A black man with a funny name. from Barack Obama Sounds 2
Africa is the cesspool of the world. from Barack Obama Sounds 3
After 13 years of marriage, I found myself to be fully domesticated, softap and helpless. from Barack Obama Sounds 4
Among the following were also teachers, men and women who devote. from Barack Obama Sounds 5
And by the time I left office, household income was near its all time high, and the uninsured rate had hit an all time low and wages were rising and poverty rates were falling. from Barack Obama Sounds 6
And then there's Donald Trump. from Barack Obama Sounds 7
And your mother was begging Barack to step. from Barack Obama Sounds 8
Angels me, by the way, I don't see you doing any better in the booty Department. from Barack Obama Sounds 9
Any of the task that lies ahead but. from Barack Obama Sounds 0
At a local why Kiki Bar? from Barack Obama Sounds -
Augusta from Barack Obama Sounds =
Back alley abortion. from Barack Obama Sounds q
Barack. from Barack Obama Sounds w
Big bold country that we love. from Barack Obama Sounds e
Birthdays, graduations, weddings. Kids of the. from Barack Obama Sounds r
Black folks are savages, and any contact with them breeds infection. from Barack Obama Sounds t
Black, white, Latino Asian Native American young old. from Barack Obama Sounds y
Brooks my given name, my father's name. He was Kenyan. It means blessed in Arabic. from Barack Obama Sounds u
Brother Brock from Barack Obama Sounds i
Brother named Marcus from Barack Obama Sounds o
Bullsh1t from Barack Obama Sounds p
Bullshit! from Barack Obama Sounds a
But my main messages is to the parents of Trayvon. from Barack Obama Sounds s
Buy your own damn fries! from Barack Obama Sounds d
By actively promoting 90% of the crazy stuff that's coming out, this White House and then saying, Don't worry, we're preventing the other 10%. from Barack Obama Sounds f
Bye. from Barack Obama Sounds g
Bye. from Barack Obama Sounds h
Can you define more sharply what you think would be a legitimate or fair set of circumstances in the relationship between Iran and Iraq that would make us feel comfortable drawing down our troops? from Barack Obama Sounds j
Christopher Columbus Clark from Barack Obama Sounds k
Damn it bear you can't just sit around like some good time Charlie waiting for Luck to see you through. from Barack Obama Sounds l
Damn it. from Barack Obama Sounds z
Damn, I'm late for class. from Barack Obama Sounds x
Damn. from Barack Obama Sounds c
Dirty Yankee. from Barack Obama Sounds v
Do not give your power away. from Barack Obama Sounds b
Do you want to tell the story you're going to let me finish? from Barack Obama Sounds n
Don't be thick alright. from Barack Obama Sounds m
Don't Boo. Vote. from Barack Obama Sounds Q
Don't make someone else clean up your mess. from Barack Obama Sounds W
Don't mean to interrupt you, but I just want to sharpen the question so that 'cause I think you're getting right at my point here. from Barack Obama Sounds E
Don't you think you're being a little casual about your future? from Barack Obama Sounds R
Each of us have a certain responsibility. We can just sit back and complain. We gotta try to have an influence. from Barack Obama Sounds T
Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma. They end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs when if they just could. You gav... from Barack Obama Sounds Y
Facts, evidence, reason, logic, an understanding of science. from Barack Obama Sounds U
Fulfill their dreams. from Barack Obama Sounds I
Gay straight men. Women folks with disability. from Barack Obama Sounds O
Get your hands out of my fries. You ain't my ***** ***** from Barack Obama Sounds P
Getting me, uh, I idolize you. from Barack Obama Sounds A
Go ahead and vote. from Barack Obama Sounds S
He is a symptom, not the cause from Barack Obama Sounds D
Hello. from Barack Obama Sounds F
Help me understand what it is that makes white people so afraid. from Barack Obama Sounds G
Hey everybody, this is Barack Obama and I just wanna say thank you for helping to pull this together. You for all of you to come together and help and encourage people. Let's come out and vote is e... from Barack Obama Sounds H
How are you? from Barack Obama Sounds J
How hard can that be? from Barack Obama Sounds K
How's your son by the way. from Barack Obama Sounds L
Huh, so in love? from Barack Obama Sounds Z
I could sure enough curse like Richard Pryor. from Barack Obama Sounds X
I discovered that it didn't make any difference whether you smoked reefer in the white classmate, sparkling new van or in the dorm room with some brother you'd met down at the gym or on the beach w... from Barack Obama Sounds C
I don't know. from Barack Obama Sounds V
I drank beer heavily and tried drugs enthusiastically. from Barack Obama Sounds B
I have already voted. from Barack Obama Sounds N
I inhaled. from Barack Obama Sounds M
I know you didn't do it for me from Barack Obama Sounds <
I mean it this time. from Barack Obama Sounds >
I mention all this just so when you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started. from Barack Obama Sounds !
I say there's a struggle going on. It's happening an ocean away, but it's a struggle that touches each and every one of us. Whether we know it or not, whether we want it or not, a struggle, the dem... from Barack Obama Sounds @
I spent the last 2 years of high school in today's. from Barack Obama Sounds #
I think Democrats are wrong. from Barack Obama Sounds $
I'm Barack Obama. from Barack Obama Sounds %
I'm saying the coaches may not like you 'cause you're smart as black man, but it might help if you stopped eating all them fries. You eat Megan, you look 6 months pregnant. from Barack Obama Sounds ^
I'm sorry, would you say You Are? from Barack Obama Sounds &
I'm telling you, man, this stuff will poison your mind. from Barack Obama Sounds *
I've now been in 57 states. I think 1 left to go. from Barack Obama Sounds (
Ignorant mother **** from Barack Obama Sounds )
Indeed. from Barack Obama Sounds ~
Is a University being fair by taking the history of racial discrimination and exclusion into account when filling a limited number of slots in its medical school? from Barack Obama Sounds `
Is it true? from Barack Obama Sounds |
Is that what you're worried about? from Barack Obama Sounds "
It is not so hot anyway. from Barack Obama Sounds '
It requires the occasional disruption. from Barack Obama Sounds ?
It's not about you. from Barack Obama Sounds /
It's the idea held by generations of citizens from Barack Obama Sounds ,
Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy. from Barack Obama Sounds .
John Brown from Barack Obama Sounds
Later. from Barack Obama Sounds
Look at yourself before you pass judgement. from Barack Obama Sounds
Look at, you know I when I was a kid I I inhaled frequently. from Barack Obama Sounds
Man, I'm not going to anymore of these ******** ***** parties. from Barack Obama Sounds
Maybe that's what I want out of life. from Barack Obama Sounds
Maybe they're looking at big buddy yours. from Barack Obama Sounds
Maybe we could afford to give the *** *** ****** Poser rest. from Barack Obama Sounds
Men who devoted their lives to helping our children. from Barack Obama Sounds
My grand father was a Muslim. from Barack Obama Sounds
My life depends on it. from Barack Obama Sounds
My name is an irresistible target of mocking websites. from Barack Obama Sounds
Next thing I know, she's hooked up with Steve no neck, yamaguchi, two of them are holding hands and **** like a couple of lovebirds. from Barack Obama Sounds
No. from Barack Obama Sounds
Nobody asked you whether your father was a fat cat executive who cheated on his wife. from Barack Obama Sounds
Nothing. from Barack Obama Sounds
Now I know you didn't do this just to win an election. from Barack Obama Sounds
Now you know that guy ain't shit from Barack Obama Sounds
Of course. from Barack Obama Sounds
OK. from Barack Obama Sounds
Or ******* Eskimo. from Barack Obama Sounds
Racist. from Barack Obama Sounds
Regardless of party, regardless of how frustrated sometimes you may feel about the political process. from Barack Obama Sounds
Remember what that's like. from Barack Obama Sounds
Rick Cook from Barack Obama Sounds
Senator Barack Obama from Barack Obama Sounds
Should we let teachers lead our children in prayer and leave open the possibility that the minority faiths of some children or diminished? from Barack Obama Sounds
Shut up. from Barack Obama Sounds
Sister Regina from Barack Obama Sounds
So if we all believe in individual Liberty and we all believe in these rules of democracy, what is our modern argument about? from Barack Obama Sounds
So our hearts are broken today. from Barack Obama Sounds
So what are you saying? from Barack Obama Sounds
So what happens when we go out to a party with some sisters, huh? What happens? I tell you what happens, bland. They almost like there's no tomorrow High School Chicks. University checks it. Don't ... from Barack Obama Sounds
Sorry ass motherfuck from Barack Obama Sounds
Sorry, as mother ****** got nothing on me right. from Barack Obama Sounds
Sorry, go ahead. from Barack Obama Sounds
Speak for yourself. from Barack Obama Sounds
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well mannered young black men. from Barack Obama Sounds
Sure. from Barack Obama Sounds
Tell it like it is. from Barack Obama Sounds
Tell me we won't be treated different if we was white or Japanese or Hawaiian or ******* Eskimo. from Barack Obama Sounds
Thanks so much for the great work you've been doing. from Barack Obama Sounds
That's America. from Barack Obama Sounds
That's just how white folks will do you. from Barack Obama Sounds
That's the America I know I do. from Barack Obama Sounds
That's the only way to cure an illness, right? from Barack Obama Sounds
That's what I see. from Barack Obama Sounds
The children who claimed to be Obama's are not Obama's. from Barack Obama Sounds
The filth, the noise and the excess Olivet dazzled my senses. from Barack Obama Sounds
The Marxist professors and structural feminists, and. from Barack Obama Sounds
The most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen. from Barack Obama Sounds
The willingness to speak out for what is right. from Barack Obama Sounds
There are white folks, and then there are ignorant mother ******* like you. from Barack Obama Sounds
There's more than singing its praises or avoiding uncomfortable truths. from Barack Obama Sounds
These are good things. from Barack Obama Sounds
These are qualities you want in people making policy. from Barack Obama Sounds
These Asians worse than the whites. from Barack Obama Sounds
These girls are a one USDA Certified Racists. from Barack Obama Sounds
They had their entire lives. from Barack Obama Sounds
They're not doing us a service. from Barack Obama Sounds
This is Barack. from Barack Obama Sounds
This is your view. from Barack Obama Sounds
To avoid being mistaken for such a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. from Barack Obama Sounds
To shake up the status quo, that's. from Barack Obama Sounds
True. from Barack Obama Sounds
Trying to get laid. from Barack Obama Sounds
Uh. from Barack Obama Sounds
We believe that loving this country, reminders. from Barack Obama Sounds
We should still be celebrating the fact that I am the sole African American and only the 3rd since reconstruction to serve in the Senate. from Barack Obama Sounds
We smoke cigarettes and wore leather jackets. from Barack Obama Sounds
We were in goddamn Hawaii. from Barack Obama Sounds
We've all pledging allegiance under the same proud flag to this. from Barack Obama Sounds
Well, what? from Barack Obama Sounds
Well, why not? from Barack Obama Sounds
What are the core values that we as Americans hold in common? from Barack Obama Sounds
What do you mean? from Barack Obama Sounds
What happened to the Republican Party? from Barack Obama Sounds
Whenever I try to talk to you about it, you act like I'm just this great big bother. from Barack Obama Sounds
Who believe that America is a constant work in progress who believe that? from Barack Obama Sounds
Who told you that being honest was a white thing? from Barack Obama Sounds
Why did akumal leave? from Barack Obama Sounds
Why did an omnipotent God let us snake caused such grief? from Barack Obama Sounds
Why don't you buy a new dress for the party? from Barack Obama Sounds
Why don't you come by on Sunday? from Barack Obama Sounds
Why you worrying about such talk? from Barack Obama Sounds
Wild eyed Socialists. from Barack Obama Sounds
Yeah, I hear you had a question for me. We wanted to to call up and answer it personally. from Barack Obama Sounds
Yeah, that's what you said the last time. from Barack Obama Sounds
Yeah, yeah, I'm still here. I'm here. from Barack Obama Sounds
Yes we can. from Barack Obama Sounds
Yes. from Barack Obama Sounds
Yes. from Barack Obama Sounds
Yes. from Barack Obama Sounds
Yes. Who is this? from Barack Obama Sounds
You ain't my ***** ***** from Barack Obama Sounds
You did it because you understand the norm. from Barack Obama Sounds
You don't understand. from Barack Obama Sounds
You have some good ideas. Maybe if you join the church you could help us start a community program. Why don't you come by on Sunday? from Barack Obama Sounds
You know exactly what I mean. from Barack Obama Sounds
You know exactly what I mean. One of your friends was just arrested for drug possession. from Barack Obama Sounds
You know, Barack, don't you? from Barack Obama Sounds
You know, if I had a son, he look like Trayvon. from Barack Obama Sounds
You might just be bored. from Barack Obama Sounds
You're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. from Barack Obama Sounds
You're already much better educated than your grand father. from Barack Obama Sounds
You've lost your way, brother. from Barack Obama Sounds
Z engraved hi sweetie. Oh that's a oh Ray. from Barack Obama Sounds