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The Outer Limits (1963) - Season 1 The Outer Limits (1963) - Season 1: A Gateway to the Unknown Step into a world filled with

The Outer Limits (1963) - Season 1

The Outer Limits (1963) - Season 1: A Gateway to the Unknown

Step into a world filled with mysteries, thrill, and the uncharted territories of your imagination. The Outer Limits, a groundbreaking television series that premiered in 1963, takes you on a journey to the fringes of reality, where the boundaries of science, the supernatural, and the human psyche blur into unexplored realms.

With its distinctive opening sequence, accompanied by a haunting melody, The Outer Limits immediately captures your attention and sets the stage for the captivating stories that lie ahead. Each episode introduces a new and unique tale, often straddling the thin line between science fiction and horror.

The first season of The Outer Limits boasts an impressive cast of talented actors who bring these tales to life. Many notable names grace the screen, including Robert Culp, David McCallum, Martin Landau, and Lee Marvin, among many others. Their performances capture the essence of each story, drawing viewers deeper into the unknown.

One of the standout episodes from Season 1 is "The Architects of Fear." In this gripping installment, written by Meyer Dolinsky, Michael Emmet portrays a scientist who volunteers to undergo extreme physical transformation. His goal is to pose as an alien and provoke a sense of unity among humanity, preventing an impending war. This thought-provoking episode challenges notions of prejudice, fear, and the lengths we would go to prevent disaster.

Another memorable episode, "The Man with the Power," showcases consonant performances by Donald Pleasence and Priscilla Morrill. Written by Don M. Mankiewicz, this story follows an ordinary man who realizes he possesses a dangerous telekinetic power. As his abilities grow, so does the threat he poses to those around him. This thoughtfully crafted tale examines the responsibility that comes with power and the moral dilemmas that arise when faced with unforeseen abilities.

The Outer Limits takes full advantage of its black and white format to create a visual atmosphere that intensifies the suspense and mystery. Shadows play an integral role, adding depth and intrigue to each scene. The cinematography, innovative for its time, enhances the eerie atmosphere and allows viewers to become fully immersed in the unfolding narratives.

Now, with the advent of technology, it is easier than ever to explore The Outer Limits. You can relive the spine-tingling moments and delve into the unknown as you play and download the sounds that accompany this iconic series. The haunting theme music, composed by Dominic Frontiere, will transport you back to a time when each episode promised unknown adventures and limitless possibilities.

Whether you are a fan of science fiction, horror, or thought-provoking storytelling, The Outer Limits (1963) - Season 1 is a must-watch for those seeking a thrilling journey into the unknown. Brace yourself for tales of alien worlds, mind-bending experiments, and the dark recesses of the human mind. Unlock your imagination and prepare to be captivated by the limitless possibilities that lie just beyond the outer limits.

Note: You can play and download the sounds from The Outer Limits (1963) - Season 1 on various online platforms.
A carbon copy of your father.
A discipline oriented society.
A missile base here.
A missile won't be necessary.
A periphery...
A psychiatric committee analyzed
A runaway wife and a 3 time loser
A total war with us as we are with them,
A woman?
A woman?
Accidentally or otherwise.
According to the history I've studied,
According to their findings, the Zantis are
Advise the chief to destruct that ship!
After its landed if necessary.
Ah, I don't want this.
Alive and awake.
All torn apart...
All'l know is they may be getting
Alone and unarmed,
Already blown their faith in us sky high.
Always aware that the clean edge
Always have.
Amongst their fellow men.
An emissary.
And apparently, they're just as unwilling to start
And banished.
And fight for my country.
And further weaken our relationship.
And here are our patrol spots,
And I told him... I told him I wanted
And I'm always conscious of it.
And it's coming close.
And neither did the police
And now here I am...
And probably drove on out of fear.
And secure.
And security.
And their guards,
And then go.
And then the police would lock me up... Forever.
And thinks.
And this is the new style battlefield here.
And touching off heaven knows what!
And trepidation,
And we will control all that you see and hear.
And without incident.
And you believe them?
And... and then I couldn't get 'em back together again.
Any danger of tourists bouncing in?
Anything on the screen over there?
Anyway, here, here, here, here, here,
Anywhere near that ship when it lands,
Are not our enemy.
Are unauthorized. I assure you
Are we deaf?
Aren't you, Steve?
As they put it,
Asking all sorts of nontechnical questions,
At any rate, the space agency officials
At Professor Steven Grave,
Attempted to solve the problem
B Ben.
Back to their own planet?
Because you weren't sane and safe
Being locked up behind bars.
Believe that.
Ben? Ben.
Big moments, small moments,
Broken bodies and broken hearts.
But even he'd find it pretty difficult
But I also send him with hope.
But I need it.
But I wonder why
But I'm gonna go ahead and tell it anyway.
But it isn't like being there.
But the great uninformed public.
But then, we haven't perfected
But they didn't hesitate to let us understand
But they'll know what your intentions are.
But we don't even know if the man's still alive.
But when a historian named Grave
But why on some other planet?
But, of course, computers don't bleed.
But, sir, I simply do not want to start anything.
By a commissioned officer.
By my own hand.
Called Morgue...
Clear the area!
Come back?
Come here!
Come here.
Come here.
Come in, please.
Come on, I'll show you your desk.
Come on, I'll take you on a tour
Come on.
Come on.
Communications established, sir.
Compassionate minds have pondered
Congress ratified him,
Contacted by this station
Cut them in, Sergeant.
Destruct that ship, General.
Did I get that title right?
Did they tell you where the ship is going?
Did you hear me, Steve?
Different ages have found different answers.
Do anything about the car, Ben?
Do not attempt to adjust the picture.
Do not betray us.
Do not suspect us.
Do we just stand here and wait
Do you know where that ship
Don't worry.
Don't worry. If anyone goes
Done it with my own life.
Establish a red alert at the missile base.
Even after hearing that,
Even before anyone said I had to.
Even islands. We don't send them
Even though they know they'd win.
Every prison guarantees
Everything and everyone,
Except myself.
Excuse me, General.
Facing up to what I've done...
Find himself in a ghost town
Flame throwers ought to do it.
For the missile to drop on us?
For the next hour, sit quietly,
For them it could be long enough
Friends don't coerce one another.
From our viewpoint, Professor,
From stumbling into the Zanti area,
Fully informed and prepared
G get off me.
General Hart.
General Hart.
General, it's coming in our direction
Generally open to all men.
Get it off me!
Get it off me! Kill it!
Get off me!
Get off me!
Get off me.
Get off me.
Get out of there.
God help us.
Grabbing a rifle is a thing of the past, Steve.
Grave, here. Over.
Hand grenades. Anything.
Have they landed?
Have you had contact with the Zantis yet?
Have you seen the car?
He insisted that we turn back.
He said, "why do you want to go away"
He will be unarmed and will await
He will inform me.
He will return to our base.
He will wait one hour.
Heh heh heh!
Heh heh heh!
Heh heh heh!
Heh! Open the windows, Ben.
Help me! Please!
Hey, wait a minute! Wait a minute!
Hey, you're a sentimentalist, Steve.
History has been recorded in some
I am in radio contact with General Hart.
I believe they'll try to break free.
I can't let everybody break.
I cannot see your ship.
I go.
I had to kill one of them.
I know it'll destroy me someday,
I know. I would've been here 2 days ago.
I like bad adventure better.
I need it.
I realize that, sir,
I repeat, it is safe for you to land.
I repeat, person or persons
I send this man with reluctance
I speak to you from Zanti.
I supposed you'd like to have been at Hiroshima?
I thought I did.
I thought you were gonna be
I told him commissioned officers make history,
I told him I was sick to the teeth
I want to help you!
I want to help you!
I want you to take a look
I was all briefed and ready
I will await your signal to advance.
I will not try to.
I will wait for one hour
I will wait for one hour and then go.
I wish we could feel the same about them.
I wonder how they'll destroy us?
I wonder if we'll get to see one of them.
I wonder what they're like.
I would never Kill a reasonable man.
I'd give anything to be there just once.
I'll be at my desk if you want anything.
I'll have to take the risk?
I'll put this on yours.
I'll tell the patrols. They'll let you through.
I'm going home.
I'm gonna tell you something.
I'm having your car parked
I'm not afraid to die.
I'm the same man who concluded negotiations
I've always felt that was one
I've studied history for years, Max,
If anyone goes anywhere near
If he does not receive your permission,
If I could have helped.
If that penal ship iS more
If they decide to re establish communication,
If they do not communicate within the 1/4 hour, sir.
If they keep silent, will we know whether or not
If they retaliate...
If they're anything at all like earthmen,
If we can get out the back way...
If we go in after it,
If you tell him I may advance,
In a prison ship any more than we like
In an open vehicle.
In broad daylight, do you?
In designated area.
In other words, nobody saw it
In our conception of time.
In the stable behind the building, sir.
In today's sunny, smogless skies.
In which case, we'd be accomplishing nothing,
In your landing area are unauthorized.
Interplanetary travel yet, have we?
Into the Zanti landing area.
Is going, Major?
Is let them use our planet as a place
Is uncertainty.
It also means that we're determined to keep
It has to suffer the consequences.
It is vital to our own security
It isn't.
It means death and suffering.
It was about to attack.
It was always our intention that you destroy them
It would only serve to deepen their suspicions
It'll be over somebody's dead body.
It's all automated.
It's all botched up now, isn't it?
It's inside the periphery.
It's patrol 9, General. Corporal Delano,
It's too close to destruct.
It's too late, General.
Just as it is vital to you that you know ours.
L... I did that with a...
L... I tore all the seams apart...
Landing area surrounded.
Let me take you out!
Let us take freedom!
Let's go! the rest of you, come on!
Lisa, there's no place to go out there.
Lisa, we can never turn back,
Looking like something
Make it fast, Steve.
Making a complete circle,
Maximum control of its prisoners,
Maximum control of the prisoners.
May I have your attention, please?
May I make a suggestion?
Maybe it was his job to do so.
Maybe this invasion ought to be covered
Mine own executioner.
Misfits have been burned, branded,
Morgue never has been a tourist spot.
Must always go forward.
Musty young Professors record it.
My father was a much more a devout
Neither better nor worse than all the others.
Neither more human or less human
No interference or else.
No one ever has.
No one will hurt you!
No, nothing yet.
No, sir, our screen would show it,
No, sir. I cannot advise you to recommend
No, thanks, I'l uh, I'll keep it.
No, the car wants water and we're in the desert.
No, we don't, Major,
No, you... You go away.
No. No communication.
No. You'll have to take a risk there.
Nobody knows what it is.
Not quite as messy as the old style,
Not yet, but we know
Not you and me.
Now pick up the money.
Now, if you can't destroy a criminal, Steve,
Now, pick up the money.
Now, wait a minute, Steve. As far as we know,
Of executing their own species.
Of exile for their criminals and misfits?
Of exterminating those members
Of how the perfectionist rulers of the planet Zanti
Of interplanetary events.
Of keeping the area open for you.
Of participation is missing.
Of penal ship one.
Of the battlefield.
Of the government of the planet Zanti.
Of the planet earth.
Of the strategic air command
Of the strategic air command.
Of the United States of America,
Of the worse things a country could suffer.
Of the Zanti government's first contact with us.
Of the Zanti misfits.
Off to another world.
Offered to let them land.
Oh, no...
On our time pattern described as S.E. 6 6 0.
Only to guarantee your privacy.
Open it!
Or any of the military bases scattered here abouts.
Or consider going into that area, sir.
Or else what? Did they say?
Or he is executed.
Or maybe they're going back
Or nonhuman.
Or sharpen it to crystal clarity.
Or some home movies of it,
Or unwillingness to live sanely
Ordinarily, I don't ask you space people
Other planets use other methods.
Our opportunity is now.
Our own species, but you are not.
Our privacy must be maintained.
Our privacy must be maintained.
Our roads and deserts are
Out in the stables.
Out of a nightmare.
Out of missile range.
Over here, Steve.
Over here! Come here!
People die in the desert.
Perhaps merely non human.
Perhaps more than one.
Permit this man to approach.
Pick up the money.
Please come in.
Please communicate.
Please, believe that.
Practiced executioners.
Pretty morbid places, Major,
Probably just a silver desert bird.
Professor Graves.
S.A.C. ok'd him,
Said they didn't see anything,
Same old machine.
Sentimentalist than I'll ever be.
Shall I get the chief on the red line?
Shall I look around?
So far, the only real consequence
So if he gets into you hair,
So until somebody comes up with a photograph
Some 5 star personality decided
Some so insignificant they barely got recorded.
Somebody's dead body.
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stuck by a moving vehicle.
Such a great war correspondent?
Such questions, Major,
Suppose they decide not to land
Surrounding the area in which we're allowing
Sweetheart, the guard was not a reasonable man.
Tax payers pay him, and I like him.
Tell him your emissary will arrive
Tell them you're sending in one man
Than 10 degrees off target,
Than all the others.
That explains it.
That means that we're determined to keep strays
That ship when it lands, it'll be over
That their presence there is an accident.
That they would attack, totally and devastatingly.
That we know your precise mood and intentions,
That's a different brand of war all together.
That's all, thanks.
That's what they said.
The criminal is incarcerated in humane institutions,
The foundations of civilization.
The General is waiting for you,
The inhabitants of the planet Zanti
The official response is, of course,
The person or persons in your landing area
The prisoners are going to make a break.
The Regent has gone after her.
The sentries are armed. They have orders to Kill.
The sentries are there
The space agency picked him,
The usual statement in these cases.
The Zanti commander guaranteed
The Zanti ship has just taken off.
The Zantis inside this circle.
The Zantis to come down in.
The Zantis tried merely one more method,
The Zantis won't communicate with us again.
There is no need for you
There is nothing wrong with your television set.
They are accidents.
They aren't going to like being cooped up
They assured us they didn't want to attack.
They can be free here!
They could construe it as an offensive measure.
They couldn't have landed already, could they?
They listen, but they don't respond.
They may decide to keep silent
They may have destroyed him instantly.
They ran down and killed one of our sentries
They think its an automobile.
They wanted this to be "a non hostile sequence,"
They'll be guarded.
They'll let my emissary approach?
They're either superhuman or subhuman.
They're in our atmosphere.
They're not our friends.
They're perfectionists,
They've landed.
They've spotted something on the radar.
This country's official historian
This dark and disturbing question...
This is first regent
This is General Maximillian R. Hart
This is General Maximillian R. Hart
This is one mistake I want to deal with alone.
This is the commander
This is the radar section here.
This is the story
This is us, Morgue, California.
This whole story to the police,
Those malcontents and misfits whose behavior
Those transcriptions, Steve.
Throughout history,
Throughout history,
To anyone who invades it.
To anyone who invades our privacy.
To be afraid of us.
To be sentimental about war
To conquer a world.
To discuss the situation with him personally.
To even consider retaliating.
To go away with you because...
To have sighted another UFO
To leave Washington when, uh...
To see what held them together.
To their own planet.
To you
Today, on this planet earth,
Today's unidentified flying object
Total destruction
Total destruction
Total destruction to anyone
Total destruction to anyone who invades it.
Total destruction to anyone who invades it.
Try not to brush him out.
Try this on for size here.
Uh, space age style.
Uh, which means that he'll be observing
Uhh! Uhh!
Uhh... uhh... uhh!
Undermines and destroys
Unless they found away to beat it.
Unless you've got a picture of it?
Until next week, at this same time,
Various societies have tried various methods
Wait a second.
Wait! Over here!
Want to grab a rifle
War or no war.
War with another planet?
We are controlling transmission.
We are incapable of executing
We are ready to land
We can change the focus to a soft blur
We chose your planet for that purpose.
We destroy it.
We have cleared the area guaranteed you on that date.
We have no other way
We have not double crossed you.
We have prisons and institutions,
We have reason to suspect
We have some of that stuff
We knew that you could not live
We may have to destruct that ship.
We never intended to.
We now return control of your television set
We shall land.
We thank you.
We think there's a woman out there.
We were instructed to keep out of its way.
We were told when the penal ship would land,
We weren't given any choice, Professor.
We will control the horizontal.
We will control the vertical.
We will not retaliate.
We will remove them with no inconvenience to you.
We will send in a party after them.
We'll all be blown to eternity with it.
We're allowing this to happen.
We're also equipped to destroy it
We're coming back.
We're going to destroy this entire area!
We're going to have to destruct the ship.
We're ready.
We've kept to our agreement.
We've let loose the dogs of war.
Weapons threateningly angled.
Welcome to the sweatbox.
Well, all of Southern California seems
Well, they claim to be incapable
Well, we've done it.
Well, you're 24 hours late.
What about the man I send?
What do you suppose that is?
What do you think made him
What is society to do with those members
When a country allows itself to be coerced,
When the control voice will take you to...
When your enemy can come out of the sky,
Where are you?!
Where are you?!
Where he can't do you any harm.
Where we've, uh...
Which reaches from the inner mind to...
Which way was the vehicle going?
Who are a threat to society?
Who have proven their inability
Who invades it.
Who were of the same spoiled persuasion.
Whoever got in there has
Why not? They have no reason
Why would they want to do that?
Will advance when and only if instructed to do so.
Will be the... the baddest adventure of my life.
Will have to be filed away
Will we know theirs?
With a rag doll.
With all the UFOs of the past.
With him? He's a psychopath
With such aliens in your midst.
With the Zantis.
With your government commander
With your mid afternoon news!
With... with sanity and... and safety
Would you call it coercion?
Writing down everything that he sees and hears
Yes, I heard you.
Yes, if you can.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir. We're keeping the channel open, sir.
Yes, we know.
Yes. The kind that makes me
Yet men break out.
You and I. You make the decision.
You are about to experience the awe and mystery
You are about to participate in a great adventure.
You are practiced executioners.
You can see it if you're interested, Professor.
You can't stay here!
You don't think they'll land
You gotta stash him away someplace
You have destroyed the misfits.
You have to get out!
You killed one?!
You know that you can never go home, Lisa.
You know, my husband said to me,
You may expect to land without interference
You really believe that all they want us to do
You see it?
You smell bad when you lie.
You, you, you, go out the back way! Come on!
You'd better come back, Steve.
You're a new kind of war correspondent,
You're not gonna believe it,
You've read the transcripts
Your good faith.
Your husband would make you tell
Your permission to advance.
Zanti penal ship,
Zanti penal ship, come in, please.
15 minutes is not a long time.
15 minutes?!
"and he's not beautiful."
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