A monkey doing you know what with the football from Mix1
A piece of trash from Mix1
Absolutely from Mix1
Alltalk from Mix1
Americaisunstoppable from Mix1
Americanfirst from Mix1
An animated from Mix1
And that hell from Mix1
And they get on that aircraft and I mean they are just like just like shut the door lets get this going from Mix1
And theyre going to watch babies die and love it cause there are good guys the government s good from Mix1
And you make me sick what a liar you are from Mix1
Andimadelotsofmoney from Mix1
Andithankyou from Mix1
Andsomearegoodpepole from Mix1
Are humiliated you oh my god I'm sorry from Mix1
Are you talking to me from Mix1
Asmallloanof1milliondollars from Mix1
Ass from Mix1
Bastards from Mix1
Batman from Mix1
Beans from Mix1
Beaver from Mix1
Because of the implication from Mix1
Begone vile man begone from me from Mix1
Beverycareful from Mix1
Big man from Mix1
Bigger from Mix1
Billionandbillions from Mix1
Bitch I hope your dad dies in the hospital from Mix1
Blurp from Mix1
Bon voyage from Mix1
Buildawall from Mix1
Camerasinstrangeplaces from Mix1
Cat in the wall ok now you're talking my language from Mix1
Child size targets to shoot old women targets checkpoints there tough there ready yeah yeah from Mix1
China from Mix1
Chinaallthetime from Mix1
Chump from Mix1
Coming kids magellan s a lot cooler than justin bieber he circumnavigated with one ship the entire planet he was killed by wild natives before they got back to portugal and when they got back ther from Mix1
Congratulations from Mix1
Constipated from Mix1
Corrupt them all from Mix1
Cost me 6k from Mix1
Cousin from Mix1
D ray morton from Mix1
Death from Mix1
Destroy the child from Mix1
Did you bang my wife did you bang my poor wife does anybody here have any illegitimate children with my poor wife from Mix1
Did you ever take a dump made you feel like you just slept for twelve hours from Mix1
Didyouaskmeaquestion from Mix1
Do rat bastards from Mix1
Dont fuck with me fellas I'm talking about a fucking cadillac car that you owe me from Mix1
Droptoyourknees from Mix1
Evil aint cool and evil aint fun from Mix1
Excuse me from Mix1
Eyyayay from Mix1
Fakenews from Mix1
Fakenews2 from Mix1
Falseandfake from Mix1
Fart 03 from Mix1
For me I'm saying what it is its probably not the orgasm from Mix1
Fu john from Mix1
Fuck little girls so be it from Mix1
Funny ugly spiritually ugly evil witch from Mix1
Getout from Mix1
Getoutofhere from Mix1
Givemeabreak from Mix1
Gohometomom from Mix1
Gohometomommy from Mix1
Greatcompany from Mix1
Greatestjobsproducer from Mix1
Greatestpresident from Mix1
Hail satan from Mix1
Have sex with me from Mix1
He is the devil from Mix1
He worships evil from Mix1
Hes obviously autistic or something I feel sorry for him from Mix1
Hilaryclintionisa from Mix1
Hillaryissocorrupt from Mix1
Hmmthatsstrange from Mix1
How are mom every blowjob I ever got from Mix1
How are you from Mix1
How are you doing would you like rice so you could do oh thank thank thank thank thank from Mix1
How long did it take for the guy to come from Mix1
I am untethered at night rage knows no bounds from Mix1
I broke out in big well said rep saran wrapped around me from Mix1
I can now remove the tinfoil hat from Mix1
I can taste your weakness from Mix1
I didn't have a liberal from new york in the bathroom I couldnt wipe my ass excuse maine from Mix1
I dont care if you got a handlebar mustache I dont care from Mix1
I like to eat from Mix1
I love satan from Mix1
I rode a horse to you know work this morning from Mix1
I taste metal I taste blood from Mix1
I think my testosterone s going up this happens every time I start working out a lot again from Mix1
I will ill do it right now ill get in the ring with you and I will break your jaw I will knock your teeth out I will break your nose and I will break your neck from Mix1
I wont change my mind cause I dont have to design an american from Mix1
I wont change my mind on anything regardless of the facts that are set out before me from Mix1
I wrestled a bear once from Mix1
Ibeatchina from Mix1
Idontcare from Mix1
Idontcare2 from Mix1
Idontlikethat from Mix1
Igonnatellyoustories from Mix1
Ihavethebestwords from Mix1
Iknowwords from Mix1
Ill cut your freaking head off you understand from Mix1
Ilovebabies from Mix1
Ilovechina from Mix1
Ilovethemedia from Mix1
Iloveyou from Mix1
Im allergic to bear spit from Mix1
Im not a coward like you from Mix1
Im saying you dont include saturday three days its not a business day from Mix1
Im setting fires everywhere from Mix1
Im sorry I'm just playing from Mix1
Imreallyrich from Mix1
Iorered4000tvs from Mix1
Ipayalotoftax from Mix1
Isaidshedoesnothavethestamina from Mix1
Itdidnothappen from Mix1
Itll be all these patriots hot wives and their kids from Mix1
Itsallfakenews from Mix1
Itsgonnabeabeautifulthing from Mix1
Itsnotafance from Mix1
Iwasbeinghitbypocahontas from Mix1
Jail from Mix1
Jesus jesus frank jesus frank jesus jesus jesus like my life is a lie my life is a life from Mix1
Littlepea from Mix1
Look at me when you're talking to me from Mix1
Lookatthosehands from Mix1
Lovemylife from Mix1
Magnificent from Mix1
Makeamericagreatagain from Mix1
Manymanymillionofdollars from Mix1
May I have a little kiss before you go I'm very lonely here from Mix1
Mexico from Mix1
Mondaytofriday from Mix1
My roommate was a frog kid you ever seen a frog kid from Mix1
Nasty from Mix1
Nephew from Mix1
News flash asshole from Mix1
Nicelittleguy from Mix1
Nogetthoselightoff from Mix1
Notaniceperson from Mix1
Obamacarecompletedisaster from Mix1
Ourwonderfulnation from Mix1
Peopledontunderstand from Mix1
Prison will prevent from Mix1
Pwerpp from Mix1
Ravadam patel from Mix1
Shesaid from Mix1
Shut your murderous fat mouth from Mix1
Sitdown from Mix1
Soldapartment from Mix1
Somethingwrongwithyou from Mix1
Squishy from Mix1
Swam two miles this morning pretty hard and ate a big fat steak last night its full of hormones testosterone on its own right so I'm little bit wild excuse me from Mix1
The golden god from Mix1
These are men with beards with their teeth falling out bombed out of their brain on drugs from Mix1
Theyre bringing drugs theyre bringing crime their rapists from Mix1
Tight from Mix1
Tuba from Mix1
We need to stab them with it from Mix1
Well thats good call me that from now on mantis from Mix1
What are you going to do about it from Mix1
What time in my life I was in a facial shree lanca which is it island right below india and have a lot of camels there from Mix1
When it comes to bathing and dont want to bathe in five hundred turds or two hundred from Mix1
Why you look so stupid from Mix1
Wrong from Mix1
You bitch from Mix1
You company man from Mix1
You stupid fucking cunt from Mix1
Youarefakenews from Mix1
Youhavetospeakenglish from Mix1
Yourmother from Mix1
Zero zero zero zero zero zero zero from Mix1