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Attack on Titan - Season 1 Attack on Titan is an exhilarating and captivating Japanese anime series that premiered in 2013.

Attack on Titan - Season 1

Attack on Titan is an exhilarating and captivating Japanese anime series that premiered in 2013. Adapted from the manga of the same name by Hajime Isayama, this show takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is on the brink of extinction due to the existence of enormous humanoid creatures called Titans.

The story centers around Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert, three young friends who join the fight against the Titans after witnessing a devastating attack that destroys their peaceful hometown. As they become members of the elite Scout Regiment, they must face not only the terrifying Titans but also the secrets hidden within their own walls.

The cast of Attack on Titan includes talented voice actors who bring these compelling characters to life. Eren Yeager is voiced by Yuki Kaji, who flawlessly portrays the determination and passion of the show's protagonist. Eren's loyal and skilled friend, Mikasa Ackerman, is voiced by Yui Ishikawa, while Armin Arlert, the intelligent and strategic member of their trio, is voiced by Marina Inoue. Together, their performances create a strong and believable bond between the characters.

The intense and action-packed first season of Attack on Titan, composed of 25 episodes, keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The animation is both stunning and gruesome, perfectly depicting the horror and brutality of the Titan attacks and the immense scale of the battles fought by the humans. The show masterfully balances heart-pounding action sequences with quieter character moments, giving the audience a chance to connect with the protagonists and feel their fear, determination, and sorrow.

One notable aspect of Attack on Titan is its exceptional soundtrack, which greatly contributes to the overall atmosphere and impact of the series. Composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, the music captures the range of emotions felt by the characters and intensifies the gripping scenes. From the hauntingly beautiful opening theme, "Guren no Yumiya" by Linked Horizon, to the explosive background tracks during battles, the music elevates every scene.

If you are a fan of the series or want to discover the extraordinary world of Attack on Titan, you can play and download these sounds here. Immerse yourself in the captivating story, the incredible performances by the voice actors, and the unforgettable soundtrack as you witness the desperate struggle of humanity against the Titans.

Experience the phenomenon that is Attack on Titan - Season 1 and prepare for a gripping journey filled with epic battles, shocking revelations, and the triumph of the human spirit against unimaginable odds.

A 10 meter and a 6 meter!
A creature of unknown origin ability or a legion to slip through and infiltrated wall Rose
A drill instructor is nothing compare that what those recruits have seen
A feeling? what if any of you actually done To be ready for him
A few days later
A good deep strike with one of these To a Titans weak spot
A guy have to be stupid to use this, I mean a knife
A leap greater than we have ever taken
A leap greater than we have ever taken
A lot of lives will have been lost for nothing
A lot of people I used to care about aren't here either
A plan worthy of the commander's fabled eccentricity was hatched
A stark illustration of the disparity between our own strength
A steamed potato it's sat there in the mess hall begging to be eaten sir
A Titan killing a Titan
Absolutely not
According to reports from the Scout regiment
Ackerman wait
Ackerman, I want you on the squad that will be providing Yaeger with backup
Ackerman, lookout
Acting as a spearhead for human knowledge theirs is a solemn and dangerous honor
Additionally anyone with family or loved ones they would spare from the same trauma may also leave
After graduating from the cadets Eren sees mankind begin to restore it's dignity
After seeing this I think we've blown any hope of reasoning with them
After that
Again with this? if you insist on worry worry about how long your hair is
Agreed we're working against the clock here
Agreed? Yes sir you got it
Ah good dr. Yeager...yeah well
Ah if they knew about Eren
Ah this vintage is worthy of your good taste
Ah yes...of course my apologies
Ah, It's Hot
AH! son of a That was a dirty move
AH...well done
Ain't nobody talking to you his temper tantrum had nothing to do with it
All because this is taking too long
All I could think was "better you than me"
All of a sudden I could do anything
All of a sudden it's raining the sound is so faint so gentle
All of a sudden my body wasn't shaking
All of a sudden the reality is sinking in
All of them 10 meters at least
All of them have mounts to nothing
All of us are monsters
All of you, stop it right now
All over
All right come on we got to get out of here You able to stand?
All right let's get you on your feet You shouldn't be out here alone
All right, together then
All right? I'll take the lead
All scratching and biting at each other for blood
All squadrons are responsible for supply running, message relay and enemy combat
All squads remain alert
All that stuff you used to say back in the day
All that's left of any value is revenge
All the livestock were so Restless
All the more reason not to waste this moment, without him the other Titans have nothing
All troops will await my signal
All we could talk about was the world outside
All we do is eat and sleep
All wretched was i
Allow me to introduce cadet Eren Yeager
Allow me to introduce myself I'm commandant Keith Sardis
Allowed us to survive
Allowing us to get back over the wall is that assessment correct?
Almost everything about them is obscure now that isn't to suggest
Alright I get it stop already
Alright lets go
Alright MP here I come three square meals a day for life
Alright sure, makes no difference to me
Alright that does it bitch I'm gonna shut your mouth up permanently
Always on the run
Always scraping by
Am I a fighter? Or am I feed?
Am I gonna be ground up to pulpy human grist between both of sides it's incisors?
Am I gonna be ground up to pulpy human grist between both of sides it's incisors?
Am I here punished for it?
Am I really one of them?
Am i right? we powered through for three years what's one more day
Am I sitting
Am I the only one here who doesn't think I'm a Titan ?..
And all of a sudden...I remembered
And as long as at least one of us can say that we're not done
And as long as that's the case
And baffling though it is their appetite seems geared exclusively towards human beings
And decreed all mankind retreat behind wall Rose
And from the looks of it, he's about to pounce on Yaeger
And get to HQ before you run out of gas
And I
And I have complete trust in the two of them
And I see since the fail of the composure she's letting eternal and destructively grief
And I'll let you in on what I've been doing in the cellar
And I'm the last thing you will ever see
And it doesn't matter how else you may look at it
And it goes without saying
And it's home
And keep security costs down by drawing Titans into specific areas
And make no mistake it absolutely is fleeting
And my gut tells me that the commander is keenly aware of it
And of course Titans have swarmed the place which means we can't get the gas ourselves
And since the Titans will all be in one area
And that creature is you
And that fact alone is all the convincing I need
And that means they saw him get swarmed by the Titans as well
And that of the Titans
And the answer has been hidden away under our house this entire time?
And the Armored Titan? The one that broke through wall Maria?
And the following year 846 the remaining refugees old enough
And the monster has left no time to regenerate
And the MP regiment Maintaining law and order under orders from His Royal Majesty
And the only way to win is to fight
And their friends a certifiable genius
And then
And then
And then utilize your friends power to retake the city
And this is where you all come in
And those who were there say they saw him fighting other Titans
And today there have been no reports of high level communication between them
And we were all out of gas of course
And what's with that look
And where exactly do you think out of here is
And why are you here cadet?
And why the hell isn't he using his gear
And without our mobility we're completely screwed
And yes I'm aware of how unrealistic this plan is
And yet despite Eren's ironclad resolve
And you expect me to sing you a happy little solemn
And you should check out all the cannon upgrades the sight alone ought to be enough to scare them off
And you will gonna hate me
Annie Leonhart Gifted with a sword but does not exactly play well with others
Annie, I know how bad things have gotten it's selfish putting personal matters in the forefront
Answer carefully Eren Jaeger what exactly are you ?, human or Titan ?
Answer me damn you evasion will get you nowhere
Answer me you little bastard You did this
Any attempt to move from where you stand now
Any other Titan would have been on top of us by now
Any risks associated with this operation are yours to eliminate
Anyone wishing to leave will by my personal order not be charged with treason
Anything I deem at least bit suspicious will be met with cannon fire, do not test me
Anyway it's a slice the situation is untenable
Anyway Mikasa alright? my name is Eren I'm dr. Yaegar's son
Anywhere but here then I head over the wall and straight to Shiganshina
Apart from this to all appearances their physique resembles the average human male
Apparently, we're now in the innards of a giant skeleton
Are a reflection of our fear
Are able to retreat deeper inward should the need arise
Are just a bunch of talk
Are they terrified of me?
Are they verified that?
Are we done here?
Are we free to act at our own discretion or what?
Are you asking me why people eat potatoes? I'm surprised you don't know, sir
Are you certain about this ? pinning our hopes on Yaeger I mean
Are you guys alright?
Are you insane
Are you trying to give me the impression you're a liability
Are you willing to cadet Yaeger or not?
Are you willing to cadet Yaeger or not?
Armin Arlert Built like a daffodil but academically brilliant
Armin Arlert from Shiganshina sir!
Armin Arlert from Shiganshina sir!
Armin head for the wall I've got Eren
Armin I trust you to make the right decision
Armin it's time to go
Armin listen
Armin pleads for the life of his friend desperate to convince their comrades
Armin what are you doing
Armin why...
Armin you best have a seat
Armin, are you okay? you're not hurt are you?
Armin, Mikasa
Armin, what's wrong?
Armin...our time's up
Artillery crew has reloaded captain it's your call sir
Artillery group get that cannon reloaded
As a result no civilians were lost to the Titans
As do i
As far as I'm concerned I am surrounded by a bunch of unskilled Cowardly worms
As for how the task will be done
As greed has grown all of every corner
As his comrades fall by the dozens
As if the situation isn't bad enough already
As it stands the garrison regiment isn't ready to assault our position yet
As long as I don't hit the center
As of this moment you have three options open to you
As the Titan onslaught advanced our only choice was to his draw behind Wall Rose
As the Titan onslaught advanced our only choice was to his draw behind Wall Rose
As the Titan onslaught advanced our only choice was to his draw behind Wall Rose
As the Titan onslaught advanced our only choice was to his draw behind Wall Rose
As the Titan onslaught advanced our only choice was to his draw behind Wall Rose
As they lack reproductive organs it's unclear how they reproduce
At any time, she could
At least I can assume Mikasa and Armin are all right judging by his attitude
At least we gonna die and be buried in graves when we get slaughtered!
At that terrible moment in our hearts we knew
At that terrible moment in our hearts we knew home was a pen....humanity cattle
At the moment of truth
At the top of your lungs, make as much noise as you can, cadet
At vital spots along wall Maria
Back off
Back when there used to be different breeds of people
Bad news travels fast hours after Shiganshina fell
Barreling through the outer walls as if wholesale destruction was child's play
Barreling through the outer walls as if wholesale destruction was child's play
Barreling through the outer walls as if wholesale destruction was child's play
Barreling through the outer walls as if wholesale destruction was child's play
Barreling through the outer walls as if wholesale destruction was child's play
Basically and they're not too pleased
Basically we got lucky that's it
Bastard I'm not a prat to show gratitude to a coward
Because every last one of us is a damn coward
Because here's where you ask yourself
Because I don't really know
Because I'm a kid, because I'm weak
Because if I die
Because whether or not you're fit to be a soldier, isn't up to you
Because you keep a level head
Because you keep a level head
Before wall Maria was compromised ODM experts were rare
Before we got here so it's an ugly situation
Behave while I'm gone and I'll let you in on what I've been doing in the cellar
Behind the safety of the inner gate, Am I right?
Being told to run to the Sun sets
Believe it or not it's about life on the outside
Bertholdt, Reiner!
Bertolt Hoover Heaps of native talent but to mild mannered
Between the belts on your waist and your legs
Big bad wolves are liable to pounce on you from out of nowhere
Both commander
Both of you stop it right now
Brave soul after brave soul perished, eaten alive
Breaching the wall bordering Trost before disappearing
Bring it on you little bastard
But a soldier's time beyond the wall
But all i wanted was to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, to be strong like they were
But all we've got left now is going back over the wall
But as a symbol, as an idea,
But at the moment I don't understand my power any more than you do
But driven by a sense of purpose that's almost terrifying
But Eren soldiers on a beacon of hope
But from a public relations standpoint you might like not
But have you seen Eren's squad?
But he's got a bird's eye view
But I can do this, I'll just have to think as I talk
But I can see where they're coming from
But I can't help being tired of looking at you
But I do know you need your share of rest
But I have two ideas
But I mean...I've always of you
But I...I think it'll be all right
But I'll have to become a Titan again
But I'll take it over the known quantity of our options
But I'm just not sure if we've got the numbers needed to pull this thing off
But I'm not a parasite
But if you think you can convince the garrison regiment
But in fact as most of you probably know
But in terms of sheer well
But it struck a chord in me something so...familiar
But it's's also beautiful
But it's gotta be better than this life I'm not stupid
But it's like you told that man
But it's only the first day!
But just as it seems the operation has ended in failure
But my parents are, well they're going to sneak outside the walls to see for themselves
But nobody, nobody has more guts
But remember every one of them is a flesh and blood person
But Sir I'm a cadet I'll slow everyone down (what)
But sir if we lost those supplies
But Sir that is
But of we all will be up to
But still 20% of our forces are lost
But surviving historical documents we have access to tell us nothing of the Tigers origin
But terrifying vitality of these creatures is beyond scientific dispute
But thank you I need to be a bit more careful in the future
But that alone proved tragically insufficient
But the cold hard ground yielded nothing
But the commander's right we must do this
But the plan
But then I realized you let it go because you didn't want me to join the scouts
But then why is there so much smoke
But there's just too many of them out there Even with you on point
But they abandoned their duty to supply us Barricading themselves inside HQ
But this? this is insane
But to meet the Titans head on and win
But turnabout is fair play is it not
But you know what that nice doctor Yeager scheduled to pay us a visit today maybe you could talk to him
But you never
But you're free now
But, his sacrifice did nothing so with all our losses it's ever the same
But, how?
But, if I win I'll live
But, we are in a position to fight to the last breath
BUt, well, it is going to hurt.
But...I'll do it
But...I'll do it
But...My friends they...
But...My friends they...
By me
By the time you turn 12 propriety demands our service
By the way I'd make that last they were already dealing with famine
C'mon baby you got this stay with me
C'mon now
C'mon they're heading right for us
Cadet Eren Yaeger tragically consumed early on in the bath
Cadet Yaeger possesses the ability to fabricate and control a Titan body at will
Cadet Yaeger will hoist said Boulder on his back
Cadet Yeager will hoist said boulder on his back shove it to the hole and voila
Cadets Eren jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Alert
Cadets Eren Yeager tragically consumed early on in the battle
Cadets will be taking the middle guard led by the support squad
Calm yourself
Calm yourself we haven't got time for you to get emotional right now
Can you guys keep a secret cuz' i totally just helped myself to the officers pantry
Can you hear me ? say something listen you've got to tell them everything
Can you not see this soldiers heartfelt salute
Can't argue with a man who's single handedly spared us from the plague
Can't you just envision the horrors that stow for us comrades ?
Cannon fire..
Captain please wait, there's only a handful of us left sir
Captain wait
Captain Woermann
Captain Woermann, his words are worth considering sir
Captain Woermann, the cannon is almost reloaded
Captain Woermann, the cannon is almost reloaded
Care for a swig?
Careful not to cry it out
Cause otherwise, I'm just too thick to get what he means
Change of plans
Check it out Mikasa I'm doing it I can fight the Titans
Choose wisely
Combat has been avoided as much as possible
Come again
Come and find me so I can protect you
Come now surely while Maria is enough on its own to hold the Titans at bay
Come now take this seriously
Come on
Come on
Come on guys time to split last thing we need is him coming our way
Come on guys we can do it right, let's go
Come on here we are with an enemy greater than ourselves buried down and look at us
Come on it isn't like that
Come on Karla that's not our only option
Come on let's go
Come on look this plan was doomed from the start
Come on they're obviously full of it
Come on what are you doing? wake up
Come on you do it all the time
Come on, Damn it
Come on, that's enough questions all right
Commander Pixis
Common doubt not beating you down enough?
Compared to the vast tracts of former glory long abandoned
Connie Springer Agile on the switchbacks Few sandwiches shy of a picnic
Consider this the last line of defense
Continue luring the enemy to the edge of town
Could lift that giant boulder we could use it to block off the wrecked gate
Couldn't have asked for better timing
Crap! Two 15 meter Titans
Dad says you've got a face sharp
Dad, what's wrong?
Daddy is coming sweetheart, Don't you worry
Daddy's gonna use those Big Loud cannons he showed us to scare the Titans off
Dam it!
Dammit not trying to drag you in look there's no point in following me to my death
Damn it
Damn it
Damn it all it's your sworn duty to defend us
Damn it all!
Damn it son, I made it clear I wanted you to wait at the foot of the mountain
Damn it you picked the wrong man asshole
Damn it, still not deep enough
Damn it!
Damn right, it's just after screwing up the training I don't know if I'm cut out to be a soldier
Damn you
Damn you
Damn you...damn you all to hell
Dead, every last one
Dear God
Dear oh dear, One would think our monthly rose would see at least
Death achenes are nothing When total ruin is your reality
Defend the wall for the evacuation is done
Desertion is answered by death
Desperate to survive huh...
Despite having fled in terror before
Did he just vanish in the thin air?
Did it bust down the water gate?
Did the earlier damage compromise him?
Did the man hear what I had to say? any of it?
Did this...make a difference?
Did we get him?
Didn't seem to bother her nearly as much As losing meal privileges for the next five days
Die, and you'll piss me off
Do not, I repeat, do not engage them in combat unless you absolutely have to
Do or Die
Do we?
Do what you gotta do
Do you believe it could work
Do you even understand the magnitude of what you've done here today
Do you have any idea how rare meats been since the Titans took wall Maria
Do you have heart Sir!
Do you hear me?
Do you understand ? my conscious will not falter to watch you die
Does it really matter
Doesn't make me hopeful
Don't apologize, look at us we were too scared to move
Don't be a hero
Don't be a pawn
Don't be scared big guy I wont hurt you cross my heart and hope to die
Don't be stupid There is still Titans everywhere
Don't believe me? look Yeah what about her
Don't know what it's like firsthand look at me
Don't know why I felt the need to bring it up [Hannes]: They are good
Don't leave us
Don't let appearances deceive you
Don't let it slip away
Don't let it slip away
Don't let that work sway ya they all traitors
Don't let yourself be swayed by his conning lies
Don't move from that spot you little farming
Don't play dumb, you know damn well why
Don't shut it yet we've still got people out there give them a chance
Don't take your shortcomings out on him
Don't tell me it's not working
Don't tell me this was for nothing
Don't try to stall it pretend ignorance
Don't worry just my trust
Don't worry sweetheart
Don't worry you can keep it
Don't you even dare your commander and I are old friends
Don't you think ?
Don't you want to make a stand
Don't you...don't you want it to be over
Dot Pixis
Dot Pixis the commanding officer responsible for the southern territory
Dot Pixis unconventional commander of the entire southern territory
Doubted they understood half of it but still
Down their lives don't get all high handed on me just cuz
Drop everything
Easy enough I think
Easy, now's not the time
Eat it she asked us to stay alive I'm not about to let her down
Eat up the titans like a little meat on their bones
Eaten by a Titan wouldn't be so bad
Either you've grown up for a standards of plummeted
Elite or not, two teams can't take on four Titans at once
Equal to a hundred soldiers easily if we lost her it'd be quite the tragedy
Eren and Mikasa have enough faith in me to put their lives in my hands
Eren and the others bust their asses and the one left standing is him
Eren as long as you're part of my life I can fight to the bitter end
Eren can you hear me
Eren did this for us Armin that's all we need to understand for now
Eren dragged to protect meand
Eren have you been crying
Eren if things take a turn for the worse I want you to come find me alright?
Eren is not a foe of humanity
Eren is not a foe of humanity
Eren isn't the monster he seems but however eloquent however passionate
Eren just take Mikasa and run..Now!
Eren listen to me
Eren look for the bad in people expecting to find it and you will
Eren please stop it
Eren wait
Eren wait
Eren wait
Eren where did he go ? Did he get away or did you take him out ?
Eren why would you leave such a major decision up to me?
Eren why would you leave such a major decision up to me?
Eren will most likely spring into action to be long gone before that happens
Eren Yeager
Eren Yeager Lackluster in the classroom marginally better in the field
Eren you should let the Scout regiment thing go
Eren, behave while I'm gone
Eren, Eren, please! You have to push through it
Eren, I know you're in there somewhere I know you recognize me that's right
Eren, I really think I shou
Eren, kid please use your inside voice
Eren, no!
Eren: Hurry up! damn it Mikasa: I'm trying
Eren: I want to more than anything but first i need you on your feet
Eren: Mikasa...grab that and then hoist with everything you got
Eren: No ..what are you doing? Put me down you bastard
Eren: Stop it! No!
Eren: wait...No!
Eren: whatever i can carry you
Eren! NO!
Eren... did you
Eren's mind is made up I will be everyone's hope
Eren's rampage goes horribly awry
Estimates held that nearly 10,000 lives were lost to the titan offensive
Even if I have to do it alone
Even if I have to resort to extreme measure
Even if you could get me out of here I can't run There's no time
Even if you took down a few there's nowhere left for you to run
Even the bravest of us can indefinitely bottle our fear
Even though it meant risking your life
Even though your first step beyond the wall make the difference between a warm hearth and hell on Earth
Even with their heads blown to bits the Titans persist
Eventually I realized those rumblings Were the sound of death getting closer
Eventually the Titans are gonna come for us
Every last one
Every man woman and child within the interior knew the unthinkable had come to pass
Every moment I squander mulling over your supposed innocence
Every night for the rest of your miserable lives
Every one of them has a name Alyusha, Dominique, phine, Isabelle, Ludwig
Every one of them has dreams, hopes, fears
Every right so justice here doth chain
Everyone's lives are riding on you
Excellent work
Excellently said you have the heart of a lion
Except he seems like a guy who knows what he's doing
Excuse me I wouldn't not while I'm standing here
Excuse me I'll do late for the fair darling wait scold the boy for heaven's sake
Excuse me my Lords you really want to hear this
Excuse me sir are you basically saying that the Titans are immortal?
Excuse me, what is all this?
Face it, you don't fight the nature of things and win
Fact of the matter is I was petrified of the mess you were about to get into
Fail and be shipped to the fields
Fantastic as this may sound
Feels kind of pointless
Fight for your life
Fight it?
Find the ferry nearest to you and climb aboard for all you worth
Fine tuning your Titan killing skills so they Brass station you somewhere you'll never see one
First rule of this life kid The better you are at dropping the bad guys
Five years later in the year 850
Five years later the Colossal Titan reappeared in Trost
Focus on luring them here and keeping them here. Understood?
For all we know the walls already been reduced to rubble
For example; according to this book most of the world is covered with salty water so deep
For God's sake we can't even find food on our own
For Humanity's glory and what little time I have left to live
For Humanity's glory and what little time we have left to live
For me
For now I'll just catalog them in here
For the finer points of your gear You gotta do the strut if you want to make the cut
For the first time we will know what it means not to run
For the love God learn some self control
For the moment there is no way to validate all of the claims you've made
For what was to be a century of uneasy peace
For when did not our aim to hide between and like th
Force these useless morons to push my wagon I'll pay you handsomely
Forget about it let's just get out of here
Forgive him I beg you
Forgive me
Franz couldn't breath in and i can't wake him up
Fred up and capable make a good combination kid Don't screw it up by dying
From the back of the head to the nape of the neck,
From there we can mold and bit by bit into proper soldiers
Frozen tundra that stretches to the skies
Fulfill the duties they signed on for they're supposed to be willing to lay
Full withdrawal, we have to leave him as he is
Full withdrawal, we have to leave him as he is
Gambling against the possibility of dying like my parents
Gather our reinforcements
Gave us the tiniest in road towards something like hope
Gentlemen, please
Get away from him that's an order
Get away it's dangerous
Get back here you gonna pay for killing my friend
Get it through your head that I'm not your responsibility
Get ready
Get ready
Get ready here I com
Get ready the smokes clearing
Get some distance
Get that ridiculous thought out of your head this instant young man
Get up
Get up
Get up the wall
Gets bragging rights
Giant humanoid creatures with a tease for our blood
Giant humanoid creatures with a tease for our blood
Giant humanoid creatures with a tease for our blood
Giant rocks that take days to climb
Give me a break the all I've have for two days is a molded bread across
Give me a break what was I supposed to do? she was putting up a fight
Give them their space god only knows what they've just seen
Give this one to me oh crap she is with him
Given that they've subsisted for over a century without Access to their only source of nourishment however
Go save the man you love
Go toward keeping those bastards fat and happy on human gris
God !, what if the bastions managed to bust through wall Rose
God !, what if the bastions managed to bust through wall Rose
God help us
God what a dull life this turned out to be I never even got to tell her just how I feel
Going out there with those freaks and not bringing any bodyguards?
Good day sir, I wish you another opulently appointed day of sloth and tranquility
Good luck beating us to the punch a second time Eren No head starts for you this round
Good point
Good point there the mother would have been a nice addition, right?
Good tent to our comrade below Petra You two, take out the Titan to your right
Good we live in a cage
Good work Ackerman I'm impressed
Good you're all here
Granted I was pretty desperate to survive
Granted in terms of proportion
Great firewood everywhere perfect
Grisha, today should bring you pride
Guess it's the scouts for me too then
Guess it's the scouts for me too then
Guess it's what you call the greater good
Guess we got a beef up the herd though
Haha speak of the devil
Hand to hand combat doesn't really count against our final grade
Hang on
Hanna I'm sorry Franz is
Hanna please, it's not safe on the ground We need to get you to the rooftop
Hanna, what're you trying to do?
Hanna, what're you trying to do?
Hannes !
Hannes: Hey I'm a trained soldier my skill set is killing Titans and saving lives
Hard to tell if they're watching and waiting
Has it all under control like we can't see the forest for the trees
Has it really been five years look at us ready to stand tall again
Have a good trip
Have half? really?
Have you looked in the mirror lately? All of us are parasites
Having assumed Titan form
Having assumed Titan form
Having graven in us are powered by avarice
He also won't have to slow his pace while we fight the others off of him
He can't just be replaced
He could be discreet about moving the boulder
He couldn't pay me enough to be on her bad side
He did good yes, he was brave
He has intelligence!
He has something to prove sounds familiar
He is killing the other Titan
He is the first step in that process we
He is too fast there is no way we will ever take him before he reaches the gate
He is..
He let watching give way to hysteria
He mean he's a human weapon?
He proves the drive and dedication do not always translate into capability
He revealed this true form and because of that threat he cannot leave here alive
He should be with you all oh please tell me he made it
He still did it even while wearing that busted gear
He took out the cannons
He was brave
He was talking big about butchering all the Titans but he got real quiet after ODM training didn't he?
He won't feel compelled to play down his skill As he does with you
He won't response to CPR
He! he planned it
He's a failure countless soldiers have died because of
He's been out like this for the past few minutes
He's defenseless And there's There's just so many
He's gone exactly like five years ago
He's got this, I know he does
He's here one moment and gone the next Just like that
He's just a kid
He's just hungry
He's not as pissed scared as the rest of us
He's sorry he didn't mean it
He's speaking our language it's hopeless and attempt to deceive us
He's well known for taking a less traditional approach
Heads up the main unit of the Scout regiment is back
Heads up the main unit of the Scout regiment is back
Heads up!
Heads up!
Heads up! We've got four more coming through the gate
Heh! Better not fudge your scores (Squadron 34 move out the vanguard needs support)
Hell some people actually died, but not us
Hell they're always an unpleasant surprise right?
Hell this is how it all ends up
Hell we're all I'm aware you're attached to diversion precisely for that purpose
Help's soo hot
Help me...please
Her name is Mikasa?
Here down, take only what you need to survive
Here grandpa scrambled the little extra by telling the garrison he had guests
Here sir, have half
Here's the plan: we don't let a single one of these ugly S.O.B
Hey Ackerman stand down now
Hey are you crazy or something?
Hey are you guys all right ?
Hey Come on keep it together okay
Hey Daz
Hey don't just stand there, we weren't taught to let our comrades fight alone
Hey easy now You're just getting yourself worked up again
Hey hang on, you really should drink a little water first
Hey I apologize sorry for calling you names and dismissing your choice of career