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Clone troopers strategize in the aftermath of the battles in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5, showcasing diverse characters.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - Season 5

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an animated television series that first premiered in the year 2008. Season 5 of the show continued the thrilling saga set in the Star Wars universe, captivating fans with its epic battles, engaging characters, and stunning animation.

The voice cast for Season 5 included some talented actors who brought the beloved Star Wars characters to life. Matt Lanter voiced Anakin Skywalker, the skilled Jedi Knight who struggles with the temptations of the dark side. Ashley Eckstein portrayed Ahsoka Tano, Anakin's courageous and determined Padawan. James Arnold Taylor lent his voice to Obi-Wan Kenobi, the wise and experienced Jedi Master. Additionally, Dee Bradley Baker voiced the clone troopers, bringing individuality and depth to each clone's unique personality.

Season 5 delved deeper into the conflicts of the Clone Wars, revealing more about the growing tensions between the Jedi Order and the Sith, and exploring the personal journeys of the characters. From explosive battles on various planets to political intrigues within the Galactic Republic, the season kept audiences on the edge of their seats.

One standout arc in Season 5 is the "Maul Returns" storyline. This captivating arc follows the return of the fan-favorite villain, Darth Maul, who was presumed dead in the events of Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Maul's resurrection leads him on a quest for revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi, turning the power balance in the galaxy upside down. This arc showcases intense lightsaber duels, emotional confrontations, and shows the ongoing struggles of the Jedi in the face of the Sith's relentless pursuit of power.

Another notable arc in Season 5 is the "Wrong Jedi" storyline, which focuses on Ahsoka Tano's journey and her internal conflict within the Jedi Order. Accused of a crime she didn't commit, Ahsoka finds herself on trial and questioning her loyalty to the Jedi. This powerful arc delves into themes of trust, justice, and the consequences of one's actions, ultimately leading to an emotional and impactful conclusion.

The soundtrack of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 is a perfect companion to the thrilling on-screen action. Composed by Kevin Kiner, the music captures the iconic essence of Star Wars while adding its own unique flavor. From intense battle themes to emotional character motifs, the score enhances the storytelling and immerses viewers in the galaxy far, far away.

Fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 can enjoy the sounds of this exciting season by playing and downloading the soundtrack. With its dynamic composition and iconic themes, the music allows fans to relive their favorite moments from the show and immerse themselves in the epic battles and emotional journeys.

In conclusion, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 is a captivating continuation of the beloved animated series. With its talented voice cast, engaging storylines, and breathtaking animation, the season offers an immersive and thrilling experience for both casual viewers and die-hard Star Wars fans alike. So, grab your lightsaber, prepare for adventure, and journey into a galaxy far, far away with Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5.
A bit rough around the edges, wouldn't you say?
A businessman who will pay handsomely for a Jedi
A cargo vessel and three of your starships.
A clone commando.
A couple of Jedi gone rogue or something?
A couple of them died, I think.
A crystal you have found.
A delivery boy?
A diner. A place of eating.
A distraction combined with a rear assault
A drink, perhaps?
A duty once entrusted to you.
A fair trial Padawan Tano will have
A female Jedi at that.
A few dozen broken down droids will do little to free Onderon.
A glimmer of hope!
A good plan.
A good space to be in.
A great choice.
A headshot
A Jedi may be responsible for the murder,
A Jedi showed me how to create the bomb
A jedi was behind this explosion.
A Jedi.
A key card.
A little backspin might help.
A lot of innocent people died in that blast.
A master and an apprentice,
A means to an end fear cannot be.
A military matter.
A moment of silence, I ask,
A personal matter this is for you.
A presence I haven't felt since
A prolonged war does not interest me, General.
A rescue mission?
A ship, a ship.
A ship, to be specific.
A ship? What kind?
A simple life.
A small droid convoy leading a multi troop transport.
A sniper. Get her.
A vast criminal empire.
A whistling?
A whole pirate fleet.
Abandon ship. Abandon ship!
About everything.
About staying focused.
About the Sertar sector.
According to the ancient laws of Mandalore,
Across the entire planet.
Adding another criminal act to your record?
Admiral Tarkin has ordered that no one be allowed in there.
Admiral Tarkin is right.
Admiral Tarkin, I don't know what happened.
After a vicious terrorist attack.
After an attack on the jedi temple,
After I left the warehouse,
After I left your little Padawan alone,
After I rehydrate myself.
After rescuing his brother from despair,
After the explosion.
After the explosion.
After them.
After them. Kill them.
After this is done,
After tonight's efforts,
After what we did on the dreadnought,
Again, the will of the people is theirs, not mine.
Against me since our little "I held him hostage" affair.
Against our forces.
Against our planet.
Against the Jedi Order and the Republic itself.
Against the kingdom and our allies.
Against the mounting rebel attacks.
Against the Republic,
Against the Separatist forces.
Against your enemies, even within your own ranks.
Agh! Oh.
Agh! What?
Ah, ah, ah, ah.
Ah, but be advised:
Ah, but where would we find one of those?
Ah, my first mission... a rousing success
Ah, no!
Ah, very diplomatic.
Ah, what does it matter?
Ah, yes, Jedi tradition.
Ah, yes, Jedi tradition.
Ah, yes, of course.
Ah, yes.
Ah, your friends have been vaporized.
Ah, your friends have been vaporized.
Ah! It's an ambush!
Ahsoka continues to monitor the rebels' efforts
Ahsoka decided to find out the truth
Ahsoka faces punishment for crimes she did not commit.
Ahsoka has been accused of.
Ahsoka is the reason I'm here and not with Death Watch.
Ahsoka needs our help, and we're sitting around
Ahsoka Tano captured!
Ahsoka Tano is captured by Hondo and his pirate horde.
Ahsoka Tano,
Ahsoka Tano,
Ahsoka trusted you, and you betrayed her.
Ahsoka trusted you.
Ahsoka was captured by the nefarious Hondo Ohnaka
Ahsoka will remain here as an advisor.
Ahsoka, come on!
Ahsoka, have you ever wondered
Ahsoka, I do trust you
Ahsoka, I knew you couldn't resist a good fight.
Ahsoka, I need to talk to you.
Ahsoka, I've got buzz droids.
Ahsoka, let's go find out how jackar got his hands
Ahsoka, punch a hole for the gunships to get through.
Ahsoka, remember what I told you
Ahsoka, wait!
Ahsoka, we're needed in the war room.
Ahsoka, what are you doing?
Ahsoka, will you join us?
Ahsoka, you are making a mistake.
Alert all units.
Alert! Alert!
Aligning yourself with the past
All done by the two crabbiest Zabraks
All endure the same punishment.
All I ask is that you just let me die with dignity!
All in favor of Steela as our leader,
All of the frequencies are jammed.
All of us!
All of you are going to be very busy.
All of you run!
All of you wish to join my act, huh?
All right, all right, calm down, soldier.
All right, Cyclops, listen up.
All right, don't lose her. We'll be right there.
All right, enough with the chatter.
All right, listen up.
All right, listen up.
All right, Pinky... I mean, QT.
All right, scan her.
All right, shoot at will.
All right, we can't rely on technology.
All right, we can't rely on technology.
All right, we got her now.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All the database says is,
All the database says is,
All this dust is wreaking havoc on my joints.
All this time you knew who I was and didn't tell me.
All we need is a communications uplink
Along with five other clones along the way.
Along with maintenance crew and clones.
Although I left the hangar
Although my size may have played a small factor.
Always put purpose ahead of your feelings.
Always two there are, my brother,
Am I becoming that predictable?
Am I still to believe you are not behind their attacks?
Amid growing public support and rising unrest,
An AAT bringing up the rear.
An all points bulletin on Commander Ahsoka Tano.
An army fighting for the dark side,
An attack on the Jedi is an attack on the Senate.
An encoded transmission of General Grievous.
An outpost.
An unscheduled ship entered the atmosphere
Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano
Anakin skywalker and his padawan, ahsoka tano,
Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin skywalker's young padawan found herself accused
Anakin, that's the last time I borrow a ship from you.
Anakin, you have to trust me now.
And a brilliant plan if I do say so myself.
And a little bit of revenge,
And a Separatist minion.
And according to a report from Padawan Tano,
And Almec is now the prime minister.
And an oil bath would be nice.
And are using the cover of the highlands
And ask yourself,
And at the outbreak of the Clone War,
And be friends,
And because of this trial,
And before she could reveal the Jedi's name,
And before they realize what happened
And bring her back to the Temple.
And cause a temporary loss in power.
And come out of this mission looking like heroes.
And come with me now!
And come with their own shield generators.
And commandeer that shuttle without incident.
And continue our attacks to keep them off balance.
And deliver the encryption module
And destroys my entire stronghold,
And don't ask any questions?
And end the Separatist occupation.
And environmental input...
And failed to register.
And faith has been the greatest disappointment.
And finally put an end
And find Ahsoka, do you?
And find themselves stranded in the strange wasteland
And follow the birds' instincts!
And for longer periods of time.
And found in possession of explosive nano droids.
And found you a most special entertainment.
And get me every last piece of information
And grab the encryption module before we're caught red handed.
And Grievous comes in
And has framed me for that and other killings.
And he will do with it as he pleases
And he will not survive this,
And he's critical to their success.
And here I thought you made your escape, no?
And his pirate horde?
And Hondo Ohnaka survives every time.
And hopefully they will call in a tank for backup.
And how many times do I have to tell you?
And how they have infiltrated the Republic
And how to put the nano droids in.
And I am here on very important business.
And I am no longer the king.
And I appreciate everything that you've done.
And I can make decisions based on a complex analysis
And I don't ever want to hear that word "clone" again,
And I expect the same from everyone in this room.
And I guess we'll get past this.
And I have built all this
And I intend to take advantage of it.
And I know droids.
And I may be a pirate,
And I need your help
And I order you to take me to your ship.
And I shall complete your training.
And I thought she came up behind me to talk more.
And I will bring us back to the Republic.
And I will not tolerate insubordination!
And I'm going to be the one who collects.
And I'm grateful for that.
And I'm running out of time.
And if there was someone else,
And if we don't land soon, the engines will explode.
And if you told anyone else.
And in our decision, may the Force guide us.
And infiltrated the heavily fortified city of Iziz.
And it crashed into her position.
And it was Pre Vizsla's last command
And keep reminding them
And keep your eyes on the target.
And learn quickly that their true family is now the Jedi Order.
And leave you alone with the two crazies?
And let me see.
And let Satine become a martyr.
And like every soldier,
And lucky for you, today,
And make your case to the Council.
And Master Plo Koon to track Ahsoka down
And my attack on the Temple was an attack
And my heart now bleeds for your pain.
And my rightful place as leader
And need reinforcements.
And new younglings are harder to find.
And no detours.
And not only send you better droids
And now the perfect tool for my vengeance
And now these two horned men show up.
And now you're trying to blame his murder on me.
And now... now I'm stuck here in limbo?
And one of my old friends, apparently,
And only the strongest shall rule Mandalore.
And order will be restored.
And our job it is to remember that we will,
And personally knock some sense into him.
And pilot this ship!
And press them on two fronts.
And primary control of the engines.
And probably get ourselves captured by a Separatist.
And prove her innocence on her own.
And put himself out of his misery.
And quite courageous, I hear.
And remember, he was a munitions expert.
And rescue Ahsoka.
And rescued Ahsoka.
And rescuing him will...
And resistance is not terrorism.
And restore our sovereignty under our true king,
And return home in time for my promotion ceremony
And return the module.
And Satine to bait Kenobi.
And see if I can find anything out
And see if they'll join us.
And see what riches have fallen from the sky for me... and you.
And send out a power surge.
And shall soon be safely away from the ship
And she said she was afraid of a Jedi.
And she should be dealt with.
And should be considered armed and dangerous.
And so now is the time of The Gathering.
And some fuel.
And some ragtag collection of droids
And sow chaos to undermine the Duchess' rule.
And steal that encryption module
And still get paid.
And subsequently all of us,
And swinging right.
And take it straight to King Rash.
And take out those gunships.
And taken control of my ship.
And taken our chaperone, Ahsoka Tano.
And taken to the planet Florrum.
And that of the army.
And that once your accomplices carried out your orders,
And that shuttle, I think
And that will change my programming,
And that's exactly what you did to her,
And that's the direction each of us will go.
And the droid general Kalani.
And the evidence points to padawan tano being guilty
And the Jedi unaware of the villainous plot,
And the main cannon.
And the means to expand to other neutral systems.
And the murder of the republic officers.
And the others?
And the people are demanding we do something to stop them.
And the selflessness of the Jedi,
And the senate on your behalf.
And the Separatists can't be trusted.
And the terrorists
And their communications?
And then I'll, uh..
And then it will only be a matter of time
And then proceeded to cut him down
And then secure the encryption module.
And then swiftly we shall act.
And then we use their own weapon against them.
And then what? Get a pat on the shoulder?
And there is much to learn.
And these are among the best I have ever seen.
And they all look exactly like me?
And they're killing
And think, "Surely she cannot be this murderer
And those who oppose it are more powerful
And thus, she will be expelled from the Jedi Order.
And thwart the Separatist plot.
And today he will pay for those treasonous deeds
And together, we can defeat Grievous.
And traitor.
And travel with you to your next destination.
And turn her over to the authorities,
And two droid patrols,
And under his jurisdiction.
And use deadly force against our people.
And was willing to attack your own order to do it.
And we bring the droid army to its knees.
And we can... hey, hey!
And we have not been able to find him anywhere.
And we have to open that comm vault door fast
And we must not train terrorists.
And we shall all find ourselves here in time.
And we shall win.
And we will be known as the warriors
And we will deal with them.
And we will watch for your return.
And we will win.
And we'll practice an assault on both hatches.
And we're here to rescue you.
And what do you suppose that means?
And what of the Jedi?
And whatever punishment they will set for you.
And where is your master?
And who put you in charge?
And who would represent Ahsoka in this tribunal, Admiral?
And why would I do something as shortsighted as that?
And without you.
And yes, your anger.
And yet there's evidence that she is indeed
And yet think of all the times we have been fooled
And you are no longer my apprentice.
And you are the apprentice.
And you attempted to barter me off
And you believe her?
And you betrayed mine.
And you know I wasn't working with her.
And you owe me for saving you from your crash.
And you shall forfeit all rank and privileges
And you will maintain its neutrality.
And you will need to work together to exploit them.
And you will not stand in my way this time.
And you, child.
And you're the only one that had flight simulator training
And your duchess.
And your reinforcements have done little to stop them.
And, uh, how is that, my curious friend?
And, well, Mr. Borkus says I have amnesia.
Another droid.
Another error of judgment.
Another party?
Another Republic planet has fallen.
Another way to rip the Jedi,
Answer me, ventress.
Any ideas?
Any questions?
Any word from Master Skywalker?
Apprentice, I wish a tour of this facility.
Are about to mount a major offensive.
Are meant to be together.
Are we clear?
Are we clear?
Are we Jedi or cowards?
Are we sure we even landed near their base?
Are we to understand you are on your way
Are you all right, Your Majesty?
Are you alone?
Are you following his orders?
Are you going to help me when you get here?
Are you not?
Are you okay, master?
Are you okay?
Are you one of the meddlers creating disorder,
Are you ready?
Are you scanning anything?
Are you still willing to fight me?
Are you sure you don't remember anything?
Are you thirsty?
Are you up for it, Snips?
Are you... are you hiring us?
Aren't going to need reinforcements.
Arms up.
Artists, true artists!
Artoo is right.
Artoo, can you land the ship on that cliff ledge?
Artoo, do something.
Artoo, finish reassembling Master Huyang, will you?
Artoo, get out of there now!
Artoo, hold her steady and lower the boarding ramp.
Artoo, is the encryption module safe?
Artoo, what's going on over there?
Artoo, you and the other 'mechs scout the perimeter.
Artoo's right.
As always, my dear.
As an opportunity to tighten their hold on Onderon.
As Darth Maul moves closer to establishing
As daylight ends, the door will freeze over again, and you will be trapped.
As her few remaining loyal subjects
As I recall the last time we met face to face,
As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted,
As reports of the rebels' daring strikes
As reports of their brutal attacks
As soon as possible.
As soon as you release me, you'll be shot dead.
As the battle for the planet unfolds.
As the rebels strive to gain momentum
As the woman in the hologram.
As they continue to strike Separatists targets
As they descend on the outer rim.
As they rally around Ramsis Dendup
As to fix me your daily special and let my droid recharge.
As well as civilians.
As well as the fugitive criminal Lux Bonteri.
As you are being deceived now.
As you wish, Lord Maul.
As you wish, my Lord.
As your king,
As your leader and protector,
As your restored leader,
Asajj Ventress?
At first... I admit... I was just interested in the money
At least it is a sunny day.
At least you have a good excuse
At Strategic Command.
At the execution
At the scene.
At the temple.
At this pace, I am able to view hundreds of hours of footage.
At this rate, the clankers
At this time, nothing more can we do.
At your service.
Attaching your head took a lot longer
Auxiliary power has been restored,
Back into the Order you may come.
Barriss Offee, member of the Jedi Order
Barriss, I need to talk to you.
Barriss, is that true?
Barriss, it's me.
Based on the trajectory of the debris,
Battle droids are no longer linked to central control.
Battle stations.
Be brought down upon you,
Be mindful of your frustration.
Be warned: this is no simple task, and many perils lie ahead of you.
Be with your friend, Ahsoka.
Beat it.
Because droids don't get training.
Because he was so close to the bomb?
Because he was the bomb.
Because I don't see Ahsoka.
Because I've come to realize
Because it is obvious to me that I have been set up.
Because my life is in danger.
Because of Mandalore's neutrality,
Because we are programmed to be right the first time.
Because you are just a pilot!
Because, Jedi,
Beezee, pop your top.
Before it is too late.
Before she escaped?
Before she was arrested.
Before the people commit to their efforts.
Before they lose their planet.
Before they realize this tank's gone missing.
Before they strike again.
Before you went into the warehouse.
Begging Borkus for a job in his diner.
Behind the attack on the Jedi Temple
Behind the bombing of the Jedi Temple.
Being used by the droids.
Belay that order, Commander Fox.
Believe it.
Believe me, Kenobi.
Believe me.
Believes you are a colonel, uh, Colonel.
Betrayed their trust.
Better engineering.
Better now.
Between the Republic and the Separatists.
Bigger than you know.
Blast 'em!
Blast them!
Blow up the temple?
Bo Katan.
Bodies everywhere.
Bombed the temple hangar, someone has.
Bombs, and weapons.
Boss! Boss!
Both are corrupt,
Bowmani's file, master jedi.
Brace yourself!
Brace yourself!
Breaking away from the pirate ship
Bring him in.
Bring them to Agamar.
Bringing order where Satine's weak government could not.
Brother, I am an unworthy apprentice.
Brother, let us share our strength.
Brought on by the lowest element.
Build your own lightsaber, you shall.
But a better general.
But a threat to Onderon.
But a traitor?
But all the same, you're under arrest.
But Almec has the support of the crime families.
But Anakin, Ahsoka, and I can hold them off
But as a criminal
But as a servant of Onderon.
But as long as we know there are good jedi
But as you can see, I am a WAC.
But as your master.
But at what cost?
But can you blame me?
But Commander Tano is the only person
But do not think for a moment
But don't forget,
But everyone, except Anakin, has abandoned me.
But fear not, good citizens.
But first Master Yoda must give a eulogy
But first, harvest your crystal, each one of you must.
But he's as corrupt and vile as you.
But heed the words of the Chancellor we must.
But how can two of you overthrow Vizsla and his supporters?
But I am a different class of droid...
But I am afraid we can no longer allow
But I can offer a solution.
But I can't be sure.
But I can't fight this war for you.
But I cannot trust your programming either,
But I could work with them.
But I do not like taking children into battle.
But I find my moods so changeable these days.
But I guess it's true,
But I had to pick a side before one was chosen for me,
But I have faith in your abilities.
But I need food to survive.
But I promise you,
But I really couldn't tell her anything.
But I think she's wrong.
But I thought maybe you could
But I was wrong.
But I will have a use for you in time.
But I will make you share my pain, Kenobi.
But I would recommend someone outside the Order.
But I'm getting you out of here.
But I'm going to go where the tide flows.
But I'm not coming back.
But I'm older!
But I'm still hungry.
But I'm well aware our shuttle's lost in The Void.
But if the Council does as you suggest,
But if this place reminds you of it, Artoo,
But if you'd care to see what I'm made of,
But it has been six.
But it is not enough to get us moving
But it looks like you're coming with us.
But it won't work.
But it's our best shot.
But it's possible.
But it's too late.
But less clankers. Their main force is in Iziz.
But make sure you're in a locked position
But Mandalore will survive.
But no one else will.
But none is as important as The Gathering.
But normally people come in the front door.
But not just surrounding you,
But not what I would recommend.
But now the hard work begins.
But now you'll do as I say.
But Onderon is ours.
But only he knows where the ships are.
But only until one of you screws up again.
But our misfortune is to your benefit.
But our size makes us perfect for mobility and surprise.
But remember, purpose must come before feelings.
But rest assured, there will be more droids coming
But running proves you had something to do with the bomb.
But she escaped with the help of asajj ventress.
But so betrayed.
But someone is definitely trying to frame me.
But someone still has to distract
But temporary vessels, our bodies are.
But that Jedi is not Ahsoka Tano.
But that requires map coordinates
But that requires map coordinates
But that's impossible.
But that's where the memory stops.
But the door is already half closed.
But then I realized your fallen Padawan and I
But then she attacked me when I got inside.
But there are none.
But there's no problem.
But there's no way in Malachor
But there's only one way to find out.
But these creatures, they have their instinct.
But they do have two weaknesses,
But they must learn to operate on their own.
But they won't stop the gunships.
But they're not designed to deal with our approach.
But this isn't about you.
But this void...
But to send in Republic gunships defeats our purpose.
But to take action,
But try to remember,
But two still remain.
But up there?
But we can certainly do something about the Sith.
But we could help Ahsoka a lot sooner than you can.
But we lack sufficient hardware and supplies.
But we need to make room
But we need you to get us home.
But we still don't have answers.
But we will find them.
But we will have another opportunity.
But we're all gonna need repairs
But we're target practice for those gunships.
But when dealing with mines,
But who's going to pilot the tank?
But why?
But you and I are going to give Grievous a little parting gift.
But you are really in no position
But you can help us.
But you have to stop calling us stupid names, Shorty.
But you know as well as I do
But you need to come back
But you won't sustain it against their will.
But you're not taking me in.
But, Duchess...
But, sir...
By an overwhelming count of...
By ending the droid occupation.
By placing us in prison,
By the Separatists
By using arms that mainly affect droids.
By way of the Force.
By whom? The Death Watch?
By your command.
Byph is right. We better get moving.
Byph, your instincts told you to go that way.
BZ, open the comm vault security door.
Call off the attacks.
Called The Void.
Calling the Republic fleet.
Calm down, Ahsoka.
Calm yourselves. The threat is over.
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