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Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5 Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5 is a highly acclaimed science fiction

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5 is a highly acclaimed science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. Originally aired from 1987 to 1994, the fifth season of this iconic show continued to captivate audiences with its exploration of the final frontier and its thought-provoking themes.

The cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5 was led by the charismatic Patrick Stewart, who portrayed the wise and resolute Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Joining him in their quest for knowledge and diplomacy were Jonathan Frakes as the valiant Commander William Riker, LeVar Burton as the insightful Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge, Michael Dorn as the honorable Klingon Worf, and Gates McFadden as the compassionate Doctor Beverly Crusher. The talented ensemble cast also included Marina Sirtis as the empathic Counselor Deanna Troi, Brent Spiner as the inquisitive android Data, and Wil Wheaton as the intelligent Wesley Crusher.

Season 5 of Star Trek: The Next Generation continued to expand the Star Trek universe with its engaging storylines and thought-provoking episodes. From encounters with time-traveling Romulans to exploring the consequences of artificial intelligence, this season delved into the ethical dilemmas faced by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. The season also introduced compelling characters such as Ensign Ro Laren, played by Michelle Forbes, who brought a vibrant new energy to the series.

One notable episode from this season is "The Inner Light," which takes Captain Picard on a deeply personal journey when he is inexplicably thrust into the life of a deceased alien scientist. This emotionally charged episode showcases Patrick Stewart's exceptional acting skills and remains one of the most beloved episodes of the entire series.

Another memorable episode is "I, Borg," which delves into the ethical implications of using a Borg drone as a weapon against the destructive Borg Collective. This episode challenges the crew's perceptions and prejudices, highlighting Star Trek's enduring message of compassion and understanding.

Fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5 can now relive these incredible moments through the ability to play and download these sounds. The soundtrack of Season 5 features a mesmerizing blend of orchestral arrangements and innovative synthesizer sounds, perfectly capturing the essence of the show's spirit and adventures. From the stirring theme music to the tense moments of interstellar conflict, the soundtrack serves as a testament to the groundbreaking work of composer Ron Jones.

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5, where the infinite possibilities of the cosmos intertwine with complex human emotions and thought-provoking dilemmas. Its enduring popularity and influence on popular culture make it a must-watch for both dedicated fans and newcomers alike.

So, gather your friends, set phasers to "entertainment," and embark on a journey into the depths of space and the depths of the human soul with Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5. The complete season is now available for streaming and download, allowing you to boldly go where no one has gone before. Enjoy the sounds and immerse yourself in the adventure!

A doctor heals the sick and repairs the injured.
A name...
A small moon orbiting the fourth planet.
A strong forearm is certainly an advantage in fencing.
About the Borg.
Alright. Think of it this way
An area being considered for colonization.
And bartending.
And I am convinced we are doing the right thing.
And in spite of efforts to turn it into some kind of pet,
And now you're questioning whether it should be treated as the enemy?
And return it to the hive.
And suddenly there I was standing there, staring at him.
And that brief moment...
And they will not do any of the soul searching
And we have no hope of negotiating a peace.
Any trouble, we can access the force field through that console.
Are you alright?
Are you ever lonely?
Are you ready?
Are you sure?
Are you sure? You look like you're preparing for a quiet evening.
Aren't you gonna tell me you'll assimilate me?
Aren't you the least bit surprised by him?
At last known course and speed,
At present speed, they will arrive in 31 hours, seven minutes.
Aye, sir.
Because I am not sure he is still a Borg.
Because I didn't want anything to get in the way of our plan.
Because I wouldn't have anything to say.
Because it's been given a name doesn't mean it's not a Borg.
Because it's young doesn't mean that it's innocent.
Because we don't want to live the way you do
Because you're different than we are.
Before total systems failure.
Borg are interconnected. It would act like a virus.
But any intervention would alert the Borg to our having been there
But even in war, there are rules. You don't kill civilians.
But if I lift up, you lunge right underneath.
But if we erase his memory, who he is or who he has become is destroyed.
But if you don't talk to him at least once,
But it is too dangerous.
But now that I have...
But our damping field is blocking both signals.
But perhaps, in that short time before they purge his memory,...
But the Borg leave us no choice.
But they kidnapped you.
But you are Borg.
Can you honestly say you don't have any doubt?
Captain, I do not want to forget that I am Hugh.
Captain, I'd like to go down with him.
Captain, the Borg is still unconscious.
Captain's log, star date 45854.2.
Centuries ago when lab animals were used for experiments,
Choose what I want?
Configuration, cubical.
Do you have a name? A means of identification?
Do you know enough about Borg programming
Do you want to go back with the Borg or stay with us?
Does it seem right to help him become an individual and then take it away?
Don't you understand? We're giving you a choice.
Dr Crusher decided for humanitarian reasons to care for him.
Dr Crusher has repaired a lot of the damage to your biochip implants.
Dr Crusher wants to monitor the new implants.
Dr Crusher, transporter room two with a Medical team.
Every Borg given the opportunity to experience the feeling of...
Every time you talk about yourself you use the word "we".
For somebody like me, losing that individuality is worse than dying.
For that, I need his cooperation.
Four more. None survived.
Geordi is a friend.
Geordi must not be assimilated.
Geordi must not die.
Good. Now stay that way.
Goodbye, Beverly. You saved my life.
Goodbye, Hugh. It was nice getting to know you.
Guinan. Please come in.
Hang on just a second here, Third of Five.
He does not wish it.
He doesn't understand that the signal is cut off.
He has massive internal injuries. His brain implants were damaged.
He must be hungry.
He seems to be a fully realized individual.
He will be unsuccessful and will store the shape in his memory banks.
He would rather die than be assimilated.
He's alone. For the first time, he has to cope with his environment
He's emitting a homing signal and a subspace beacon,
He's even accepted me as Picard, ship's Captain, and not as Locutus.
He's gotten every one. Eight out of eight.
He's hungry alright.
He's not dead! At least not yet.
He's not what I expected, Captain. He's got feelings. He's homesick.
Helm, take us into transport range.
Here it is quiet. There are no other voices.
His name is Hugh. And he's lonely.
How can a geometric form disable a computer system?
How long do we have?
Hugh, a Borg rescue vessel is coming. It will be here within three hours.
Hugh, do you understand we don't want to be assimilated?
Hugh, I'd like to take a closer look at your eyepiece. Is that OK?
Hugh, it's not too late to change your mind.
Hugh. Think about this.
I am attempting to screen out sensor interference.
I am detecting a transmission from within the system.
I am here to facilitate its incorporation.
I am Hugh.
I am Locutus of Borg.
I chose what to do with my life. I make decisions for myself.
I don't know what made me go see him.
I don't know. It doesn't seem right using him this way.
I don't like this sport.
I don't think so, Counsellor.
I doubt it. More likely they'd wipe out his memory of those experiences.
I have a question. What if he doesn't want to go back?
I have considered the implications of having a Borg on this ship.
I have to admit I've been having second thoughts about this plan.
I have weighed the possible risks,
I may have to remove them.
I must return.
I need him in sickbay.
I need to hear you say that you are sure you're doing the right thing.
I need to learn how he processes data.
I see a living, breathing boy who is hurt and needs help.
I see.
I see.
I shall certainly avail myself of your help.
I think I can manage it.
I think I deliberately avoided meeting the Borg
I think we're ready to transport him.
I think what you are saying is that you're lonely.
I thought I understood you, but I don't understand this.
I thought it was just curiosity.
I understand we have a guest on board.
I very much appreciate your concern for me, but it is quite misplaced.
I was thinking how you said the other day that my foil was dipping.
I will follow the Commander. Reactivate the field once we're in.
I will not alter my plans
I will not assist you.
I will not.
I will try to remember you.
I would choose to stay with Geordi.
I would have thought having a Borg on the ship would stir some feelings.
I would suggest that you unattach yourself from the Borg, Mr. La Forge
I'd like to show you a few diagrams and ask you questions about them.
I'd probably have to study the data processing algorithms for the codes.
I'll have to adapt a power conduit and install it in there.
I'll have to go in to connect the power conduit.
I'll set up a subspace damping field around the detention cell.
I'm Beverly, he's Geordi, and you...
I'm Beverly. This is Geordi.
I'm having second thoughts about what we're doing.
I'm here to help, but I don't have to like it.
I'm not sure, sir. Subroutines are complicated.
I'm quite recovered from my experience.
I'm reading one life form. Very weak signs.
I'm studying the components in your prosthesis.
I've been getting to know him. The Borg.
I've rationed his portions of energy. I think he understands.
Identify yourself.
Identify yourself.
If all goes well, a terminal one.
If I didn't know better, I'd think he was scared.
If I'm going to figure out his command pathways,
If they find I am missing, they will come for me.
If this works how I think it will, it'll only be a matter of months
If we could get to the root command,
If you are going to use this person to destroy his race,
If you're here to persuade me not to use the program...
Imagine what this shape would look like turned inside out.
In my experience, they'd ignore him. Do you agree?
Increase power to the shields. Hold us here.
Infect it? You make it sound like a disease.
Is that not easier?
Is that your duty?
Is there anything you wanted to talk about?
Isn't that the point? He'd be reassimilated.
It blows the top off the spatial acuity percentiles.
It comes down to this.
It could be a distress call.
It does kind of suit you.
It is designed so that each step will spawn an anomalous solution.
It is inevitable. All will be assimilated.
It is the only way.
It is the only way.
It is what it is.
It isn't.
It regulates power flow to the frequency you're used to.
It seems to give him very complex visual information
It was an errand of mercy. He was injured.
It was easier having something to call him.
It will be retained for further analysis
It's beautiful. But frightening at the same time.
It's like he's just some kid who's far away from home.
It's my duty to help those who are hurt.
It's not a person, damn it, it's a Borg!
It's the prosthetic eye.
Its continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds,...
Its dimensions indicate a scout ship like the one that crashed.
Just curious.
Just look around, pal. You're hardly in a position to make any demands.
Kill it now. Make it appear it died in the crash.
La Forge gave it to him.
La Forge said I should, but I said no.
La Forge to transporter room three. We're ready here.
Last week when you scored two touches, you liked it.
Leave no evidence that we were ever here.
Let me at least stabilize him. Give him a chance.
Let's face it, you're much better at this than I am.
Lieutenant, you may wait outside.
Like a rat in a cage.
Like Geordi. And Hugh
Like some kind of holographic imaging system.
Looking for an access terminal so he can interface with the collective.
Lower the force field.
Mass, 2.5 million metric tons.
Maybe it is. It's just not what we do.
Might be transmitted through the entire Borg collective.
Mr. La Forge.
My people resisted when the Borg came to assimilate us.
No one Borg is more an individual than your arm or leg.
No, but that's what you things do, isn't it?
No, I'm delighted to see you. Can I get you a drink?
No, not "you". Hugh.
No, thank you.
No. But thanks to you, there are very few of us left.
No. But when you talk to him,
No. I think I need you to persuade me.
Not from us, but certainly from them. They attack us at every encounter.
Not until the shape undergoes several hundred cycles.
Notify Security to prepare a detention cell.
Now, I am quite comfortable in my decision.
On a Borg ship, we live with the thoughts of the others in our minds.
One survivor. It's a Borg. Male. Adolescent. He's badly hurt.
Or if you wish, you can stay here with us.
Other voices?
Others take their place.
Part of what we do is learn more about other species.
Perhaps Geordi can make new implants.
Perhaps that's the most pernicious program of all.
Prepare to return to the ship.
Prevent it from sending or receiving any transmissions.
Programming him like some sort of walking bomb.
Quite original. How long before a total systems failure?
Quite right, Doctor.
Radiation is rendering our sensors inoperable.
Readings are inconclusive, but the moon's atmosphere can support life.
Remove his memory of the Enterprise.
Resistance is futile.
Resistance is futile.
Resistance is not futile?
Resistance is not futile.
Return me to the crash site.
Return me to the crash site.
Right. And he's nothing like what I expected.
Scientists would become attached to the creatures.
Security measures must be taken before we beam it up.
Shall we go again?
Sir, there is no other Borg activity within sensor range.
So he can help with the destruction of his species.
So now you have a Borg named Hugh.
So, I want other options.
Some of us survived.
Someone who makes you feel better.
Someone you can talk to. Who will be with you when you're lonely.
Sometimes, even when a victim has dealt with his assault,
Sometimes. But that's why we have friends.
Space, the final frontier.
Status of the Borg ship?
Thank you. Standing by.
That could be helpful.
That I should get some exercise and strengthen my arm.
That isn't what happened to you. When we found you, you were dying.
That you are doing now.
That you tore my foil out of my hand.
That's gratitude for you!
That's right. And I hope to stay that way.
The anomalies will link together to form an endless, unsolvable puzzle.
The Borg are computer dependent. A systems failure will destroy them.
The Borg assimilate civilizations, not individuals.
The Borg collect their dead.
The Borg don't ingest food.
The Borg has regained consciousness.
The Borg ship will enter orbit in one hour. You'll soon be headed home
The Borg ship will enter the system in three minutes.
The Borg will die if they're removed permanently.
The Borg.
The cell, Doctor. Your equipment will be brought to you there.
The Enterprise is charting the six star systems of the Argolis Cluster,
The interference will hide us.
The knowledge of self being spread throughout the collective.
The more I work with Hugh, the more...
The only way I know how to do that is by perceptual tests.
The shape is a paradox. It cannot exist in real time or space.
The sick and injured are reabsorbed.
The star's radiation will shield us from their sensors.
The transmission was probably a homing signal.
The vessel is travelling at warp 7.6.
Their brains depend on the biochips.
Their implants can synthesize any organic molecules they require.
Then either way, his memory would have been erased.
Then he will die.
Then that is where I will wait.
Then they're gonna come looking for us and they will destroy us.
Then we know everything about them.
Then why don't you just listen? That is what you do best, isn't it?
There are residual effects of the event that linger.
There were five on your ship. Is that it? Just a number?
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.
They contain relatively straightforward programming.
They declared war. We are to be assimilated.
They ignored our away teams, including yours, Doctor.
They may be on their way.
They needed a liaison to communicate.
They will follow.
They will follow.
They're gonna come after us. You, of all people, know that.
They're not gonna stop till they find him.
Third of Five, this is Dr Crusher. Dr Crusher, this is Third of Five.
Third of Five.
Third of Five.
Third of Five.
This connection should fit that coupling on your arm.
This culture will be assimilated.
This is for you.
This would be a problem if the experiment involved killing them.
Thousands of voices with us always.
To alter the pathways to their root command structure?
To use him in this manner,
Today, you were dropping your foil. You kept letting me inside.
Two days ago, you were so upset the Borg was even on the ship
Unless that changes, we are justified in doing anything we can to survive.
Very impressive.
Very well
Very well. Begin as soon as you're ready.
Wait a minute. That's it. Hugh.
We are all separate individuals. I am Geordi.
We are also lonely.
We are Borg.
We are Borg.
We are Hugh.
We are now entering position. Radiation levels are rising.
We are ready to transport.
We are transporting you to the detention cell.
We assimilate species.
We can return him to the crash site.
We can return you to the crash site. They will find you and take you home.
We can't leave him here. He won't survive
We could disable their network at a stroke.
We could introduce an invasive programming sequence via its biochips
We don't even have a home any more.
We don't have designations, we have names.
We face an enemy who want to destroy us
We found you there, in the middle of that debris.
We had to disguise it. The Borg can screen out program anomalies.
We have the files from your experience, Captain.
We leave his memory intact.
We must return to the collective.
We proceed with the plan.
We should be clear about that. We're discussing annihilating a race.
We should remain undetected for now.
We want to run tests, make sure everything's working OK.
We will rejoin the collective?
We'd be no better than the enemy that we seek to destroy.
We'll beam him down and wait in the star's chromosphere.
We'll send you home.
We're bringing up a Borg. We need to neutralize the homing signal.
We're scattered throughout the galaxy.
We're talking about sending him back as a tool of destruction!
We're trying to learn more about you.
We've found the wreckage of a craft.
We've picked up a vessel headed this way.
We've turned that corner already.
Well, I guess this is it?
Well, if at any point you want to talk more...
Well, we'll deal with that later. We must know what you want.
What did you say?
What exactly is total systems failure?
What I want is not important.
What is Geordi doing?
What is it?
What they need is energy.
What you are saying is that you are lonely.
What's he doing?
When he cooperates he gets fed. If not...
When Hugh imprints this on his biochips, he'll try to analyze it.
When I look at my patient, I don't see a collective consciousness.
When I started creating this invasive program, I had no problem with it
When that kid's big brothers come looking for him,
When the Borg download his memory, they'll try to analyze it.
When you are assimilated, you will have a similar device.
When you have completed these tests, what will be done with us?
When you sleep, there are no other voices in your mind?
Which normally would be unconscionable.
Which one is it?
Which would infect the entire collective.
Why do you resist us?
Why don't you talk to him? It might not be so clear cut then.
Will the Borg destroy him if they find out what happened?
Without the resources of the collective.
Yeah, but there's only one of you.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah. I know
Yeah. That's what we call him.
Yes, but before that, could we ask you a few questions?
You are Borg. You will assist us.
You are many, I am one.
You are the second person to refer to that Borg as a sort of lost child.
You don't even know how to think of yourself as an individual.
You don't look so tough.
You don't say "I want this" or "I am Hugh".
You felt sorry for me. Look what it got you.
You have no others. You have no home.
You may accompany him.
You may find that decision a lot harder to live with than you realize.
You named the Borg?
You should at least look him in the eye once before you do it.
You were treated violently by the Borg.
You will assist us to assimilate this vessel.
You will be assimilated.
You will be assimilated.
You will be assimilated.
You wish to be assimilated?
You're welcome.
Your concern is noted, Doctor.
"Resistance is futile." Resistance is futile.
Are you feeling better? You are not Borg.
Arrange to feed it. Aye, sir.
Bridge to Engineering. La Forge.
Choice? Yes, a choice.
Comments. A question.
Do I have a name? Do you want one?
Doctor... I know. We're at war.
Friends? Sure.
Hello, Hugh. Hello, Geordi.
Hello. What is a doctor?
How convenient. Your point, Doctor?
How so? I don't know. It's...
Hugh. OK. Now...
I agree. We're at war. There's been no declaration.
I could stay with you? We could grant you asylum, Hugh.
I haven't talked to it. Why not?
I saved your life. Why?
I saw no need. If you're gonna use this person...
I'm Beverly. I'm Geordi.
In what way? Well...
Is that wise? I'm not sure. I hope so.
It matters to us. No Borg leaves the collective.
Kidnapped, assaulted, mutilated... Counsellor.
Let's get out of here. Lower the force field.
Life signs? Indeterminate.
Must Geordi be assimilated? Yes.
Of unknown pattern. Where is it from?
Picard to Riker. Go ahead.
Riker to Enterprise. Go ahead, Number One.
Security to Captain. Picard here.
Sending him back to destroy others. Let me tell you something.
So long, Hugh. Goodbye, Geordi.
Some have escaped. They will be found.
Surprised? You know he has a name?
That's it. It looks harmless enough.
The Captain understands that. I don't.
There are no civilian Borg. They're a single collective being.
They do not wish it. Irrelevant.
They will resist us. Resistance is futile.
Third of Five. You mean our names.
This one. That's right.
We are Hugh. This is not a Borg identification.
We will answer. Terrific.
We're standing by. Energize.
What do you think? You
What I wish is irrelevant. It's not irrelevant, Hugh.
What is your designation? Designation?
What sort of signal? It is self repeating.
When can you begin? In about 20 hours.
Who's we? We are Borg.
Why are you here? This is a primitive culture.
Why do you do this? I'm just a nice guy at heart.
Worf to Capt Picard. Yes, Lieutenant.
You give us food. Yeah.
You. You...
You've reconsidered the plan? Yes.
..might alter them forever.
..of singularity.
..the sense of individuality which he has gained with us boldly go where no one has gone before. seek out new life and new civilizations,...
"We want this. We want that."