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A bunny rabbit!! (Sesame Street #3885)
A dinosaur escaped from the museum, and ran right through your bedroom! (Sesame Street #0207)
A square? (Sesame Street #0195)
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. (Sesame Street #0360)
After 3 more songs, and here they are!! (''Monster Hits'')
Ahhh! Okay kids, are you ready play our game? (Sesame Street #1729)
An- and this is my mother. (Sesame Street #2337)
And I got my wristwatch.... (Sesame Street #3729)
And this... is my grandma! (Sesame Street #2337)
And... I have my flashlight. So I can see my wristwatch in the dark. (Sesame Street #3729)
Augghh!! I wanted a triangle! (Sesame Street #0195)
Aw come on, Buster. Who told you that? (''We All Sing Together'')
Aww thanks. But you only that cuz you're so beautiful. (Sesame Street #0210)
Because if you want to be in shape like old Herry here, you gotta do your exercises. (Sesame Street #0808)
Boy, when they see what a rough tough guy I really am, then they'll wanna play with me. (Sesame Street #0739)
But we're gonna tell you, because we like you. (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
But you know who's the biggest? (Sesame Street #0132)
But you're lousy at keeping secrets!! (Sesame Street #0360)
Come on, Cookie, up on my shoulders! (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
Cookie Monster! What's wrong? (Sesame Street #3532)
Do ya 'spose we could count together? (Sesame Street #0441)
Don't spread it around, it's a secret. (Sesame Street #0360)
Don't you know the difference between up and down? (Sesame Street #3532)
Eh this is my father. (Sesame Street #2337)
Fast? Slow? (Sesame Street #0358)
Fifteen! (Sesame Street #0441)
Fourteen! (Sesame Street #0441)
Gosh. It's my old pal Telly, and he seems awfully worried about something. (Sesame Street #1680)
Haha! Hey everybody, ready to do your exercises? Good. (Sesame Street #0808)
Heh, I fooled you! (Sesame Street #0183)
Hey Telly, what's wrong? (Sesame Street #1680)
Hey you may be big, and you may be bigger. (Sesame Street #0132)
Hey you! You listening to this record, wake up!! (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
Hey, Cookie Monster! (''The Muppet Alphabet Album'')
Hey, I'm slipping! Oh quit jumpin on my shoulder!! (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
Hey, wait a minute! (Sesame Street #0255)
Hey, you guys. Something terrible happened! (Sesame Street #0207)
Hey! Now we won't know who won! (''Monster Hits'')
Hi fellas. Luis, here's your door! (Sesame Street #0720)
Hi, Bird! Whatcha doing? (Sesame Street #0754)
Hi, Grover. (Sesame Street #0360)
Hi, I'm your date. (Sesame Street #0135)
Hi! I'd like you to meet my family! (Sesame Street #2337)
Hit it, fellas. (Sesame Street #1052)
Hiya, Cookie. (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
How could you do that? (Sesame Street #1680)
How would you like to be real monsters, just like me and Grover. (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
Huh, I just wanted to play the imagination game. (Sesame Street #0148)
I am not an aardvark! I'm a fuzzy blue monster, and proud to be one. (''Sesame Street Jam'')
I don't know about still, but you're here. (Sesame Street #0538)
I just can't help it. It- I hardly touched it, it came right off in my hands. (Sesame Street #0720)
I just wanted to know if you could come and play with my dollies and me! (Sesame Street #0180)
I know, all you monsters are thinking; sure, kids don't have fur on their arms and legs.... (''We All Sing Together'')
I said, what's the sound of the letter M? (Sesame Street #0255)
I thought I heard you talking about some, more and most! (Sesame Street #0754)
I'd like to help! (Sesame Street #0754)
I'm Herry Monster! Today the Monster Report takes a look at kids. (''We All Sing Together'')
It's called eyebrow raising and lowering! (Sesame Street #0808)
It's not? (Sesame Street #0199)
It's tradition. (Sesame Street #3729)
J! Jellybeans. (Sesame Street #0181)
Kids! They have skin, they have hair! But what do they really look like? (''We All Sing Together'')
Kids! Who are they? What do they look like? (''We All Sing Together'')
Kids!? (''We All Sing Together'')
Like... China? (Sesame Street #3840)
Listen kid, that's enough, I don't have anymore time. (Sesame Street #0538)
Listen, stay there! (Sesame Street #0538)
M- I don't know! (Sesame Street #0358)
Maybe for old time sake, we could just do a little counting. (''20 & Still Counting'')
Me! (Sesame Street #0132)
Mmmmm? (Sesame Street #0255)
Nah. I wrote a song. A beautiful, lyrical song. Would you like to hear it? (Sesame Street #0720)
No I found it, Grover, right here! Isn't that a beaut? (Sesame Street #0195)
No no, now you're here, Grover is there. Hi, Grover! (Sesame Street #0538)
No no, now you're here! (Sesame Street #0538)
Oh hi, Big Bird! (Sesame Street #1074)
Oh hi, Maria. (Sesame Street #1186)
Oh yeah sure, we were talking about the big rock breaking contest last week. (Sesame Street #1074)
Oh, Mr. Hooper, that's really fine! That's really good, yeah. (Sesame Street #0358)
Oh, oh there it is, over there! Oh, what a beaut! Isn't that a beautiful triangle? (Sesame Street #0195)
Oh, well... you lost the letter O? (Sesame Street #1680)
Oh! There it is right there. (Sesame Street #0195)
Ohh well. [sniff] (Sesame Street #0180)
Ohh, nice moon, huh? (Sesame Street #3840)
Ohhh so that's slow? (Sesame Street #0358)
Ohhh what's wrong? (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
Okay, Mr. Music. Intro please. (Sesame Street #1729)
Okay, we're gonna start off with a warm up.... (Sesame Street #0808)
Okay! By the numbers, the eyebrows go up, and eyebrows go down. (Sesame Street #0808)
Okay. (Sesame Street #0538)
Okay. I'll go first, and you go second. Okay? (Sesame Street #0441)
Okay... (Sesame Street #0195)
Owww!!! (Sesame Street #0806)
Practice, Grover. (Sesame Street #0538)
Psst. Come here. (Sesame Street #0360)
Really? (Sesame Street #0195)
Rectangle. (Sesame Street #0195)
Slow? (Sesame Street #0358)
So, we just came in here to sleep with you! (Sesame Street #0806)
Sure, they're good kids. (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
Surprise on you, Grover! (Sesame Street #0183)
Surprise!! (Sesame Street #0381)
Take that. (Sesame Street #0195)
That kid's really pesky. (Sesame Street #0538)
That's funny, I thought he wanted to talk about surprise! (Sesame Street #0381)
That's right and stay there! (Sesame Street #0538)
Then, why are you looking UP in the sky? (Sesame Street #3532)
Think we scared him? (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
Thirteen! (Sesame Street #0441)
Trouble? How come, what happened? (Sesame Street #1680)
Try! (Sesame Street #1348)
Twelve. (Sesame Street #0441)
Two triangles. (Sesame Street #0195)
Uh oh. (Sesame Street #0720)
We take you now to the playground, where Telly, our Monster on the Spot, is standing by, to show us a real live kid! (''We All Sing Together'')
We're back with more of the Monster Report about kids! (''We All Sing Together'')
Welcome back to the Monster Report! (''We All Sing Together'')
Well I've been rehearsing a song, and here it is! (Sesame Street #1052)
Well then. Why were you looking UP in the sky if you dropped your cookie DOWN on the ground? (Sesame Street #3532)
Well we were trying to sleep. (Sesame Street #0806)
Well y'know, sometimes if you sing about it on Sesame Street, monsters just show up! (Sesame Street #3885)
Well, I saw Big Bird on the street, and he told me to do something with a pencil, so I did. (Sesame Street #0720)
Well, suit yourself. (Sesame Street #0538)
Well... we can't sleep out there, alone! (Sesame Street #0806)
Welp, [monster language] (Sesame Street #1074)
Whaddaya think, Grover? (Sesame Street #0538)
What letter is that, that goes up, down, up, down?! (''The Muppet Alphabet Album'')
What's it?! (Sesame Street #0255)
What's slowly? (Sesame Street #0358)
What's the sound of the letter M? (Sesame Street #0255)
When I do it, it's 'crashing through the snow'. (''Merry Christmas From Sesame Street'')
Woahhh. (''20 & Still Counting'')
Wow! And they're all kids? (''We All Sing Together'')
Wow! Cookie, you DO know the difference between up and down. (Sesame Street #3532)
Written over 200 years ago, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. (Sesame Street #3525)
Yeah but what's fast? (Sesame Street #0358)
Yeah I did it! (Sesame Street #0195)
Yeah, Big Bird! See we don't wanna sleep out there alone, in the dark. (Sesame Street #0806)
Yeah, wait a minute. (''The Sesame Street Monsters'')
Yeah! (Sesame Street #0195)
Yeah? (Sesame Street #0538)
Yeah. Do you wanna know a secret? (Sesame Street #0360)
Yeah. That WAS fast. (Sesame Street #0358)
YeAuH!! Ah, me too. (Sesame Street #1729)
Yes! (''Monster Hits'')
You dropped your cookie down on the ground? (Sesame Street #3532)
You stay here, and I'll go over there. (Sesame Street #0538)
You're tryin to tell us kids aren't just different, they're the same, too? (''We All Sing Together'')
You're very good at reciting the alphabet, Grover. (Sesame Street #0360)
🎶Crashing through the snow...🎶 (''Merry Christmas From Sesame Street'')
🎵Here comes ol' Herry looking for the triangle...🎵 (Sesame Street #0195)
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