, Make it stop. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
They're all over great, Hitch, and they killed everyone. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
They're big, ugly things that crawl around on 6 legs. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
This can't be happening. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Those monsters they're gonna give me? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Those things that are coming around only in the last few months. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Those things that keep coming, they scare me, Make it stop. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Those things. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
We had to get back at these things for killing my Papa. We're just gotta. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
We'll keep trying, lady. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
We'll keep trying, Mr. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Well, fuck you. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Well, you don't have to be such a media about it. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What are you doing? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What do you want? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What is it weighty? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What is it, Mr. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What you need, lady? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What you need, Mr. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What's going on? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What's the matter with you? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
What's your problem? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Whatever that means. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
When I was bad, my Papa made me apologize three times, then decided if I was really sorry or not. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
While there used to be like big regular ants once in a while. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Yeah. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Yeah. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
Yeah. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You can just go to hell. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You can just go to hell. That's right. I said it and I mean it. I never want to talk to you again, Like, ever. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You don't care. No one ever cares. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You don't care. The grown-ups never cared. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You don't have to be such a jerk about it. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You grown-ups are all the same. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You must think I'm pretty stupid. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You need some. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You really found her? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You really found her. Ohh, thank you so much. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You shouldn't have done that. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You want to talk to me about stuff? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You will really. Thanks a whole lot. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You won't leave me like all the other grown-ups. You you can help me? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You're a big asshole. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You're a jerk and I hate you. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You're bad. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You're funny looking. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You're kind of weird. from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You're the bad lady that hurts people, aren't you? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
You're the bad man that hurts people, aren't you? from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3
うわ。 from Bryan Wilks Sounds: Fallout 3