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Downton Abbey (2010) - Season 1 "Downton Abbey" is a captivating British TV drama series that first premiered in 2010.

Downton Abbey (2010) - Season 1

"Downton Abbey" is a captivating British TV drama series that first premiered in 2010. Created by Julian Fellowes, this acclaimed show takes us back to the early 20th century and invites us into the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their dedicated staff.

Set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey, the series portrays the contrast between the upstairs and downstairs worlds. As the family's lives intertwine with those of their servants, we witness their triumphs, tragedies, and the ever-changing societal norms that shape their existence.

The ensemble cast of "Downton Abbey" is filled with talented actors who breathe life into their well-crafted characters. The list includes Hugh Bonneville as Robert Crawley, the Earl of Grantham, who strives to maintain his family's legacy amidst the upheavals of the time. Playing his formidable wife, Lady Cora Crawley, is Elizabeth McGovern, a strong-minded American whose presence challenges the traditional British way of life.

The Crawley daughters, Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery), Lady Edith (Laura Carmichael), and Lady Sybil (Jessica Brown Findlay), each possess their own unique personalities and aspirations. Their journeys through love, heartbreak, and societal expectations add depth and intrigue to the story.

Actors Siobhan Finneran and Brendan Coyle portray the contrasting roles of O'Brien and Bates, loyal servants who become entangled in the Crawleys' affairs. Their individual struggles and unyielding loyalty offer gripping storylines that keep viewers hooked.

Alongside these central characters, the talented cast also includes Maggie Smith as the sharp-tongued Dowager Countess, Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley, and Joanne Froggatt as the sweet-natured Anna Bates. Each member of the cast contributes their skills to create an emotionally resonant and compelling narrative.

The show's soundtrack, composed by John Lunn, further enhances the viewing experience. Its sweeping melodies and delicate piano arpeggios evoke the grandeur and elegance of the era. You can immerse yourself in the captivating atmosphere of "Downton Abbey" by playing and downloading these sounds here.

"Downton Abbey" not only captivates us with its lavish sets and exquisite costumes, but also delves deep into societal themes. It explores the impact of World War I, the changing role of women, and the tension between tradition and progress. The series beautifully weaves historical events into the lives of its characters, showcasing their resilience and the complex web of relationships within the Crawleys and their staff.

Whether you are a fan of period dramas or simply appreciate brilliant storytelling, "Downton Abbey" is a must-watch. Its impeccable production values, stellar performances, and thought-provoking narratives make it a remarkable TV series that continues to captivate audiences long after its initial release. So, step into the world of "Downton Abbey" and prepare to be enchanted by the lives and stories unfolding within its walls.

A blind cook, Mr Carson.
A blind cook.
A lady's maid in the house of a colonel in your former regiment.
A little hospitality in an English house may make all the difference to the outcome.
A man like that should live and work at Downton?
A most terrible idea. She doesn't know anyone under 100.
A telephone is not a toy, but a useful and valuable tool.
A tenant of Lord Grantham's. He came in today.
A thousand gutters and pipes that may block and leak,
A Turkish diplomat called something I can't read
A very great deal.
A very nice fellow.
A woman who finds me boring could never love me
About your scheme for restoring the estate cottages.
According to the wine book, we should still have six dozen ofthis,
Actually, he was a terribly nice fellow.
After the people had left.
Afternoon, ma'am.
Ah, how amusing.
Ah, open the door, can you?
Ah, thank you.
Ah, there you are, dear. I was hoping you'd be home in time.
Ah! And you thought that'd put me off?
Ah! I've been waiting for you.
Ah! Just checking that everything's being done right, milady.
Ah! So, young lady.
Ah! Thank you.
Ah. Yeah, she may have a point. I'll keep an eye out.
Alas, no. I don't think our union would please your family.
All alone with plenty of money in a house in Eaton Square?
All alone? Oh, how sad.
All I'm asking is that you release them from any obligation to let you win.
All in your own good time,
All is well.
All packed and ready.
All right, I should think.
All right, I think, my lady. Though Mr Carson's a bit cast down.
All right, I will.
All right, Mr Drake, you're in safe hands now.
All right, well, is there somewhere we could talk?
All right, where do you see this other telephone?
All right.
All Serbian and members ofthe Black Hand.
All the more reason, then.
All the stalls are set out very well this year.
All we know about Lady Mary and here I am, waiting on her hand and foot.
All we want is to know what Gwen wants with a typewriter
Alone at last.
Although I don't know why,
Although I'm afraid most of it will be wills and conveyancing.
Although they won't make a match between them ifthat's what they're thinking.
Although you'd have had more invitations than I did.
Am I? I don't feel it.
Ambition or dream?
An attache at the Turkish embassy. A Mr Kemal Pamuk.
And "Lord Branksome's charming son", who's to be flung at Mary, presumably.
And administering adrenaline.
And admire him more because of it.
And Anna's in bed with a cold, so I'm afraid it's all down to you.
And another three drove past while I was waiting.
And as the legs straighten the foot lowers to the floor.
And at least it happened on the way home.
And before I take it any further
And before it's over I'm going to tell the world.
And before they or you get any ideas, I will choose my own wife.
And bravely borne.
And cheer up, we've all had a smack from Mr Carson.
And disobey her orders? Or not?
And do you hunt?
And do you think he's keen on her? Or is it worth a go?
And do.
And end up being force fed semolina.
And faint at the sight of blood.
And for the female staff, I expect?
And forty years of boredom and duty just isn't possible for me.
And from what her ladyship said, it sounded as ifyou support women's rights.
And get Branson to bring them to the Dower House?
And has good speeds in typing and Pitman shorthand.
And he asked me to marry him.
And he drank a lot more than was good for him.
And he is so very proud of his roses...
And he might not. Oh, come along, Mary, be sensible.
And he normally comes down on this sort ofthing like a ton of bricks.
And he proposed again and you accepted?
And he seemed a nice fellow.
And he still doesn't know?
And he was horrible and fat and red faced,
And he's eager to try an English hunt.
And he's terribly clever. He might end up Lord Chancellor.
And his roses are the most beautiful I've ever laid eyes on.
And how many bedrooms have you still got to do?
And I agreed. Because all this time, I've wondered.
And I am grateful, truly, but there is nothing I need help with.
And I assume you would have no objections?
And I believe marriage should be based on love.
And I can see him now. A funny little foreigner
And I can't find one reason on which to base a challenge.
And I don't blame her.
And I don't deny you've a right to ask.
And I don't either.
And I don't suppose there's any way of knowing if it's a...
And I go back to living on my wits, and you'd rather not follow me there!
And I have to keep finding destinations to justify it.
And I haven't said nothing to nobody.
And I just shut my eyes for a moment. I've been trying to catch up ever since.
And I need some good news today.
And I think I may have a place there for you, under Colonel Cartwright.
And I thought I'd take a chance.
And I thought the hospital a great credit to your father's memory.
And I thought the key was swinging on its hook.
And I told her so.
And I want you to think carefully before you answer.
And I was imprisoned as a thief.
And I was speaking as one lady's maid to another.
And I will never mind them.
And I will say nothing ofyour behaviour.
And I won't always be a chauffeur.
And I'm just stood there like a chump watching a man get dressed.
And I'm trying to persuade her ladyship
And I've ordered what you'll need for the baking.
And if anyone thinks I'm going to pull my forelock and curtsey to this
And if I may say so, my lady, you're still very young.
And if I'm going, you won't be far behind.
And if I've offended you, I apologise.
And if it goes wrong, I'll be telling them why.
And ifthis is what's being said in London, she has to marry soon.
And in my vanity and pride, I gave him what he wanted.
And in the end, he decided the only way to appease the gods
And in the second, I am in charge ofyour welfare
And instead they're at each other's throats from dawn till dusk.
And is this the mystery lover?
And it is.
And it should be right away, now we've talked of it.
And it's high time she let go of her scheme for upsetting everything. Time we all did.
And last month he wrote, asking to see me again.
And let her ruin me with a nasty reference? Oh, I think not.
And made enquiries about the fortune, don't pretend otherwise.
And Mary, you will ride out with him.
And Miss O'Brien, I've sent Anna to bed with a cold,
And Miss O'Brien, were you then wrong
And Mr Carson won't mind. He's gone into the village.
And Mr Lloyd George's new insurance measures will help.
And Mrs Patmore's doing a souffle for the first course.
And Mrs Patmore's fighting fit again.
And never make me remind you of it again.
And no wonder. Did the dinner go well?
And not down at the fair with the others.
And now it's the other way round.
And now we have unimpeachable proof.
And now, the Grantham Cup for the best bloom in the village.
And ofcourse I'll have the weekend.
And Papa is not?
And poor Mr Pamuk has been taken care of?
And send the horses down early.
And she doesn't want to risk losing what sight she still has.
And she gave you as a reference when you don't run a business, milady.
And she says she can have it done by Friday.
And she wouldn't let me drive it over 20 miles an hour.
And she's not been in touch with Cousin Matthew?
And show she's ready to start work again? Not a chance.
And stone that will crack in the frost.
And that's what counts. It's all that counts in the end.
And the adrenaline may not be able to restart it.
And the girls got used to it when we were in London.
And the Grantham Cup is awarded to...
And the next, he was as dead as a doornail.
And then there was the Turkish gentleman.
And then we cable her so her butler can be at King's Cross to meet them.
And there they were.
And there was nothing you could do to stop it?
And there's nothing wrong with mending roads, neither,
And they cannot expect us to alter our...
And they did say his presence was essential for peace in Albania.
And they pay us to do as we're told, that's all.
And they wouldn't want her to come back.
And they'll take it from there.
And they're right. Oh, look at me.
And this is Mr Pamuk.
And this is solution of nitrate ofsilver. Rub a little in, morning and night.
And Thomas wouldn't try to.
And to keep them in your house...
And to think Taylor's gone off to run a tea shop.
And we must all be allowed to play them.
And we thought the assassination of an Archduke was a surprise.
And we will never set eyes on you again.
And we'll celebrate after we've finished today's work.
And we'll have no more talk ofthis tonight.
And we've delivered whatever we promised at the interview.
And we've got a real atmosphere going now.
And we've had quite a few answers from her advertisement.
And what about you, will you follow him or will you come over the jump with me?
And what happens ifthe baby is a boy and Matthew loses everything?
And what if I did?
And what would be the point of living ifwe didn't let life change us?
And what?
And when I hand in my notice I shall be happy
And when it comes, I want to be really useful to my country.
And when people break them you find it hard to forgive.
And when they come out ofthem, they go to school.
And when you are master here, is the butler to be dismissed?
And when you have, you can choose whether to put it in Thomas's room
And where's Mr Napier?
And who's on duty now? The hall boy?
And why has she been? That's what I'd like to know.
And why she feels the need to keep it secret?
And why should she like the man she's been passed over for?
And why would he be?
And yet be fair to your employees.
And yet Mr Carson has no difficulty believing the worst of me.
And you can't slack.
And you couldn't have planned that any better, either.
And you couldn't think what you ever saw in him.
And you don't my mind?
And you know what they're like when they're bored.
And you'd be right.
And you'll tell me right now.
And you're not friends with the girls neither.
And you've been sent to us by the Earl of Grantham?
And you've not been to a doctor?
And you've put something in the fish sauce as well?
And, as a result, your pericardial sac is full offluid.
And, Daisy, we all know the value ofyour contribution.
And, Edith, can you see that the drawing room's ready?
Anna will go with you and you'll stay with my sister Rosamund,
Anna, are you set for the 9 o'clock train tomorrow?
Anna, there you are. You know I'm out tonight?
Anna, when you've done that, would you be an angel and loosen it a bit?
Anna, you won't mind a visit to London?
Anna? Please see that Lady Mary is fully equipped to go hunting.
Anna's made me an armband, Mr Carson.
Anna's still not well. O'Brien, you'll need to dress the girls this morning.
Another attack should finish her.
Anthony Strallan is at least my age and as dull as paint.
Any local news?
Any more news ofthe by election? Mr Crawley was here earlier.
Any more than I'm much good at building my life on shifting sands.
Any port in a storm.
Anyone wanting to poison his food would have to get pass Mrs Patmore.
Anything in the paper, Thomas?
Anyway, he ought to be glad he's got a daughter who cares.
Apart from French and how to curtsey.
Apart from the Great Matter, ofcourse.
Apparently his man speaks no English,
Apparently, Granny's been to see him.
Apparently, the word is going round London that Evelyn Napier
Apples, lemons, butter...
Are going to be about mechanisation.
Are my eyes deceiving me or is one ofthese missing?
Are the Crawleys to starve while I'm away?
Are we ever going to be allowed to turn?
Are we expecting you?
Are we going to have tea or not?
Are we heck as like. A doctor's son from Manchester?
Are we to treat him as the heir?
Are you a creature ofduty?
Are you a good liar?
Are you a hunting family?
Are you afraid someone will think you're American ifyou speak openly?
Are you all right now? Only you seemed a little upset earlier.
Are you all right?
Are you at all political?
Are you aware the seam at your shoulder is coming apart?
Are you beginning to see a future here, then?
Are you coming down?
Are you conforming to the fitness ofthings?
Are you feeling strong enough to go home?
Are you going to the fair while it's here?
Are you hiring and sacking now, Miss O'Brien?
Are you looking for something?
Are you not used to managing staff, Mrs Bird?
Are you pleased with yourself?
Are you quite well, milady?
Are you so knowledgeable about the great world
Are you sure? Shouldn't we tell?
Are you sure? Shouldn't we tell?
Are you sure? You're as white as a sheet.
Are you telling me you saw him take the cellar key?
Are you trying to tell me that you're married?
Are you trying to trick me?
Are you warm enough?
Are you?
Are you? I'm not sure the world is listening.
Aren't you forgetting we've tried that and it didn't work?
As a housemaid.
As a matter offact, I'm being drafted back in as a captain,
As a second footman?
As an excuse to stop fighting for Mary's inheritance.
As for your giggling like a ridiculous schoolgirl with Cousin Matthew!
As fresh as the day they were spoken.
As I know well enough.
As if Mary had somehow been found wanting. In her character.
As it is, my groom only got here an hour or two ago.
As long as we can keep our trains and our dentistry.
As many times as it takes.
As the wife of a country solicitor?
As you know, Lady Flintshire is his lordship's cousin.
As you wish. I'll make enquiries.
As you'll have surmised, his lordship has yet to come to a decision.
Aside from the fact he's planning to steal our inheritance?
Asking for somewhere to hide and, ofcourse, for money.
At all times, retains a sense of pride and dignity
At least at the start.
At least, it's not all that matters.
At Lincoln's Inn. Not sitting at a dirty little desk in Ripon.
At the risk of being impertinent, on your own head be it.
Austria won't get what it wants from Serbia. And now Russia's starting to rumble.
Aye. You can try old Crump in the next village.
Back and unpacked before they get here.
Bates found it this morning.
Bates, who was with him?
Bates, you say?
Be careful, my lad.
Bearing up.
Because Charlie Carson's the butler round here.
Because everything's been ordered and prepared.
Because he hasn't.
Because he's the only one of us who goes in there.
Because I don't want to come home to any surprises.
Because I love you, Mr Bates.
Because I very much regret to announce that we are at war with Germany.
Because I want to leave service. I want to be a secretary.
Because I wanted to give you one last chance to deny it.
Because I'm quite political.
Because if anyone heard about...
Because if it is, it isn't working. I'm sorry, but it's just not working.
Because ifthat is the case, then I don't think it fair on you.
Because it's Sybil's turn.
Because it's the gloomy things that need our help.
Because my dad was a clockmaker.
Because my gardener had grown the best bloom in the village.
Because Napier wasn't in on it.
Because ofthe Archduke's death?
Because ofthe people who'll live in them.
Because one day you may need him.
Because one ofthe housemaids is in there applying for anotherjob?
Because she is not a lady's maid.
Because some wine is missing.
Because there isn't one.
Because they almost never do.
Because they live in my memory
Because this is not Erysipelas, this is a rue allergy.
Because we do not need a butler or a valet, if it comes to that.
Because we rather hoped Lady Mary might have taken a shine to him.
Because we saved it.
Because you didn't know it.
Because you don't believe him to be guilty?
Because you don't think I'm worthy of it.
Because you know no different.
Because you stole it, you noodle.
Because you're not guilty of any wrong,
Because, unlike you and me, he does not know that it is true.
Before I first came here as head housemaid, I was walking out with a farmer.
Before I knock you down and serve your brains as fritters!
Before the bloom is quite gone offthe rose.
Before they turn into soup!
Bellini, Puccini, Rossini. I'm not up to anything complicated.
Beneath the hooves ofthe King's horse!
Besides, his father was a doctor.
Besides, I'm not sure I want to put him off, even without the title.
Besides, none of us know what the next few months will bring.
Better be prepared. I'm afraid Lord Grantham will hit the roof.
Better get a move on.
Better safe than sorry, my lady.
Between the girls' rooms and the bachelors' corridor.
Bit stiff, that's all.
Blimey, if he carries on like this
Blimey, that's a thought.
Blimey! Excuse me, my lady.
Blow this out. You're the last.
Both for what you did, and for keeping silent afterwards.
Branksome's a dull dog, but I don't suppose that matters.
Branson can't have brought it round so quickly.
Branson didn't know anything about it until we arrived there.
Branson, you'll be taking Lady Sybil to Ripon tomorrow.
Bravo, Mama. That must have been a real sacrifice.
Bravo! Well done! Bravo!
Bring anything to take this taste away! Sir Anthony, I am so sorry.
Bring the girl to my room tomorrow, after breakfast.
Bringing people back to health, back to life.
But a little imagination.
But a poet in need of an empire.
But are you sure you have everything you need, milady?
But by any moral code, I am disgraced.
But can we agree to consider them unsaid?
But Carson isn't keen to get rid of him either,
But do look at these roses. Have you ever seen the like?
But do you know how it works?
But don't worry. I'm sure it'll turn up.
But everything seemed so settled between you at Sybil's ball.
But have you filled the post yet? Because I knowjust the woman.
But he could be hard at times, with a tongue like a razor.
But he did see her?
But he must marry someone.
But he never really connected them with fighting.
But he will when he's feeling spiteful. I wish we could be shot of him.
But he'll be very interested in what I have to tell him.
But he's a good man and a decent employer.
But he's joined the army.
But how am I going to get there? They won't let me take a day off.
But how splendid.
But how will you get on here?
But how?
But how? It's in the bachelor's corridor, miles from my room.
But I also know if anything happens to you, Branson will lose his place.
But I also know what I'm capable of,
But I believe the committee feel obliged to give you the cup
But I believe we should check the stores, when it's convenient.
But I can maybe get the time to go in July when the family's in London.
But I can read it to you, ifthat's the problem.
But I can see much better already, even with them on.
But I can think of better ways to helping the needy
But I can't do that to Matthew. It's not how we are together.
But I can't.
But I couldn't seem to find the right moment.
But I dare say she won't touch a bite.
But I didn't see what else...
But I do not quite fit their requirements. So it was all for nothing.
But I don't intend to be killed in battle, neither.
But I don't want anyone to lose theirjob because of me.
But I doubt it.
But I feel it's important that my future wife should think me so.
But I gather he cheered up when he saw the gentleman.
But I have got one for his mother which should still be good.
But I hope I would have done.
But I keep the secret for his sake, not for yours.
But I know it would cheer her to see you.
But I know now he was wrong to ask it of me.
But I must ask one thing, Mr Bates,
But I see now I've been naive.
But I see you're made ofsterner stuff.
But I suppose in a house like this you expect to take it easy.
But I suppose the doctor knows his business.
But I think we should encourage it.
But I think we're nearly there.
But I thought someone in the family ought to know about it.
But I thought you might like to hear it from me first.
But I was driving past your gates on the way to the Callender Becketts,
But I was shocked at the talk I heard as I came in.
But I will go, and you'll be sorry.
But I will make you an offer.
But I wonder if it mightn't be better all round if I went back to Manchester.
But I'd love to.
But I'd say he's keen. I'd say he's very keen indeed.
But I'll wait and see what he's like when you're up.
But I'm afraid I am a little busy at the moment and...
But I'm afraid the good doctor and I did not see eye to eye.
But I'm beggared if I can find much more than four.
But I'm interested! I'm political! I have opinions!
But I'm not a lady and I don't pretend to be.
But I'm not sure Lady Grantham will be so easily convinced.
But I'm not that farm girl any more.
But I've a sense she knows something, but won't say what.
But I've just heard from Dr Clarkson I've been accepted for a training scheme
But if I delay, won't he think I'm only after him for his position?
But ifthere isn't, I hope they tell her there isn't.
But ifyou expect me to disown my daughter,
But ifyou tell Granny I said so, I'll denounce you as a liar.
But ifyou were to proceed with the matter, you would find them to be proven.
But in fact, I've been meaning to speak to you about Molesley.
But in the end I feel you ought to know.
But is there anything else I can do to be useful?
But it does not seem to me realistic.
But it seems to me he's tried his best, and he's done the decent thing.
But it would still make you a force for good in the county.
But it would. It certainly would.
But it's arranged now. But thank you, Sir Anthony.
But it's been lovely to see you again, Joe, really.
But it's left me on me own.
But it's made me think.
But it's not what I want to do.
But it's Sybil's first season. We can't have Mary stealing her thunder.
But last time we invented a theft.
But Mr Carson shouldn't have told Bates.
But nobody learns anything from a governess,
But not, in Thomas's case, from overwork.
But nothing's settled yet.
But please don't mention this to my father, or my grandmother.
But really we're stuck in a waiting room until we marry.
But seems reluctant to embrace some ofthe newer treatments.
But she won't have him disturbed.
But she's taken a postal course
But so does everyone else, unfortunately.
But thank you.
But that is precisely what they already know.
But that's just it, my lady. I don't want them to be his last hours.
But that's the whole point. Bates knows I took it.
But that's why he took the blame.
But the loss of a man's life and the ruin of his family.
But the sea monster didn't get her, did he?
But the young are all so calm about change, aren't they?
But then I'm old. Things may be different now.
But then she made everything rather dark.
But then, after four seasons, one is less a debutante than a survivor.
But then, how many people really go to the Turkish Embassy?
But there comes a time when things are best left to the professionals.
But there has been a suggestion that you were handling the cellar key,
But there it is.
But there was quite a brouhaha.
But there's a very pretty little blue one, with a miniature framed in French paste.
But they will have. You'll see.
But very well done.
But we'll all be going, won't we? The younger men anyway.
But we're not like that.
But we're not! Don't you see that?
But what about the car?
But what are we going to do about Mrs Patmore?
But what ifshe's overturned? What ifshe's lying in a ditch somewhere?
But what... What happens when you retire?
But what's that got to do with Lady Mary's bedroom?
But where's Robert?
But who is he?
But who told them, if not you?
But why did he confess?
But why was he here at all?
But why would it be?
But why would we ever want a telephone at Downton, milord?
But why, my lady?
But with a hung Parliament, it's hard to get excited about a by election.
But you can't leave Downton.
But you don't know if he went back to his own room?
But you don't like him yourself, my lady. You never wanted him to...
But you don't?
But you know what it is, when I do.
But you see, you don't know the whole truth, not even now.
But you think I'm a dull boy anyway. Don't you?
But you were sure.
But you'll still try.
But you're pleased?
But you're unwilling to try it?
But your mother wanted you to know Lady Sybil's back.
But, Granny, she has got a point. Mary can't be completely naive.
But, surely, when Mr Molesley's garden is so remarkable
By "them" I assume you mean the new family, in which case, no.
By draining the pericardial sac ofthe excess fluid
By Perseus.
By the spirits of maids and footmen who died in slavery.
By the way, Anna's told me what she learned in London.
By the way, I want to ask a favour. What's the name ofyour cook?
By the way, I was right about my maid. She's leaving, to get married.
By the way, ifever you want to ride,
By the way, what happened to William's mother?
Calm down.
Can Branson drive me into Ripon on Friday evening?
Can I ask you a question, Carson?
Can I have a word?
Can I have my machine back now?
Can I help, Mr Carson?
Can I help, your ladyship?
Can I help?
Can I look in afterwards?
Can it be my choice this time?
Can we at least wait until after the garden party?
Can we call it a day, my lady?
Can you find where she's put them
Can you help? I should be so grateful.
Can you open the door?
Can you really see yourself dawdling your life away
Can you?
Can't keep William waiting. Gangway.
Can't say it's going to be easy.
Careful, Thomas. Your position is not a strong one.
Carson and I were just making sure
Carson and Mrs Hughes sometimes take a novel or two.
Carson said you were here.
Carson, be sure to say to Mrs Bird the dinner was really delicious.
Carson, Branson is going to borrow some books.
Carson, I'll be in the library.
Carson, is this true?
Carson, remove this. Bring fruit, bring cheese,
Carson, the butler, speaking.
Certainly not. I monopolised you at dinner. I'd no right to any more ofyour time.
Certainly not. Why should it?
Certainly, I do. Miss O'Brien, shall we show them?
Certainly, I'm going.
Certainly, milady.
Certainly, my lord.
Certainly, she would.
Certainly, sir.
Cleaned up?
Clearly the boy should go and see her.
Come back! She didn't mean it!
Come in, come in. Good to see you again.
Come into the drawing room and we can make all the proper introductions.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on, you should be done here!
Come on, Daisy. What was it?
Come on, Dragon, come on!
Come on, everyone. Let's give Mrs Patmore some room to breathe.
Come on, Gwen, hey?
Come on, Mr Carson. She'll get over it.
Come on, tell us what's in it!
Come on.
Concerning Lady Mary and the late Mr Pamuk.
Considerable success have been achieved over the last few years
Cora is right.
Could I ask you something, sir? Only, I get the feeling that a war's on the way.
Could I see one?
Couldn't you? I could.
Course we thought we had him before, but he's a slippery devil.
Course, would happen to a foreigner. It's typical.
Cousin Freddie's studying for the bar, and so is Vivian MacDonald.
Cousin Isobel wants something to do. Very well.
Cousin Isobel was saying you wanted to see some ofthe local churches.
Cousin Mary?
Cuff links, sir?
Dad will think I'm a fool to leave a good place and Mum will say I'm getting above myself,
Daisy and I will finish the luncheon.
Daisy give us a hand, get that cloth.
Daisy, did you hear me call or have you gone selectively deaf?
Daisy, does that surprise you?
Daisy, don't let it get cold.
Daisy, give him a hand with the vegetables.
Daisy, I was hoping...
Daisy, run and find Mrs Patmore. His lordship wants to see her in the library.
Daisy, what do you think he looks like?
Daisy, what is the matter with you? You're all thumbs.
Daisy, what's happened to you?
Daisy, where have you hidden the flour? I can't see it anywhere.
Daisy! I said ices, not iced cakes!
Daisy? Thomas says you have something to add to this.
Daisy. Daisy!
Dear Mrs Hughes,
Dear Mrs Hughes, as you know,
Dear O'Brien.
Did he force himselfon you?
Did he speak well?
Did Mr Napier get off all right?
Did that missing box ofyours ever turn up?
Did you enjoy the hunt today, Mr Napier? Mary said you had a tremendous run.
Did you know she was planning this?
Did you really ask him for the job at the Crawleys'?
Did you really sing and dance and everything in front of an audience?
Did you tell him she's coming here this evening?
Didn't have much of a chance to study the gentleman.
Do ask me again.
Do I have the right to destroy their work? Or impoverish that dynasty?
Do I take it you know this man?
Do look at Mr Molesley's display. He's worked so hard.
Do not let them bully you.
Do these biscuits go up?
Do you ever miss it?
Do you find me very ridiculous, Mrs Hughes?
Do you have any idea what you're asking?
Do you hunt?
Do you know about horses?
Do you know ifshe's got anyone special in her life?
Do you know ifyour father's doing anything this evening?
Do you know where she might have put them?
Do you like him?
Do you love Matthew?
Do you love me enough to spend your life with me?
Do you mean it?
Do you miss them?
Do you not think we ought to say a few words?
Do you stand by your story?
Do you think Robert has thrown in the towel prematurely?
Do you think we should erect a ring and let them fight it out?
Do you think we should have gone up there, to see how they are?
Do you think you'll enjoy village life? It'll be very quiet after life in the city.
Do you want to leave, Mr Bates?
Do you?
Does Carson know you're here?
Does he?
Does it say anything about the side aisles?
Does it work?
Does Mr Carson know?
Does Robert know?
Does this brooch work? I can't decide.
Does this mean you won't be presented next month?
Does your business concern him?
Doing the dining room with Anna, they'll be finishing.
Doing what's expected?
Don't be ridiculous.
Don't be silly, Branson.
Don't be silly. This is the moment we've come for.
Don't be stupid.
Don't crow at me.
Don't do that.
Don't I? You were very helpful dear. Thank you.
Don't let Dr Clarkson hear you.
Don't let the footman be too coarse in front ofthem.
Don't listen to her, Daisy.
Don't listen when his lordship pretends not to enjoy the season.
Don't make me. Those meetings are deadly at the best oftimes,
Don't play with me.
Don't pretend Mary's sudden reluctance can't be traced back to you.
Don't punish us, Mr Carson. It's Mr Bates who's wanting here.
Don't push your luck, Thomas.
Don't raise the white flag quite yet.
Don't stay too long. Let them have an early night.
Don't talk like that.
Don't tell Mrs Hughes or she'll bring the vicar round to have you exorcised.
Don't try and deny it.
Don't worry about Kemal. He knows what he's doing on a horse.
Don't worry, Daisy. You're not in the line offire here.
Don't worry, I know you can't.
Don't worry, Mama. You can go down now.
Don't worry, sir. I've got sharp eyes for anything out oforder.
Don't worry, you won't.
Don't worry.
Don't worry. O'Brien has me wrapped in silk and feathers.
Don't worry. You can still be a virgin for your husband.
Don't you agree, Mr Carson?
Don't you know the Grizzly Bear?
Don't you start.
Don't you start. I've had Her Majesty on at me all afternoon.
Don't you think a war's coming?
Downton would have to be sold to pay for it. Is that what you want?
Dr Clarkson said it was a heart attack. Did you see any signs?
Dr Clarkson,
Dragon, ifyou don't move now, I'll have you boiled for glue!
Dreaming and hoping.
Dry your eyes, and fetch the beefstew I was making for tomorrow.
Easier said than done.
Easier said than done.
Edith, what are you thinking?
Edith, why don't you go, too?
Eh. Lady Mary's in for a surprise.
Enough ofthis. I'm going to ring the dressing gong
Especially someone they didn't even know.
Especially women.
Even a butler has his favourites, my lady.
Even if he could walk.
Even ifshe doesn't believe me,
Even Manchester.
Even Mr Carson wasn't born standing to attention.
Even so, we must try to keep control of Sybil.
Even so, when ajudge hears...
Even so, when ajudge hears...