A 1,000 pound horse landing in a very small bowl from Animal Crackers
A baboon! from Animal Crackers
A father? from Animal Crackers
A gift, an incredible gift, given to a simple minded sap, my brother! from Animal Crackers
A ha! from Animal Crackers
A ha. from Animal Crackers
A ha. from Animal Crackers
A ham sandwich, done! from Animal Crackers
A hippopotamus. from Animal Crackers
A lion! from Animal Crackers
A man who could belch the entire alphabet on a single breath. from Animal Crackers
A monster? from Animal Crackers
A nincom from Animal Crackers
A real beauty, yes? from Animal Crackers
A talking baboon! from Animal Crackers
A talking baboon! from Animal Crackers
A talking lion! from Animal Crackers
A talking lion! from Animal Crackers
Absolutely nothing! [chuckles] from Animal Crackers
Acrobats, more sparkles on your leotards. from Animal Crackers
Agh! Some kind of magic! from Animal Crackers
Ah! from Animal Crackers
Ah! from Animal Crackers
Ah! from Animal Crackers
Ah! from Animal Crackers
Ah! from Animal Crackers
Ah! And this shouldn't be happening, either! from Animal Crackers
Ah! The nerve of him. After all I've done for that boy. from Animal Crackers
Ah! Winkley! Brinikley? Barkley? Wrigley? from Animal Crackers
Ah. You're welcome. from Animal Crackers
Ah... [hiccuping] from Animal Crackers
All alone, unsuspecting, from Animal Crackers
All I have to do is flip the switch! from Animal Crackers
All of them. from Animal Crackers
All right. from Animal Crackers
All you need is a slide rule, some moon coordinates, from Animal Crackers
Always hard to find. Like love, Waldo, a good Chinese restaurant. from Animal Crackers
Always there for their family. from Animal Crackers
Am I crazy, or do I smell smoke? from Animal Crackers
An entertainer's entertainer, from Animal Crackers
An imbecile. from Animal Crackers
And a little dangerous. from Animal Crackers
And check out these pecs. from Animal Crackers
And family was everything to them. from Animal Crackers
And find me a place with actual paying customers. from Animal Crackers
And he asked me to build a machine to replicate people food from Animal Crackers
And he's a moron. from Animal Crackers
And his Cannon of Doom! from Animal Crackers
And I am putting my foot down. from Animal Crackers
And I would rather not deal with an 800 pound gorilla. from Animal Crackers
And I... I... I demand that you listen to me! from Animal Crackers
And I'm stuck with you, you nincompoop! from Animal Crackers
And I've got you! from Animal Crackers
And lands safely... from Animal Crackers
And no one was a bigger fan than this gooney kid. from Animal Crackers
And rebuild the circus as Bob and Talia always wanted. from Animal Crackers
And sour milk! [groans] from Animal Crackers
And that includes the secret of the animals. from Animal Crackers
And the last 50 years of my life! from Animal Crackers
And this. from Animal Crackers
And what makes you think I am? from Animal Crackers
And why is he in a dress? from Animal Crackers
And you come from, well... from Animal Crackers
And, Bulletman, there are 206 bones in the human body, from Animal Crackers
And, uh... Uncle Bob and Aunt Talia. from Animal Crackers
And, um... from Animal Crackers
And, Zoe, none of this could've happened without you. from Animal Crackers
And, Zoe, you are an amazing woman. from Animal Crackers
And... from Animal Crackers
Animal crackers! from Animal Crackers
Another victory for the magnificent Zucchini! from Animal Crackers
Anything you can dream of! from Animal Crackers
Apparently, one does not need to eat the entire animal cracker from Animal Crackers
Are we talking about the same Brock? Come on. He's all muscle and no brain. from Animal Crackers
Are you serious? from Animal Crackers
As I was saying, from Animal Crackers
As of this moment, you are all fired. from Animal Crackers
At 150 miles per hour equals... splat! from Animal Crackers
At a slightly smaller share, of course. from Animal Crackers
At all. from Animal Crackers
At least 206 times. from Animal Crackers
At the dog biscuit factory. from Animal Crackers
Auntie Talia taught me! from Animal Crackers
Aw. from Animal Crackers
Aw. Just wish my dad could've from Animal Crackers
Awkward! from Animal Crackers
Baby, daddy can't breathe. from Animal Crackers
Baby, Daddy can't breathe. from Animal Crackers
Baby, I'm serious, daddy can't breathe! from Animal Crackers
Back! Back! Back, I say! from Animal Crackers
Bad doggy! Bad doggy! from Animal Crackers
Bad monkey. from Animal Crackers
Bah! from Animal Crackers
Be perfectly still, ladies and gentlemen. from Animal Crackers
Because I'll be a gorilla or a horse or a rhinoceros from Animal Crackers
Because it was his circus. What do you want, Horatio? from Animal Crackers
Because that's what you are, you nincompoop! from Animal Crackers
Because this is my home. from Animal Crackers
Because, as we all know, dogs love eating people food. from Animal Crackers
Behold the death defying feats from Animal Crackers
Behold! from Animal Crackers
Besides, should be fun. from Animal Crackers
Better than a hamster. from Animal Crackers
Better this than a broken down old man, Robert. from Animal Crackers
Binkley found a way to turn those failed experiments from Animal Crackers
Binkley is too shy to tell you, from Animal Crackers
Blacking out. from Animal Crackers
Blast you all! from Animal Crackers
Blech. from Animal Crackers
Bob and Talia weren't the only ones to fall in love at the circus. from Animal Crackers
Bob and Talia. from Animal Crackers
Bob's nephew, Owen. from Animal Crackers
Bravo! from Animal Crackers
Brock, what are you doing here? from Animal Crackers
Brock! Where is that man? Brock! from Animal Crackers
Brock? from Animal Crackers
Buffalo Bob Huntington was a man among men, from Animal Crackers
Bulletman, get in your cannon! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman, now! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! [laughs] from Animal Crackers
Bulletman. from Animal Crackers
Bulletman. from Animal Crackers
But all kidding aside, kidding aside, from Animal Crackers
But did you know that she is a certified genius? from Animal Crackers
But he keeps finding ways to get in here, no matter what I do! from Animal Crackers
But I thought you were both killed. from Animal Crackers
But I... I will use them to rule the world! from Animal Crackers
But I'm hungry. from Animal Crackers
But it kind of could matter. It could matter. from Animal Crackers
But look around you, brother. from Animal Crackers
But so good. from Animal Crackers
But that's fun. from Animal Crackers
But then I was like, "No, from Animal Crackers
But these are useless, you second rate simpleton! from Animal Crackers
But you know what they say about good things... from Animal Crackers
But you've brought tons of other families together from Animal Crackers
But, I mean, how will they change back? from Animal Crackers
But, of course, I've always known that. from Animal Crackers
But, Zoe, you're from Animal Crackers
But... how? from Animal Crackers
Buttercup will leap 100 feet into a fishbowl. from Animal Crackers
Buttercup, fine. from Animal Crackers
By the dawn's early light, Huntington! Haven't you finished the accounting yet? from Animal Crackers
By these three and a half very dangerous men, from Animal Crackers
Can anyone understand what she's saying? from Animal Crackers
Can we do it again, Daddy? from Animal Crackers
Can you just grab Mackenzie from daycare? from Animal Crackers
Can you not smell the destruction of all you know and love? from Animal Crackers
Change me back! from Animal Crackers
Chesterfield! from Animal Crackers
Children of all ages. from Animal Crackers
Chin up, kid. from Animal Crackers
Choose now, brother. from Animal Crackers
Clowns are notoriously horrible liars. from Animal Crackers
Clowns, I wanna see your size 42 shoes so shiny from Animal Crackers
Come here. from Animal Crackers
Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! from Animal Crackers
Come on! We want some animals! Let's go here! from Animal Crackers
Come on. I just calibrated it! from Animal Crackers
Complicated? from Animal Crackers
Cookies that turn you into animals. from Animal Crackers
Could've what, sweetie? from Animal Crackers
Cowabunga! from Animal Crackers
Dad, Owen, and Binkley from Animal Crackers
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. Animals. from Animal Crackers
Daddy! Daddy! Did you see me ride the pony? from Animal Crackers
Damn! from Animal Crackers
Deadly. from Animal Crackers
Definitely worse. from Animal Crackers
Defying gravity itself as he hurls over oncoming cars from Animal Crackers
Demand? from Animal Crackers
Did I see that? from Animal Crackers
Did I? You're fantastic! from Animal Crackers
Did that mouse just from Animal Crackers
Did you get me those animal crackers or not? from Animal Crackers
Did you see that? from Animal Crackers
Did you see that? from Animal Crackers
Disturbing? from Animal Crackers
Do something, Binkley! from Animal Crackers
Do you know how anything works? [chuckles] from Animal Crackers
Do you know what I do for a living? from Animal Crackers
Do you not know what I am? from Animal Crackers
Do you not see the utter futility of your endeavors, boy? from Animal Crackers
Do you think they want a filthy beast for a husband? from Animal Crackers
Do you want me to tell you your fortune? from Animal Crackers
Do you wish to remain a wretched animal for the rest of your life? from Animal Crackers
Does it bother you when I'm this close? from Animal Crackers
Dogs like people food, right? from Animal Crackers
Doing it. Nope. Owen, I already got the nose on. from Animal Crackers
Don't come back until you have those animal crackers. [sniffing] from Animal Crackers
Don't eat this until after I fire you. from Animal Crackers
Don't encourage them. from Animal Crackers
Don't mess with my family! from Animal Crackers
Don't worry, Mackenzie! Mommy's gonna kill the mouse! from Animal Crackers
Don't you get it? from Animal Crackers
Don't you think? from Animal Crackers
Doom! from Animal Crackers
Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom... from Animal Crackers
Either way, something that's delicious broiled in butter. from Animal Crackers
Endowed by the power vested in me from Animal Crackers
Enjoy the show, folks. from Animal Crackers
Esmerelda has giftie for newlyweds. from Animal Crackers
Esmerelda. from Animal Crackers
Even memorials are more exciting with your family! from Animal Crackers
Every time you eat an animal cookie, a human cookie appears in the box. from Animal Crackers
Everybody grab a cookie! from Animal Crackers
Everything that was special about this circus... from Animal Crackers
Excellent. Step into my office. from Animal Crackers
Excuse me, Mister Huntington, sirs. from Animal Crackers
Excuse me. Have a nice life. from Animal Crackers
Excuse me. I'm not doing this. I'm gonna be killed. from Animal Crackers
Fall far from the tree? from Animal Crackers
Faster, Daddy! [laughs] from Animal Crackers
Faster! [giggling] Whee! from Animal Crackers
Fine Corinthian leather that cradles your butt. from Animal Crackers
Fine. Here, you big baby. from Animal Crackers
Fools! from Animal Crackers
For 30 years, Buffalo Bob's Rootin' Tootin' Animal Circus from Animal Crackers
For better or worse. from Animal Crackers
For something truly magical! from Animal Crackers
For the love of Tom and Jerry, please stop pummeling me with your purse. from Animal Crackers
From me! from Animal Crackers
Gabagool! from Animal Crackers
Gather around and be amazed at the fire breathing feats of El Diablo. from Animal Crackers
Get me those animal crackers, Zucchini! from Animal Crackers
Get out of there, you coward. from Animal Crackers
Getting a bit hot in here, no? from Animal Crackers
Giddy up, tiger! Giddy up! from Animal Crackers
Giddy up! from Animal Crackers
Giraffes. from Animal Crackers
Give me back my cookies! from Animal Crackers
Go after them, you fool! from Animal Crackers
Go take a shower, you big baby. from Animal Crackers
Go to the circus? from Animal Crackers
Good luck. from Animal Crackers
Good morning, Baby Bear. from Animal Crackers
Got it. from Animal Crackers
Got you, you little monkey! from Animal Crackers
Gotcha! from Animal Crackers
Gretchen, who paid for your electrolysis from Animal Crackers
Gross. It's in my ear, Zoe. from Animal Crackers
Gross. What were we thinking going to dinner? from Animal Crackers
Guess what, Grandpa. I'm in the circus! from Animal Crackers
Gypsy curse, stale flour, radioactive sugar mites. from Animal Crackers
Ha ha! from Animal Crackers
Ha ha! We're going to be rich, partner. from Animal Crackers
Ha! A thousand fold! from Animal Crackers
Hang on! from Animal Crackers
Have been working on something incredible for you. from Animal Crackers
Have you seen yourself? from Animal Crackers
He grew up. from Animal Crackers
He'll explain everything." from Animal Crackers
He's a dodo, actually. from Animal Crackers
He's got my bottom! He's a bottom biter! from Animal Crackers
He's like from Animal Crackers
He's like a ninja! from Animal Crackers
He's like a ninja. from Animal Crackers
Heel! Heel! Stop! from Animal Crackers
Hello, my little monkey Mackenzie darling. from Animal Crackers
Hello. from Animal Crackers
Henchman? I'm not your henchman, you bumbling buffoon! from Animal Crackers
Here's your morning coffee, Mr. Woodley, just how you like it. from Animal Crackers
Hey, and, you know, don't burn the place down. from Animal Crackers
Hey, give me that! from Animal Crackers
Hey, good news. from Animal Crackers
Hey, Old Blue, what do you have here? from Animal Crackers
Hey, pull my finger. from Animal Crackers
Hey, sweetie, I have a board meeting in a couple of minutes. from Animal Crackers
Hey, wasn't that guy at the memorial? from Animal Crackers
Hey, what's all the barking about? from Animal Crackers
Hey! from Animal Crackers
Hi, Daddy. from Animal Crackers
Hi. I'm... I'm... from Animal Crackers
His razor sharp fangs will rip flesh and grind bone. from Animal Crackers
Hmm? from Animal Crackers
Hmm? from Animal Crackers
Hmm? Whoa! from Animal Crackers
Hmm. from Animal Crackers
Hmm. from Animal Crackers
Hmm. from Animal Crackers
Hmm. from Animal Crackers
Hmm. from Animal Crackers
Hmm. A mysterious package. The Zucchini is intrigued. from Animal Crackers
Hmm. Why is it whenever you're in a hurry, you get stuck behind a pizza truck? from Animal Crackers
Hmm... from Animal Crackers
Hmm... from Animal Crackers
Hmph! Well, I guess we'll see about that. from Animal Crackers
Holy moly! Holy moly! Holy moly! from Animal Crackers
Holy moly! Holy moly! Holy moly! Holy moly! from Animal Crackers
Holy moly! Holy moly! Holy... from Animal Crackers
Honey, if this thing actually works, from Animal Crackers
Honey, you were right. from Animal Crackers
Hopes you will give her job. from Animal Crackers
Horatio? from Animal Crackers
Horatio. from Animal Crackers
How could animal crackers possibly from Animal Crackers
How dare you? from Animal Crackers
How does that help me sell dog biscuits? from Animal Crackers
How my life would've been. from Animal Crackers
How will we ever top this performance? from Animal Crackers
How would you like to be human again, Fozzie? [laughs] from Animal Crackers
How you want to live your life? Like this? from Animal Crackers
Huh? from Animal Crackers
Huh? Why, you from Animal Crackers
I am a god! from Animal Crackers
I am Horatio the Chimera. from Animal Crackers
I am not your hench from Animal Crackers
I am slippings away from the fortune tellings booth from Animal Crackers
I am, Mr. Woodley. from Animal Crackers
I call that one the "Walloping Wet Willy." from Animal Crackers
I can shoot a mosquito off a camel's butt at 40 paces. from Animal Crackers
I can turn you back if you give me the box! from Animal Crackers
I can... I can feel it! from Animal Crackers
I can't see my feet! from Animal Crackers
I could eat a chocolate elephant and never gain a pound. from Animal Crackers
I could've. from Animal Crackers
I did it! I... I finally fixed it! from Animal Crackers
I did not! from Animal Crackers
I didn't mean to. from Animal Crackers
I don't even know what hamsters eat. from Animal Crackers
I don't know, Binkley. I tried that earlier, and from Animal Crackers
I don't know. I from Animal Crackers
I don't wanna have a blue butt! from Animal Crackers
I don't want "Daddy" Daddy. from Animal Crackers
I drew this the summer we met as kids at the circus. from Animal Crackers
I feel it when I sorrow most. from Animal Crackers
I got it here somewhere. Ouch. Where did I put it? from Animal Crackers
I got it. from Animal Crackers
I hate this. from Animal Crackers
I have a blue butt! [sobbing] from Animal Crackers
I have a proposal for you. from Animal Crackers
I have a right to talk about it every day. from Animal Crackers
I have something important that I need to tell you, from Animal Crackers
I hired you! from Animal Crackers
I hold it to be true. from Animal Crackers
I hold it true, what e'er befall. from Animal Crackers
I just created the machine. from Animal Crackers
I just got an image of Mr. Woodley in his underwear. from Animal Crackers
I know it's been hard these last couple weeks. from Animal Crackers
I know it's here, somewhere. from Animal Crackers
I know Zoe could do this in her sleep, but she's at the circus, from Animal Crackers
I know. from Animal Crackers
I like that guy. from Animal Crackers
I live happily ever after. from Animal Crackers
I looked like 100 times. It's not from Animal Crackers
I lost the human cookie. from Animal Crackers
I love you, Dad. from Animal Crackers
I love you. from Animal Crackers
I may as well consider having you take over the company. from Animal Crackers
I mean, how hard can it be? from Animal Crackers
I mean, just fantastic! from Animal Crackers
I mean, like in a game maybe, but not like in a business. from Animal Crackers
I mean, this is your future. This is our future. from Animal Crackers
I must have them at any cost! from Animal Crackers
I now pronounce this circus mine! from Animal Crackers
I promise I will not be any trouble. from Animal Crackers
I really don't see the point. from Animal Crackers
I recommend Brock. from Animal Crackers
I remember you drawing that. I remember you showing me. from Animal Crackers
I should never have let my little Zoe marry that circus freak. from Animal Crackers
I think I already know it. from Animal Crackers
I think I finally got her calibrated correctly. from Animal Crackers
I think it's just part of the act. from Animal Crackers
I think this ferocious feline has found... from Animal Crackers
I think you're right, Owen, but Mr. Woodley loves him! from Animal Crackers
I was afraid you would have too much of my brother in you. from Animal Crackers
I was eating the one shaped like a... from Animal Crackers
I was just eating one from Animal Crackers
I will have my revenge! from Animal Crackers
I will not be silenced! from Animal Crackers
I will quit my father's company from Animal Crackers
I wish Uncle Bob and Aunt Talia were here. from Animal Crackers
I would like to announce the immediate takeover of this circus. from Animal Crackers
I wouldn't say "hate." from Animal Crackers
I... from Animal Crackers
I... I can't! from Animal Crackers
I'll find it if I have to tear the place apart! from Animal Crackers
I'll give you that. from Animal Crackers
I'll only make this offer once. from Animal Crackers
I'm a clown! from Animal Crackers
I'm a Heffalump! from Animal Crackers
I'm a monkey! from Animal Crackers
I'm eating dog biscuits for a job. from Animal Crackers
I'm enormous. from Animal Crackers
I'm going to be rich as Rockefeller, from Animal Crackers
I'm gonna change my destiny. from Animal Crackers
I'm gonna come work for your dad from Animal Crackers
I'm gonna quit my job at Woodley's first thing tomorrow from Animal Crackers
I'm Horatio P. Huntington! from Animal Crackers
I'm me! from Animal Crackers
I'm offering you a chance to become human again. from Animal Crackers
I'm Owen. from Animal Crackers
I'm pleased to announce the return of Buffalo Bob's Amazing Animals! from Animal Crackers
I'm saying... from Animal Crackers
I'm so close, Mario. from Animal Crackers
I'm so proud of you! from Animal Crackers
I'm sorry, guys. from Animal Crackers
I'm still working on it, sir. It's very... very complicated. from Animal Crackers
I'm surrounded by nincompoops! from Animal Crackers
I'm Zoe. [laughs] from Animal Crackers
I'm... from Animal Crackers
I've always loved this circus, and I know you do, too! from Animal Crackers
I've been against this from the day you two met. from Animal Crackers
I've taught a whole generation of children... [imitates farting] from Animal Crackers
I've tried. from Animal Crackers
If being a wretched animal lets me keep my family together, from Animal Crackers
If he's not my nephew, why bring him here, you fumbling feather brain? from Animal Crackers
If you refuse... from Animal Crackers
If you'll excuse me, it's sleepy time for Brocky poo. from Animal Crackers
In a sense, kids. from Animal Crackers
In a sense. from Animal Crackers
In it? You're gonna be the star! from Animal Crackers
In your case... from Animal Crackers
Including this. [blows raspberry] from Animal Crackers
Inside a house? from Animal Crackers
Interesting. from Animal Crackers
Into a new business venture! from Animal Crackers
Is better than all right. from Animal Crackers
Is gone. from Animal Crackers
Is that the best you got? Hey, Stabby, my turn! from Animal Crackers
Is this my nephew? from Animal Crackers
Is this really how you want to be seen? from Animal Crackers
Is what, you nonsensical nitwit? from Animal Crackers
It has to be because the food tastes really good... from Animal Crackers
It has to be in here somewhere! from Animal Crackers
It has to be somewhere. Come on. from Animal Crackers
It is you. Yes, sir. from Animal Crackers
It looks a little from Animal Crackers
It really tastes like lasagna! from Animal Crackers
It seems we'll have to do this the hard way. from Animal Crackers
It'll be fine, you'll see. from Animal Crackers
It'll be the best decision I ever made. from Animal Crackers
It's a fact. It'll turn you into... from Animal Crackers
It's a surprise! from Animal Crackers
It's disgusting. from Animal Crackers
It's free, ain't it? from Animal Crackers
It's go time. from Animal Crackers
It's gonna take time to figure out who's who. from Animal Crackers
It's got me! It's got from Animal Crackers
It's gotta be Brock. from Animal Crackers
It's impossible. from Animal Crackers
It's just a classic. from Animal Crackers
It's just math! from Animal Crackers
It's magic. from Animal Crackers
It's not funny. from Animal Crackers
It's not that kind of moment? from Animal Crackers
It's showtime! from Animal Crackers
It's... it's gonna be ground breaking. from Animal Crackers
Join us again next week. from Animal Crackers
Just a moment of your time. from Animal Crackers
Just got drop kicked by a duck billed platypus! from Animal Crackers
Just like you, sweetie. from Animal Crackers
Just need a little time to come around. I get it. from Animal Crackers
Just tell him that I need a few more minutes, okay? from Animal Crackers
Just tell me what you want for it? from Animal Crackers
Just you wait, you lummox! from Animal Crackers
Ladies and gentlemen, from Animal Crackers
Ladies and gentlemen! from Animal Crackers
Lasagna! from Animal Crackers
Leaving the circus. from Animal Crackers
Left, left, left! I mean, right. Sorry. Right. Right! from Animal Crackers
Let me explain. from Animal Crackers
Let me out of here! from Animal Crackers
Let's go get you cleaned up. from Animal Crackers
Let's go see about these monsters. from Animal Crackers
Lick. from Animal Crackers
Like a big, smelly, muscle bound, smelly ninja! from Animal Crackers
Like a shadow in the night, the Zucchini approaches his prey from Animal Crackers
Like some kind of quitter cooties or something. from Animal Crackers
Like some super handsome errand boy with shiny hair and big biceps, from Animal Crackers
Like what? from Animal Crackers
Lion! from Animal Crackers
Little Mackenzie Huntington is the queen of the circus. from Animal Crackers
Look at him. [laughing] from Animal Crackers
Look at them go. Look at them go. from Animal Crackers
Look at them. They're having a blast! from Animal Crackers
Look at this place. What are you talking about? from Animal Crackers
Look at this. from Animal Crackers
Look at you, my gypsy princess. from Animal Crackers
Look at you! from Animal Crackers
Look, the box keeps adding new animals, but not new human cookies. from Animal Crackers
Look, Zoe's just ten minutes away. from Animal Crackers
Looking for an adversary worthy of his deadly skills. Huh? from Animal Crackers
Looks like someone started snacking early. from Animal Crackers
Love that about you. from Animal Crackers
Mack's already asleep. from Animal Crackers
Mackenzie Marie, stop playing with the trunk. You're gonna break it. from Animal Crackers
Mackenzie, jump! from Animal Crackers
Magic? Magic? from Animal Crackers
Mamma mia! from Animal Crackers
Man, sorry about that. [chuckles] from Animal Crackers
Maybe eat some more to clear up some space. from Animal Crackers
Maybe not, if you eat faster. You've got to eat faster! from Animal Crackers
Maybe there's just too many cookies to see it! from Animal Crackers
Maybe you should cut down on the carbs there, Chesterfield. from Animal Crackers
Me? [scoffs] from Animal Crackers
Me? I should run a circus? [laughs] from Animal Crackers
Mesdames et messieurs. from Animal Crackers
Mm hmm. Circus day. Are you coming? from Animal Crackers
Mmm. from Animal Crackers
Mmm. from Animal Crackers
Mmm. Mmm. from Animal Crackers
Mmm... from Animal Crackers
Moly. from Animal Crackers
Mommy? Is Horsey Daddy gonna be okay? from Animal Crackers
Monkey! [laughing] from Animal Crackers
Monkeys. [chuckles] from Animal Crackers
Monsters. from Animal Crackers
Mostly worse. from Animal Crackers
My blood, my brother, from Animal Crackers
My cookie! Give it from Animal Crackers
My family. from Animal Crackers
My IQ is low! from Animal Crackers
My right! from Animal Crackers
My Uncle Bob and Aunt Talia, they're... from Animal Crackers
Myvideolinks.net from Animal Crackers
Nah! from Animal Crackers
Next act. Where are my acrobats? Where are my acrobats? from Animal Crackers
Nice work, Bulletman. from Animal Crackers
No harmonization. Thank you! from Animal Crackers
No more excuses, Binkley. from Animal Crackers
No one can outrun the Zucchini! from Animal Crackers
No one scream at all, or you'll die! from Animal Crackers
No spots. No hiccups. from Animal Crackers
No, I will not accept that. from Animal Crackers
No, I'm just not sure if I heard you. from Animal Crackers
No, I'm just... from Animal Crackers
No, just from Animal Crackers
No, my skin is the color blue! from Animal Crackers
No, no, no! Please! from Animal Crackers
No, you didn't. Owen, no. from Animal Crackers
No! from Animal Crackers
No! from Animal Crackers
No! I see everything quite clearly, Robert, from Animal Crackers
No! Stop them! from Animal Crackers
No. No, no, no. That one should taste like cupcakes. from Animal Crackers
No. No! from Animal Crackers
Not a fighter! from Animal Crackers
Not a word, sir. from Animal Crackers
Not being human and all, from Animal Crackers
Not even if I were poisoned and that was the antidote. from Animal Crackers
Not killed, but we can never be human again. from Animal Crackers
Not to be confused with the "Paralyzing Pee Pee Pants." from Animal Crackers
Now fly, you fool. from Animal Crackers
Now sit your butt in that chair and listen up! from Animal Crackers
Now someone like Brock... from Animal Crackers
Now that's a fine go getter. from Animal Crackers
Now then, I've allowed this to go on for far too long, little brother. from Animal Crackers
Now, attention acrobats, jugglers, stage hands, clowns. from Animal Crackers
Now! from Animal Crackers
Odd that you kept my brother's name. from Animal Crackers
Of Buffalo Bob's Rootin' Tootin' Animal Circus. from Animal Crackers
Of Bulletman and his Cannon of Doom! from Animal Crackers
Oh, boy. from Animal Crackers
Oh, cheer up. It'll all work out. from Animal Crackers
Oh, come on! from Animal Crackers
Oh, do you know what today is? from Animal Crackers
Oh, don't listen to my dad. from Animal Crackers
Oh, for science. from Animal Crackers
Oh, for the last time, you pint sized peon, from Animal Crackers
Oh, gee. from Animal Crackers
Oh, hey, Esmerelda. Everything all right? from Animal Crackers
Oh, hi. from Animal Crackers
Oh, I simply must disagree with you on that, my corpulent clown. from Animal Crackers
Oh, I've missed those lips. from Animal Crackers
Oh, it's true. He hates surprises. from Animal Crackers
Oh, it's vintage, but it's good. from Animal Crackers
Oh, just get me those cookies. from Animal Crackers
Oh, just go do your job, or you're fired, you diminutive dolt! from Animal Crackers
Oh, look, kid, look. from Animal Crackers
Oh, look! There! Fruit stand. from Animal Crackers
Oh, Mr. Woodley is from Animal Crackers
Oh, my goodness. What is wrong with you? from Animal Crackers
Oh, no, no, angel, I'm not a performer. from Animal Crackers
Oh, no, no, no. These aren't the ones you like, baby girl. from Animal Crackers
Oh, no, you don't. from Animal Crackers
Oh, no. You were serious. from Animal Crackers
Oh, please, oh, please! Heel! from Animal Crackers
Oh, poop. from Animal Crackers
Oh, poop. from Animal Crackers
Oh, quick question. from Animal Crackers
Oh, really? You wanted to cook after a day like this? from Animal Crackers
Oh, so good. from Animal Crackers
Oh, thanks a lot, note! I could've used that 30 seconds ago! from Animal Crackers
Oh, the apple does not fall far from the tree. from Animal Crackers
Oh, uh... what is it? from Animal Crackers
Oh, well. from Animal Crackers
Oh, yeah? What is it? from Animal Crackers
Oh, yeah. It's in other places, too. from Animal Crackers
Oh, yes, the grand re opening from Animal Crackers
Oh, yes. from Animal Crackers
Oh, you know I don't care about money, Horatio. I just from Animal Crackers
Oh, you'll partake in the riches, too. from Animal Crackers
Oh! I mean, yeah. He is gonna be, uh, fine. from Animal Crackers
Oh! Nincompoops! from Animal Crackers
Oh! Oh! from Animal Crackers
Oh! You flirt. from Animal Crackers
Oh. No, you don't want that. [laughs] from Animal Crackers
Oh. Oh, no. from Animal Crackers
Oh. Well, thanks, boy. from Animal Crackers
Oh. What am I gonna do? from Animal Crackers
Oh... from Animal Crackers
Okay, but change back and tell me what happened with my father. from Animal Crackers
Okay, here's your monkey food. from Animal Crackers
Okay, Huntington, from Animal Crackers
Okay, I know. from Animal Crackers
Okay, I'm supposed to land in that? from Animal Crackers
Okay, ladies and gentlemen! from Animal Crackers
Okay, look, that is you, I think. from Animal Crackers
Okay, now, speed up and open up the back gate trunk. from Animal Crackers
Okay, so how do these things work? from Animal Crackers
Okay, so I just pick little cookie me up. from Animal Crackers
Okay, that's a little hurtful. from Animal Crackers
Okay, well, you see, from Animal Crackers
Okay, what if we try up up down down left right left right B A start? from Animal Crackers
Okay, where are these monsters? from Animal Crackers
Okay, who has a cactus room in their house? from Animal Crackers
Okay. from Animal Crackers
Okay. from Animal Crackers
Okay. All fixed. from Animal Crackers
Okay. I can see you're obviously not thinking straight. from Animal Crackers
Okay. I'll see you later, Brock. from Animal Crackers
One half of the world famous Huntington Brothers Circus! from Animal Crackers
One, two, three, hit it! from Animal Crackers
Only because you said so, though. from Animal Crackers
Only something amazing. [chuckles] Watch. from Animal Crackers
Oof. Family resemblance, huh? [laughs] from Animal Crackers
Ooh, that's weird. I thought I turned that off. from Animal Crackers
Ooh, this is a nail biter. from Animal Crackers
Ooh! Ow! Ah! Ooh! Eeh! Ow! Yeow! from Animal Crackers
Ooh. from Animal Crackers
Ooh. He makes me so mad! from Animal Crackers
Ooh. Who is that guy? from Animal Crackers
Or a dog. from Animal Crackers
Or a goldfish. from Animal Crackers
Or a hoof? from Animal Crackers
Or is it because they're eating the food that we have on our plate... from Animal Crackers
Or whatever filthy beast I have to be from Animal Crackers
Or whatever it is you circus people do! from Animal Crackers
Our fearless hero ventures alone, turning to his prey. from Animal Crackers
Our future? Wait. Hold from Animal Crackers
Our ticket, yes. from Animal Crackers
Out of his underwear. from Animal Crackers
Out with it! from Animal Crackers
Ow! from Animal Crackers
Ow! from Animal Crackers
Ow! from Animal Crackers
Owen had this idea for new dog biscuit flavors, from Animal Crackers
Owen, I'm so sorry for the way I've treated you. from Animal Crackers
Owen, please? from Animal Crackers
Owen, sweetie, you're up next. from Animal Crackers
Owen, this is what you've always wanted. from Animal Crackers
Owen? from Animal Crackers
Owen? from Animal Crackers
Owen? from Animal Crackers
Owen? He's a what? from Animal Crackers
Pappa pia! from Animal Crackers
Partner? [giggles] I've never been one of those. from Animal Crackers
Perfect lips, and dreamy eyes. from Animal Crackers
Perfect, they hate it. from Animal Crackers
Places! Let's take our places! from Animal Crackers
Please don't. from Animal Crackers
Please eat faster! Please eat faster! from Animal Crackers
Please, Horatio. from Animal Crackers
Please? from Animal Crackers
Point taken. from Animal Crackers
Pot roast! from Animal Crackers
Prepare for... from Animal Crackers
Prepare yourself from Animal Crackers
Prepare yourself for something truly incredible! from Animal Crackers
Prepare yourselves for something truly amazing! from Animal Crackers
Pretty good, huh? from Animal Crackers
Prey! from Animal Crackers
Problem solved. from Animal Crackers
Queen. from Animal Crackers
Quickly, you lazy little Lilliputian! from Animal Crackers
Quickly! Quickly! from Animal Crackers
Ready? from Animal Crackers
Really? from Animal Crackers
Remember those dog biscuits that turned our skin crazy colors? from Animal Crackers
Robbed me of my legacy, my love, from Animal Crackers
Robert "Buffalo Bob" Huntington, from Animal Crackers
Run away! from Animal Crackers
Running away to join the circus? from Animal Crackers
Said the henchman to the Zucchini! from Animal Crackers
Samson, get us out of here posthaste. from Animal Crackers
Samson, Stabby, El Diablo, Zucchini... from Animal Crackers
Say something to her, squirt. from Animal Crackers
Say, why don't you come to work for me? from Animal Crackers
Says the henchman. Hey! from Animal Crackers
See for yourself. from Animal Crackers
Seeing if the chair fit? from Animal Crackers
She did a lot of it, most of it. She's a genius. from Animal Crackers
She should have been mine! from Animal Crackers
She wants you to come to the grand re opening. from Animal Crackers
She's a bright, young girl from Animal Crackers
She's out there somewhere, dressed up as a clown or a horse from Animal Crackers
She's poison, this one. from Animal Crackers
Shh! Sorry. Hi. from Animal Crackers
Sleep well, honey. from Animal Crackers
So close to what could have been mine. from Animal Crackers
So dashing, so daring, so mascu from Animal Crackers
So romantic, no? from Animal Crackers
So supple. from Animal Crackers
So what are we saying here? from Animal Crackers
So, how'd it go? from Animal Crackers
So, it turns out Binkley is precisely the genius you said she was. from Animal Crackers
So, old gross cookies will turn you into a monster. from Animal Crackers
So, what's in the box? from Animal Crackers
So? from Animal Crackers
So... from Animal Crackers
So... we should make treats that taste like people food. from Animal Crackers
Someone must have tampered with from Animal Crackers
Something magic. from Animal Crackers
Something special. from Animal Crackers
Sorry, Horatio, but I can't... [chomps] from Animal Crackers
Sorry, hot dog. I guess we won't be from Animal Crackers
Spending your life without opposable thumbs. from Animal Crackers
Stay away from sharp objects. from Animal Crackers
Stick around. from Animal Crackers
Still can't believe she would throw her life away from Animal Crackers
Still trying to get that disgusting goopity goop from Animal Crackers
Stole from me! from Animal Crackers
Stop it. You're his son in law. He loves you. from Animal Crackers
Stop your whining, Huntington. from Animal Crackers
Suffering severe internal injuries, from Animal Crackers
Superman! Siesta! from Animal Crackers
Surprise! from Animal Crackers
Take it easy, horsey! from Animal Crackers
Take it to the grave, dear brother, was that your plan? from Animal Crackers
Take your time. The Zucchini can wait. from Animal Crackers
Takes me like 24. from Animal Crackers
Talia? from Animal Crackers
Tally ho! from Animal Crackers
Tally... from Animal Crackers
Technically, you have a blue butt, so you're a mandrill, from Animal Crackers
Teddy bear! from Animal Crackers
Than never to have loved... from Animal Crackers
Thank you very much, clown! from Animal Crackers
Thank you, Daddy. from Animal Crackers
Thank you. from Animal Crackers
Thank you. from Animal Crackers
That bobble headed booby is sabotaging us. from Animal Crackers
That brings us to the end of tonight's show. from Animal Crackers
That bunny rabbit turtle thing from Animal Crackers
That clown suit is looking mighty snug. from Animal Crackers
That feels so much better. from Animal Crackers
That looks like a fishbowl! from Animal Crackers
That means you have broken pieces in the box. from Animal Crackers
That was fun. from Animal Crackers
That was so scary. from Animal Crackers
That whole changing into animals thing! from Animal Crackers
That's Is that from Animal Crackers
That's gotta count for something, right? from Animal Crackers
That's is a very complimentary version of Chesterfield. from Animal Crackers
That's me, Owen the quitter. from Animal Crackers
That's no small thing. from Animal Crackers
That's right. from Animal Crackers
That's the horse's name. from Animal Crackers
That's why the box always stays full. from Animal Crackers
The chemistry! from Animal Crackers
The circus is no good without them, is it? from Animal Crackers
The circus was my Uncle Bob and Aunt Talia. from Animal Crackers
The circus. from Animal Crackers
The contents of that package may lead us from Animal Crackers
The fame, the fortune... from Animal Crackers
The heart and soul of the circus. from Animal Crackers
The heroics! from Animal Crackers
The hunt begins. from Animal Crackers
The Huntington Brothers welcome you from Animal Crackers
The Huntingtons are back in the circus business! from Animal Crackers
The magic is gone! I... from Animal Crackers
The mighty Bengal tiger is one of the most fearsome predators from Animal Crackers
The secret to your brother Bob's animals is... from Animal Crackers
The tailgate trunk. from Animal Crackers
The Thinker! from Animal Crackers
The world has never seen. from Animal Crackers
The Zucchini agrees to accept his henchman's challenge. from Animal Crackers
The Zucchini continues his pursuit! from Animal Crackers
The Zucchini has discovered the secret to the anima [grunts] from Animal Crackers
The Zucchini has returned triumphant! from Animal Crackers
The Zucchini has returned! from Animal Crackers
The Zucchini makes a note from Animal Crackers
The Zucchini scours the room from Animal Crackers
The Zucchini's henchman has a surprisingly good point. from Animal Crackers
Then you're a fool! from Animal Crackers
There is no hope! from Animal Crackers
There was a fire at the circus. from Animal Crackers
There. [sighs] from Animal Crackers
There's got to be a way to get you human again. from Animal Crackers
There's only one of those, and it's gone, Zoe. from Animal Crackers
Therefore, I have come to reclaim what was rightfully mine. from Animal Crackers
These are really old. from Animal Crackers
These are, uh, very gross. from Animal Crackers
These aren't the cookies you like, angel. from Animal Crackers
They certainly do know how to make an impression. from Animal Crackers
They didn't come here to see acrobats. They didn't come here to see clowns. from Animal Crackers
They hate it! from Animal Crackers
They make me sick. from Animal Crackers
They never last. from Animal Crackers
They were on sale. No judging. from Animal Crackers
They're broken! from Animal Crackers
They're gone! from Animal Crackers
They're gone. from Animal Crackers
They've got a mind of their own, right? from Animal Crackers
Think of the things I could've done with such a gift. from Animal Crackers
Think of your family! from Animal Crackers
This all should be mine! from Animal Crackers
This apple looks like it was shot from the tree with a rocket. from Animal Crackers
This ends now. from Animal Crackers
This is a disaster! I have to do something. from Animal Crackers
This is actually great. from Animal Crackers
This is bad. This is bad. from Animal Crackers
This is going to revolutionize the entire industry. from Animal Crackers
This is my family. from Animal Crackers
This isn't a future. from Animal Crackers
This should have been mine. from Animal Crackers
This tastes like spaghetti and meatballs. from Animal Crackers
This time, the dog biscuits are going to be perfect. from Animal Crackers
This... This is your heaven. from Animal Crackers
To "pull my finger." But I'm no good at running a circus. from Animal Crackers
To assume the attributes of said animal. from Animal Crackers
To change back, you just eat it. from Animal Crackers
To choose his adversaries more... [groans] from Animal Crackers
To keep my family together. from Animal Crackers
To laugh and cheer and eat overpriced cotton candy. from Animal Crackers
To my late brother's secret of the animals. from Animal Crackers
To the greatest show in this or any other universe! from Animal Crackers
To walk the face of the Earth. from Animal Crackers
Tomorrow, Zucchini, take the cookies from him after he quits his job. from Animal Crackers
Tough crowd. from Animal Crackers
Truly, we've reached a low point in our careers. from Animal Crackers
Ugh! from Animal Crackers
Ugh! from Animal Crackers
Ugh! What's that horrible stench? from Animal Crackers
Ugh. from Animal Crackers
Ugh. Useless. from Animal Crackers
Uh uh uh. from Animal Crackers
Uh, in [stutters] from Animal Crackers
Uh, me? But you just told me to finish the paper from Animal Crackers
Uh, the good lookin' one. from Animal Crackers
Uh, what? [chuckles] What do I know about accounting? from Animal Crackers
Uh... from Animal Crackers
Uh... from Animal Crackers
Um, this is too close. from Animal Crackers
Um... from Animal Crackers
Um... from Animal Crackers
Um... in Chesterfield's defense, he's a clown. from Animal Crackers
Uncle Bob? from Animal Crackers
Unhand me this instant, you over muscled oaf! from Animal Crackers
Very hot! from Animal Crackers
Vin... vinegar? [chuckles nervously] from Animal Crackers
Voila! from Animal Crackers
Vulnerable. from Animal Crackers
Wait a minute. from Animal Crackers
Wait a minute. Is that me? from Animal Crackers
Wait a minute. You're special, kid. from Animal Crackers
Wait a second. from Animal Crackers
Wait for it. from Animal Crackers
Wait till you see what she came up with. from Animal Crackers
Wait, wait, wait. "Until you see Chesterfield at the circus. from Animal Crackers
Wait, wait, wait. This wasn't the way that I left these dials yesterday. from Animal Crackers
Wait, you made this? from Animal Crackers
Wait. from Animal Crackers
Wait. from Animal Crackers
Wait. from Animal Crackers
Wait. That's not the right sound. Something's wrong. from Animal Crackers
Want to entertain people. Yes. from Animal Crackers
Wasn't my fault, Brock. from Animal Crackers
Watch it! from Animal Crackers
Watch where you drive! from Animal Crackers
We all did. from Animal Crackers
We entertain, Mr. Woodley. from Animal Crackers
We make people happy. from Animal Crackers
We thought it best not to advertise that part. [laughs] from Animal Crackers
We were all family to Bob and Talia. from Animal Crackers
We worked so hard. It'd mean the world to her. from Animal Crackers
We'll be there. from Animal Crackers
We're about to find out. from Animal Crackers
We're going to the circus! from Animal Crackers
We're just gonna tough it out, gonna make it work. from Animal Crackers
Welcome to Buffalo Bob's Rootin' Tootin' Animal Circus! from Animal Crackers
Well, don't worry. from Animal Crackers
Well, have fun screwing up the accounting and ruining the company. from Animal Crackers
Well, he's freaking me out. What should we do, call the police? from Animal Crackers
Well, he's more of a... from Animal Crackers
Well, I Yeah. Okay. from Animal Crackers
Well, I just thought I could lend a hand. from Animal Crackers
Well, I know she and Mack would love to see you. from Animal Crackers
Well, I won't have my daughter wasting her days from Animal Crackers
Well, it finally happened. from Animal Crackers
Well, it tastes a lot like vinegar. [hiccups] from Animal Crackers
Well, she's hungry, so we should do something. from Animal Crackers
Well, that was surprisingly easy. from Animal Crackers
Well, that's how the cookie crumbles. from Animal Crackers
Well, that's new. from Animal Crackers
Well, the pleasure is all yours. [clears throat] from Animal Crackers
Well, uh... that's kind of weird. from Animal Crackers
Were people with the biggest hearts of anyone I know. from Animal Crackers
What a waste. from Animal Crackers
What about you? from Animal Crackers
What am I supposed to do from Animal Crackers
What are you doing backstage? from Animal Crackers
What are you doing in this from Animal Crackers
What are you doing up? from Animal Crackers
What are you doing? from Animal Crackers
What are you looking for? from Animal Crackers
What could you have that I would possibly from Animal Crackers
What did you do? from Animal Crackers
What did you say? from Animal Crackers
What do you have to say about their love and generosity? from Animal Crackers
What happened to that wide eyed kid who used to love the circus? from Animal Crackers
What happened to you? You eat a bad banana? [chuckles] from Animal Crackers
What I think, Horatio, is... from Animal Crackers
What is it? from Animal Crackers
What is this place? from Animal Crackers
What kind of a rubbish are you trying to... from Animal Crackers
What should have been mine. from Animal Crackers
What they want is what they got before, Buffalo Bob's Amazing Animals! from Animal Crackers
What to do, what to do? from Animal Crackers
What would they want you to do? from Animal Crackers
What, do I look like, an errand boy? from Animal Crackers
What? from Animal Crackers
What? from Animal Crackers
What? from Animal Crackers
What? I... I just from Animal Crackers
What? Who is this? from Animal Crackers
What? Why? from Animal Crackers
What's he got? from Animal Crackers
What's in his other hand? from Animal Crackers
What's in the past is in the past. from Animal Crackers
What's life without a little danger? from Animal Crackers
What's the matter? from Animal Crackers
What's the word? from Animal Crackers
What's wrong, kid? from Animal Crackers
Whatever it is. I'll know it when I see it. [grunts] from Animal Crackers
Whee! [giggles] from Animal Crackers
When he suddenly realizes he's a lover, from Animal Crackers
When she could be with from Animal Crackers
When your days as "the Bearded Lady" were sadly over? from Animal Crackers
Where are Bob's Amazing Animals? from Animal Crackers
Where are the animals, Mom? from Animal Crackers
Where did he hide it? from Animal Crackers
Where is it? from Animal Crackers
Where's your father? We need to get going. from Animal Crackers
Which half, I'll let you decide. from Animal Crackers
Which is like a baboon, but not. from Animal Crackers
Which is why it's funny that he asked you to do it, right? from Animal Crackers
Which means Bob and Talia took you to the hospital from Animal Crackers
Which you could turn into if you eat this one! from Animal Crackers
Who I am? from Animal Crackers
Who knows? Who cares? from Animal Crackers
Who loves... from Animal Crackers
Who'll taste the dog biscuits? from Animal Crackers
Who's a little sweetie Ah! from Animal Crackers
Who's gonna be running the entire company one day. from Animal Crackers
Whoa! from Animal Crackers
Whoa. from Animal Crackers
Whoa. Slow down there, Chesterfield. from Animal Crackers
Whoa. Zoe. from Animal Crackers
Whoo hoo! It really works! from Animal Crackers
Whoo hoo! Predicament. from Animal Crackers
Why did you drag me here? You know how I feel about the from Animal Crackers
Why is it when you're in a hurry, you get stuck behind a pizza truck? from Animal Crackers
Why is the Zucchini in a house? from Animal Crackers
Why so late? from Animal Crackers
Why thank you, Brock! from Animal Crackers
Why would you tell me that? from Animal Crackers
Why, I bet Mr. Woodley's profits will increase a thousand fold! from Animal Crackers
Why, my boy, I simply want what was rightfully mine. from Animal Crackers
Why? from Animal Crackers
Will you marry me? from Animal Crackers
Wish me luck. from Animal Crackers
With all the predatory instincts and stealth of from Animal Crackers
With his ever faithful henchman's words of encouragement, from Animal Crackers
With smells? from Animal Crackers
With this metabolism, from Animal Crackers
With Zoe gone to that circus, from Animal Crackers
Wonderful, Mackenzie. from Animal Crackers
Woodley needs these accounting ledgers finished by noon. from Animal Crackers
Would you like the honor? from Animal Crackers
Wouldn't miss it for the world. from Animal Crackers
Wouldn't want me to crush it to bits, would you? from Animal Crackers
Wow, you still find it funny, I see. Still like it. from Animal Crackers
Wow! from Animal Crackers
Wow. from Animal Crackers
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. This could work. from Animal Crackers
Yay! [laughs] from Animal Crackers
Yeah, catch him in the act. from Animal Crackers
Yeah, he came in with my Uncle Horatio. from Animal Crackers
Yeah, I remember being a better artist, but... from Animal Crackers
Yeah, I'm gonna make a new batch and show Mr. Woodley once and for all. from Animal Crackers
Yeah, it's amazing! from Animal Crackers
Yeah, sorry about the mess, Binkley. from Animal Crackers
Yeah. from Animal Crackers
Yeah. I totally did. It was great. from Animal Crackers
Yeah. Sorry. I, uh... I got "Brocked." from Animal Crackers
Yeow! from Animal Crackers
Yeow! from Animal Crackers
Yes, from you, baby. from Animal Crackers
Yes, I guess we'll see about that. from Animal Crackers
Yes, I seem to have unraveled that particular mystery. from Animal Crackers
Yes, I would rather deal with pathetic little you. from Animal Crackers
Yes, I would. from Animal Crackers
Yes, we can. from Animal Crackers
Yes, yes, your family. Now, do we have a deal? from Animal Crackers
Yes! from Animal Crackers
Yes! from Animal Crackers
Yes! Well, no. from Animal Crackers
Yes! Whoo hoo! from Animal Crackers
Yes? from Animal Crackers
Yes. from Animal Crackers
Yes. from Animal Crackers
Yes. No! Wait, I have a better idea. from Animal Crackers
You You what? from Animal Crackers
You and Zoe brought life back to this circus. from Animal Crackers
You are lost. from Animal Crackers
You are my henchman! from Animal Crackers
You are natural. from Animal Crackers
You are now the proud owners of one run down, burnt up, worn out circus! from Animal Crackers
You asked for it, you got it. from Animal Crackers
You ate the broken pieces, you doofuses! from Animal Crackers
You can visit her any time. from Animal Crackers
You can't even fold a dog biscuit once. from Animal Crackers
You choke. You always do. from Animal Crackers
You couldn't come up with anything cooler? from Animal Crackers
You didn't let me finish. from Animal Crackers
You guys know how much clowns love surprising people? from Animal Crackers
You heard the man. We're back! from Animal Crackers
You keep a close eye on these, Owen. from Animal Crackers
You know what? from Animal Crackers
You know what? from Animal Crackers
You know what? I don't feel great about this from Animal Crackers
You know what? You should do it. You run the circus. from Animal Crackers
You lack the vision to truly create something from Animal Crackers
You love the circus. from Animal Crackers
You see, that fire you started destroyed our human cookies. from Animal Crackers
You see? from Animal Crackers
You shouldn't! from Animal Crackers
You stop that! Don't laugh at Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
You took my daughter away from me! from Animal Crackers
You try it, Huntington. from Animal Crackers
You use them to entertain, from Animal Crackers
You want his arm and his leg on your body? from Animal Crackers
You want me to eat me? from Animal Crackers
You want some? from Animal Crackers
You want the crackers, too? from Animal Crackers
You were Oh, okay. from Animal Crackers
You were fantastic, kid. from Animal Crackers
You were terrific! from Animal Crackers
You'll get a big box of nothing! from Animal Crackers
You'll see. It's gotta be in here somewhere. from Animal Crackers
You're about to inherit your dad's company. from Animal Crackers
You're always trying to impress my father, and it's never gonna happen. from Animal Crackers
You're gonna wanna listen. Wait, no, Brock! from Animal Crackers
You're making people happy. from Animal Crackers
You're no nincompoop, quite the opposite. from Animal Crackers
You're shedding everywhere, shunned by the entire world. from Animal Crackers
You're shedding everywhere. from Animal Crackers
You're the mechanical genius, Binkley. from Animal Crackers
You're you again! from Animal Crackers
You've destroyed everything. from Animal Crackers
You've not only brought our circus family together, from Animal Crackers
Your dad sent me. You're late for the, uh, board meeting. from Animal Crackers
Your dad's gonna stop loathing me and start liking me! from Animal Crackers
Your husband had a genius idea. from Animal Crackers
Your Uncle Bob and Aunt Talia from Animal Crackers
Your Uncle Horatio will stop at nothing to get his greedy hands on 'em. from Animal Crackers
Your uncle saw that. from Animal Crackers
Yuck. from Animal Crackers
Zoe comes from a respectable family. from Animal Crackers
Zoe, look. from Animal Crackers
Zoe, that's what I've been trying to tell you. from Animal Crackers
Zoe, we have a board meeting! from Animal Crackers
Zoe! from Animal Crackers
Zoe! Zoe! Stop! It's not here! from Animal Crackers
Zoe? from Animal Crackers
Zoe? from Animal Crackers
Zoe? from Animal Crackers
Zucchini is now very afraid. from Animal Crackers
Zucchini's gonna diarr from Animal Crackers
...poop? [Binkley] What? from Animal Crackers
[all gasp] Tom! from Animal Crackers
[all laughing] You're welcome. So pleased to meet me. from Animal Crackers
[audience laughing] Oh, boy! from Animal Crackers
[beeps] Hello? from Animal Crackers
[Bulletman] Bulletman! [barks] from Animal Crackers
[Bulletman] Bulletman! [gasps] from Animal Crackers
[button ricochets] [Bulletman] Bulletman. from Animal Crackers
[cannon booms] Bullet... from Animal Crackers
[cheering] [dog barks] from Animal Crackers
[cheering] You hear that crowd, little brother? from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Ladies and... Make it quick. from Animal Crackers
[chitters] [growls] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] [laughs] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] Honk once for yes. from Animal Crackers
[cows mooing] [flies buzzing] from Animal Crackers
[crowd gasps] [grunts] from Animal Crackers
[crowd gasps] Please, from Animal Crackers
[crunch] Ah! from Animal Crackers
[dings] [whistles] from Animal Crackers
[dog barking] Oh. from Animal Crackers
[fanfare playing] Ooh.That's my cue. from Animal Crackers
[gasps] [shrieks] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] [squeaks] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Yeah. from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Yes, demand! from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Zoe... from Animal Crackers
[giggles] [beeps] from Animal Crackers
[giggles] [purrs] from Animal Crackers
[giggles] Ah! from Animal Crackers
[glass shatters] [cat shrieks] from Animal Crackers
[growls] [all growl] from Animal Crackers
[grunting softly] [sighs] from Animal Crackers
[grunts] [crashing] from Animal Crackers
[harrumphs] [laughs nervously] from Animal Crackers
[hiccups] Oh, no! from Animal Crackers
[honks] [laughs] from Animal Crackers
[Horatio grunting] [loud clattering] from Animal Crackers
[Horatio grunts] [clattering] from Animal Crackers
[Horatio] Hello? Cookies! from Animal Crackers
[Horatio] Who is this? The Zucchini has done it again! from Animal Crackers
[horn honks] Hey! from Animal Crackers
[inhales sharply] Well? What's it taste like? from Animal Crackers
[knock on door] Horatio, hold on to your hat from Animal Crackers
[laughs] Come on. from Animal Crackers
[laughs] Good one. from Animal Crackers
[loud crashing] See you later. from Animal Crackers
[Mackenzie] Yay! Circus! [Zucchini] Ah! from Animal Crackers
[monkey screeches] [tiger growls] from Animal Crackers
[Mr. Woodley] Nincompoopy? [Owen] Actually I from Animal Crackers
[nose squeaks] [performers murmur] from Animal Crackers
[Owen yelling] Zoe! Huh? from Animal Crackers
[Owen] Are you sure this is safe? Absolutely! from Animal Crackers
[Owen] Got it! [grunts] from Animal Crackers
[Owen] Hey! Whoa. [giggles] Puppy! Kitty! from Animal Crackers
[panting] [women yelp] from Animal Crackers
[phone beeps] I'm a hamster! from Animal Crackers
[ricocheting] [glass shatters] from Animal Crackers
[roaring] [yelling] from Animal Crackers
[roars] [screams] from Animal Crackers
[roars] No! from Animal Crackers
[scattered applause] [boos] from Animal Crackers
[screams] [roars] from Animal Crackers
[screams] Owen? Are you from Animal Crackers
[screeches] Mackenzie! from Animal Crackers
[spitting] Ooh. Sorry. from Animal Crackers
[squeaks] [both laughing] from Animal Crackers
[squeaks] [giggles] from Animal Crackers
[stammering] I'm... [squeaks] from Animal Crackers
[vocalizes] [screams] from Animal Crackers
[woman gasps] ♪ And the greatest show you'll ever see ♪ from Animal Crackers
[woman grunts] [back cracks] from Animal Crackers
[yells] The Zucchini can't even explain that. from Animal Crackers
[Zoe gasps] [thunder rumbles] from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] A mouse! No, no, no! Zoe, hold on! from Animal Crackers
♪ A most salubrious welcome ♪ [women] Oh! from Animal Crackers
♪ A private jet ♪ ♪ A mansion ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ All we had was time? ♪ [chuckles] Mwah. from Animal Crackers
♪ And that's no small thing ♪ [groans] from Animal Crackers
♪ Boom, boom, boom, I love to eat... ♪ ♪ They're way better than cookies ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Don't let it pass, babe ♪ ♪ 'Cause today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Have a good time, good time ♪ ♪ Don't stop me, don't stop me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I ain't scared ♪ [both grunting] from Animal Crackers
♪ I like it ♪ ♪ Don't stop me, don't stop me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Like a star ♪ [Stabby] Juggling pins to a knife fight? from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, my luck's gotta change ♪ ♪ Oh, my luck ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, my luck's gotta change ♪ ♪ Oh, my luck's gotta ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, my luck's gotta change ♪ ♪ Oh, my luck's gotta change ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, my luck's gotta change ♪ Oh, I've been feeling so strange ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Please accept our glorious welcome ♪ [cheering] from Animal Crackers
♪ So strange ♪ ♪ Oh, my luck's gotta change ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ The one you could've had? ♪ ♪ Shut up! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ ♪ Today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Wondering what we'll be ♪ [giggles] from Animal Crackers
♪ You fool ♪ Ah! from Animal Crackers
A "giftie"? From Himalayas. from Animal Crackers
A baboon! What did you do to me, Huntington? from Animal Crackers
A baboon. Mr. Woodley! from Animal Crackers
A lion! Nothing you didn't deserve, Brock. from Animal Crackers
Agh, I mean, like, look at that. Dumb. Ew. I know. from Animal Crackers
Ah! [barking] from Animal Crackers
Ah! [yelps] from Animal Crackers
Ah! Ahem. from Animal Crackers
Ah! Come on, man! [laughing] Again! from Animal Crackers
Ah. Nice doggy. Nice doggy. [barking] from Animal Crackers
All right. Come on, my little monkey. Binkley, how's it going? from Animal Crackers
Amazing? Yeah. from Animal Crackers
And Either she goes, or I go! from Animal Crackers
And Bulletman Bulletman. from Animal Crackers
And he wasn't the only one. Oh. from Animal Crackers
And now, Buttercup will leap Buttercup? from Animal Crackers
and taught me everything I know. Owen. from Animal Crackers
And that's me! Delish. from Animal Crackers
and turned himself into a baboon. But he'll... He... from Animal Crackers
Anything? I am pulling it. from Animal Crackers
Are you being serious? Yeah, I'm being serious. from Animal Crackers
Aw. Daddy is cute. Thank you, angel. from Animal Crackers
Bad dog! Help! Help! Ouch! [sniffing] from Animal Crackers
Binkley! A certified genius. from Animal Crackers
Brock! [yelps] from Animal Crackers
Brock! [yelps] from Animal Crackers
Brock. I'm just monkeying around. from Animal Crackers
Bulletman! Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
Bumbling buffoon! Henchman. from Animal Crackers
But Brock stole one of my animal crackers from Animal Crackers
But this, this could be my ticket You mean our ticket? from Animal Crackers
but twice as pretty. [woman groans] from Animal Crackers
But you just spoke. Your finger is huge. from Animal Crackers
But... Yeah? from Animal Crackers
Chocolate chip cookies! Sushi! from Animal Crackers
Cookies! Hey! Wait! No! Give those back! from Animal Crackers
Could be. I mean, I don't know. Oh, no. from Animal Crackers
Dad? I saw what you two did out there. from Animal Crackers
Daddy? Hey, angel. from Animal Crackers
Darth Neigh der? Stop. from Animal Crackers
Does not smell better. Yeah, it's... it's awful. from Animal Crackers
Don't mind if I do. Wait! No! Wait, Brock. Hey, trust me. from Animal Crackers
Excellent. He is not your nephew. from Animal Crackers
Fruit stand. Fruit stand! from Animal Crackers
Get off me. After all, a deal is a deal. from Animal Crackers
Get out of there. You think I want Ah! from Animal Crackers
Good morning, Daddy Bear. [yawns] from Animal Crackers
Grandpa! Ha ha! Hey, there, little monkey! from Animal Crackers
Have you seen Brock? No, sir. from Animal Crackers
He brought me in as a young clown [cell phone ringing] from Animal Crackers
He eats dog biscuits. I eat dog biscuits. Okay, I'll tell them. from Animal Crackers
He likes you. He has me eating dog biscuits. from Animal Crackers
He should be here somewhere. But I was hoping that from Animal Crackers
He's just a big, smelly... [whistle blows] from Animal Crackers
Hey Is for horses. from Animal Crackers
Hey, look, a monkey. No! from Animal Crackers
Hey! ...is for horses. from Animal Crackers
Hey! What? How dare you? from Animal Crackers
Hi, Auntie Kitty. [sighs] from Animal Crackers
Hmm! So, where are they? from Animal Crackers
Hmm? What's that? I said you were right, and from Animal Crackers
Hold on. What are No, I don't want to hear it. from Animal Crackers
Honey, look at this. That is so adorable. from Animal Crackers
Horatio, got the box! Ya! from Animal Crackers
Horatio! You can't be serious. from Animal Crackers
Horatio? [thunder rumbles] from Animal Crackers
How is it that he gets paid more than me? I don't know, honey. from Animal Crackers
Human again. Think of your family, Owen. from Animal Crackers
I can't. It's going nuclear! Please. Please. from Animal Crackers
I could see my bulbous nose in it. [squeaking] from Animal Crackers
I don't know if I have any snacks. Look in the middle part. from Animal Crackers
I don't know what that is! The big door! from Animal Crackers
I don't know, set a trap or something. [Zucchini grunts] from Animal Crackers
I don't know. Is that cotton candy? from Animal Crackers
I don't think It's a thing! from Animal Crackers
I eat dog biscuits. And he hates it. from Animal Crackers
I have a blue butt! Wait, no! Brock! from Animal Crackers
I have crazy hair. I'm pretty sure that's me. from Animal Crackers
I knew it! No, like, I mean, amaz from Animal Crackers
I know. [Chesterfield] They are. from Animal Crackers
I look like Smurfette! What? from Animal Crackers
I love love! [grunts] from Animal Crackers
I mean, I was at the circus all day. No. No, no. from Animal Crackers
I said you were right. So let me just hear it one more time. from Animal Crackers
I think I threw up on your shoes. Oof. from Animal Crackers
I think maybe we should Get out of here? from Animal Crackers
I think not. What? from Animal Crackers
I thought there were going to be animals. [snoring] from Animal Crackers
I'll protect you. Uh uh. from Animal Crackers
I'm clowning around. I'm just clowning. [kids laughing] from Animal Crackers
I'm going to do it. What? from Animal Crackers
I'm scared. Of what? from Animal Crackers
If I could just build up the courage to Ha! Never gonna happen! from Animal Crackers
Is that a thing? It's a thing. from Animal Crackers
It will work. It will totally work! from Animal Crackers
It's cool. We're good. from Animal Crackers
It's me! Zoe! And I'm not! A mouse! [Zoe] Why won't you die? from Animal Crackers
It's ready! You mean it? from Animal Crackers
It's... No! from Animal Crackers
Just give her a shot. [sighs] from Animal Crackers
Like what? Majestic? Um... No. from Animal Crackers
Look below the sunglasses. I don't have snacks. from Animal Crackers
Looking lean. [Owen] Here's Bulletman, as always. from Animal Crackers
Mackenzie! No! [Owen] No! from Animal Crackers
Mmm. [shudders] What? You like it? from Animal Crackers
Monkey! Mackenzie, Mackenzie! Okay. Inside voice. from Animal Crackers
Mr. Woodley! [gasps] from Animal Crackers
My family? Yes, your family. from Animal Crackers
No deal. Are you mad? from Animal Crackers
No, a salmon. [Owen] Great. from Animal Crackers
No! Yuck! [Esmerelda grunts] from Animal Crackers
No. Excellent! Wait. What? from Animal Crackers
No. Isn't that right? from Animal Crackers
No. It's a good one. from Animal Crackers
No. No. from Animal Crackers
No. You're not owing a circus. Nope, I can't hear you. La, la, la. from Animal Crackers
Now then... [Owen] No! from Animal Crackers
Oh, I'm dead serious. I love Talia. from Animal Crackers
Oh, shut it down! Shut it down! from Animal Crackers
Oh, take it. Thank you so much. from Animal Crackers
Oh, there's the circus! She's so strong. [wheezing] from Animal Crackers
Oh, wow! Oh, no! from Animal Crackers
Oh, wow! Oh, wow! Oh, no! Oh, no! from Animal Crackers
Oh. Oh! from Animal Crackers
Oh. Yeah. from Animal Crackers
Okay, we'll agree to disagree! [tires squeal] from Animal Crackers
Okay. But look at the bright side! from Animal Crackers
Oof. Don't ask. from Animal Crackers
Ooh... that's Binkley. It doesn't matter. from Animal Crackers
Owen! Your face. Oh, wait. from Animal Crackers
Owen! Zoe! Hey, Binkley. from Animal Crackers
Owen? Daddy, circus! from Animal Crackers
Owen? Yes. from Animal Crackers
Owen. Hey. from Animal Crackers
Owen. Yeah? from Animal Crackers
Pepperoni pizza! Bacon burgers! from Animal Crackers
Promise you'll love it. This is hilarious. [Zoe] Please, can we discuss this? from Animal Crackers
Pull over! What? from Animal Crackers
Queen? [laughs] from Animal Crackers
Quick question. Move it. from Animal Crackers
Robert? [Talia] You must stop this madness! from Animal Crackers
Say, where is Brock? [glass shatters] from Animal Crackers
Says who? Says physics! from Animal Crackers
Seabiscuit? Horse nado? Okay. Please stop. from Animal Crackers
Señor Pee Pee Pants. [laughs] from Animal Crackers
Shunned by the entire You're not helping. from Animal Crackers
So I can't just Animals, Daddy. Animals! from Animal Crackers
Ta da! [chuckles] from Animal Crackers
Tater tots! Mac and cheese! from Animal Crackers
Thank you. We're going to be so happy. from Animal Crackers
That is you. [Owen] In jeans. from Animal Crackers
That was a big one. [laughs] from Animal Crackers
That's a big deal. I don't care. from Animal Crackers
That's a fact. Ask your mom. It's a fact. from Animal Crackers
That's what I just said. That's what I just said! from Animal Crackers
The animal crackers your uncle left you? Yes. from Animal Crackers
The button to the left of the cup holder. That's the emergency brake. from Animal Crackers
The little girl's not afraid! [all gasp] from Animal Crackers
The smell? Is that... from Animal Crackers
then, yeah, sign me up. Oh! from Animal Crackers
There was magic in that wooden box. [kid] Come on! from Animal Crackers
There we go. Yup. Wow. from Animal Crackers
They just went on sale minutes ago. Uh, what went on sale? from Animal Crackers
They were all there. [Zoe] I know. from Animal Crackers
They're dog biscuits. Talks about it every day. from Animal Crackers
They're probably gross, right? They're gross. from Animal Crackers
Think about that. [giggles] from Animal Crackers
This is so totally boring. [scoffs] I know, right? from Animal Crackers
This. [nose honks] from Animal Crackers
to introduce you to... [groans] from Animal Crackers
Trunk gate. The trunk or the gate? from Animal Crackers
Trust me. What? No! They Try this one. from Animal Crackers
Try this one. The box always stays full. from Animal Crackers
Uh, yeah. Yeah. from Animal Crackers
Uh... you, what are you doing here? I was from Animal Crackers
Um... I knew you'd quit. from Animal Crackers
Um... You quit? from Animal Crackers
Vividly. How could I forget? from Animal Crackers
Wait, do clowns love surprising people? [chuckles] from Animal Crackers
Wait, you weren't Invited to my own brother's funeral? from Animal Crackers
Wait. Owen, this is amazing! from Animal Crackers
Wait. What? "Love, Uncle Bob." from Animal Crackers
was the biggest show in the universe. [tiger growls] from Animal Crackers
We are Breaking up! from Animal Crackers
We did it, Zoe. We did. from Animal Crackers
Well, can you fix it? [whistling] from Animal Crackers
Well, if it isn't Sir Burps a lot. [Zoe] Agh. from Animal Crackers
Well, if that's what you think. Oh, that is what I think. from Animal Crackers
Well? [yelps] from Animal Crackers
What are you I've just come to talk, my boy. from Animal Crackers
What are you talking about? [scoffs] from Animal Crackers
What is that? I don't know. A trout? from Animal Crackers
What is that? What? from Animal Crackers
What? Come at once! from Animal Crackers
What? I'll explain everything later. from Animal Crackers
What? Once I have those animal crackers from Animal Crackers
What? Impossible. Impossible! [hiccuping] from Animal Crackers
What? No! We would if we could. from Animal Crackers
What? What did you How did you I don't know. from Animal Crackers
What's happening to his face? [stammers] I thought I fixed it! from Animal Crackers
What's happening to your face? I'm getting a real hint of old sneakers. from Animal Crackers
What's he saying? [Owen] Who? from Animal Crackers
What's that? Old animal crackers? from Animal Crackers
When's this gonna end? Can't be soon enough. from Animal Crackers
Which actually got me wondering... Okay from Animal Crackers
who loved making people smile. [clown sobbing] from Animal Crackers
Whoa! Hey. from Animal Crackers
Whoa. It's 100 percent a thing. from Animal Crackers
Why would you be smelling cotton candy? Because you're devious and evil. from Animal Crackers
Why would you think that? With cotton candy smells? from Animal Crackers
Wow! Front row? Mmm. from Animal Crackers
Yeah, it's pretty cool, right? [Zoe] No, it's not! No. from Animal Crackers
Yeah, sure thing, honey. Oh, you're the best. Mwah! from Animal Crackers
Yeah, totally. What? from Animal Crackers
Yeah. Let's go. Good call! from Animal Crackers
Yes! Wonderful! from Animal Crackers
You almost gave me a heart attack! That had to be scary. Sorry. from Animal Crackers
You did this? Well, I... I had a little help. from Animal Crackers
You gotta come. I know, I know, I just... from Animal Crackers
You know, kind of... Biscuits for dogs. from Animal Crackers
You ready to have some fun? Mm hmm. from Animal Crackers
You're trying to lure me back. No, no. from Animal Crackers
You've been stuck behind a pizza truck? You need to go! from Animal Crackers
You've got quitter all over you. All right. from Animal Crackers
Your breath is not great. Yeah. from Animal Crackers
Your ideas end in tears. [laughs] There it is! from Animal Crackers
Your Uncle Bob did this ten times a week. What is that? from Animal Crackers
Zoe In the meantime, from Animal Crackers
Zoe. I'm doing it. from Animal Crackers
Zucchini! Zucchini! [barking] from Animal Crackers
...beautiful niece visiting from old country. from Animal Crackers
...because we pat them on the head, and they go... [barks] from Animal Crackers
...carefully next time. from Animal Crackers
...dispose of this riffraff. from Animal Crackers
...do dogs eat the people food because we are or do they really like it? from Animal Crackers
...here. from Animal Crackers
...ho! from Animal Crackers
...let's conclude our business, shall we? from Animal Crackers
...man! from Animal Crackers
...you're better than this. from Animal Crackers
'cause Talia and I have something exciting to tell ya! from Animal Crackers
'Cause you're totally gonna fail. from Animal Crackers
'Tis better to have loved and lost from Animal Crackers
"clowning around" at a circus! from Animal Crackers
"I'll see you later, Brock!" from Animal Crackers
"Owen, no matter what, do not eat these cookies." from Animal Crackers
[ah ooga noise] from Animal Crackers
[all chanting] Animals! Animals! Animals! from Animal Crackers
[all chuckling] from Animal Crackers
[all gasp] from Animal Crackers
[all gasp] from Animal Crackers
[all groan] from Animal Crackers
[all grunt] from Animal Crackers
[all laugh] from Animal Crackers
[all scream] from Animal Crackers
[all] Aw. from Animal Crackers
[all] Terrified of failure. from Animal Crackers
[all] Whoa! from Animal Crackers
[animal sounds] from Animal Crackers
[animals whimper] from Animal Crackers
[audience chanting] Animals! Animals! Animals! from Animal Crackers
[audience gasps] from Animal Crackers
[audience gasps] from Animal Crackers
[audience laughing] from Animal Crackers
[barks] from Animal Crackers
[bell dings] from Animal Crackers
[bellows] from Animal Crackers
[Binkley screams] from Animal Crackers
[Binkley sighs] from Animal Crackers
[Binkley] Excuse us. Sorry. from Animal Crackers
[Binkley] I'm blue. from Animal Crackers
[Binkley] I'm trying! I'm trying! from Animal Crackers
[bird squawks] from Animal Crackers
[blows] from Animal Crackers
[blubbering] from Animal Crackers
[blubbering] What? from Animal Crackers
[Bob] Horatio! Brother, stop this! from Animal Crackers
[Bob] Which is to say... from Animal Crackers
[both growl playfully] from Animal Crackers
[both growl] from Animal Crackers
[both laugh] from Animal Crackers
[both snarling] from Animal Crackers
[both] A cookie monster! from Animal Crackers
[both] Bananas! from Animal Crackers
[both] Hamster. from Animal Crackers
[both] She's hired! from Animal Crackers
[both] Tight jeans. from Animal Crackers
[Brock exclaiming] from Animal Crackers
[Brock screams] from Animal Crackers
[Brock snoring] from Animal Crackers
[Brock yelling] from Animal Crackers
[Brock] Baby soft skin. from Animal Crackers
[Brock] Hey, pencil neck! from Animal Crackers
[Brock] Hot! Hot! Hot! from Animal Crackers
[Brock] You know, I lettered in sports back in college. Major star. from Animal Crackers
[Bulletman] Bulletman. from Animal Crackers
[Bulletman] I... I hold it true. from Animal Crackers
[burping] A B C. from Animal Crackers
[burps loudly] from Animal Crackers
[burps loudly] from Animal Crackers
[burps] from Animal Crackers
[burps] from Animal Crackers
[calliope playing] from Animal Crackers
[car starts] from Animal Crackers
[cat meowing] from Animal Crackers
[cell phone ringing] from Animal Crackers
[cheering and applause] from Animal Crackers
[cheering] from Animal Crackers
[cheering] from Animal Crackers
[cheering] from Animal Crackers
[cheering] from Animal Crackers
[cheering] from Animal Crackers
[cheering] from Animal Crackers
[cheering] from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield humming] from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] ...the return of Buffalo Bob's... from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] All right, folks, from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] And as time passed, it turns out from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] And everyone's favorite brother, Buffalo Bob Huntington. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Binkley really was a genius. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Come on. Come on, you big baby. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Down the hatch. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Gee, I wonder what he should do. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] He practically grew up right there in the front row. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] It was the worst decision he ever made. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Ladies and gentlemen, from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Ladies and gentlemen! from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Look at me. I'm Owen. My pants are high. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] She's... She's taming the savage beast! from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] That old dame wasn't kidding. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Up until that point, Bob and Horatio had a good thing going. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] We are gathered here today to honor our dear friends Bob and Talia. from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] What's this? from Animal Crackers
[Chesterfield] Yeah. from Animal Crackers
[chuckles sadly] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] from Animal Crackers
[chuckles] You know the only surprise I like is to not be surprised! from Animal Crackers
[chuckling] Why, I was just... from Animal Crackers
[circus music playing] from Animal Crackers
[circus music playing] from Animal Crackers
[clears throat] from Animal Crackers
[clears throat] from Animal Crackers
[clicking] from Animal Crackers
[clicks tongue] Owen. from Animal Crackers
[coughs] from Animal Crackers
[coughs] from Animal Crackers
[coughs] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheering] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheering] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheering] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheering] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheering] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheering] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheering] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheering] from Animal Crackers
[crowd cheers] from Animal Crackers
[crowd gasps] from Animal Crackers
[crowd laughing] from Animal Crackers
[crowd] Oh! from Animal Crackers
[dog growling] from Animal Crackers
[elephant trumpets] from Animal Crackers
[gags] from Animal Crackers
[gags] from Animal Crackers
[gasps, sniffs] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Ah! from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Cactus! from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Cookies? Mmm! from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Owen! from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Owen! from Animal Crackers
[gasps] Wait, he's the guy who saw me turn into a hamster. from Animal Crackers
[giggles] from Animal Crackers
[giggles] from Animal Crackers
[giggles] from Animal Crackers
[giggles] from Animal Crackers
[giggles] from Animal Crackers
[giggles] from Animal Crackers
[giggles] I love the circus. Circus, circus, circus circus! from Animal Crackers
[glass shatters] from Animal Crackers
[groaning] from Animal Crackers
[groaning] from Animal Crackers
[groans] from Animal Crackers
[groans] from Animal Crackers
[groans] from Animal Crackers
[groans] from Animal Crackers
[groans] from Animal Crackers
[groans] Again with this nonsense? from Animal Crackers
[groans] And clothes that don't smell of manure. from Animal Crackers
[growls quietly] from Animal Crackers
[growls] from Animal Crackers
[growls] from Animal Crackers
[growls] from Animal Crackers
[growls] from Animal Crackers
[growls] from Animal Crackers
[growls] from Animal Crackers
[growls] from Animal Crackers
[grunting] from Animal Crackers
[grunting] from Animal Crackers
[grunting] from Animal Crackers
[grunting] What is it? from Animal Crackers
[grunts] from Animal Crackers
[grunts] from Animal Crackers
[grunts] from Animal Crackers
[grunts] from Animal Crackers
[grunts] from Animal Crackers
[grunts] from Animal Crackers
[gulps] from Animal Crackers
[gurgles] from Animal Crackers
[harmonizing] ♪ A fleet of golden cars ♪ from Animal Crackers
[hiccuping] from Animal Crackers
[hisses] from Animal Crackers
[honks horn] from Animal Crackers
[Horatio groans angrily] from Animal Crackers
[Horatio yells] from Animal Crackers
[Horatio] Ah. from Animal Crackers
[Horatio] Samson! from Animal Crackers
[Horatio] We don't need more mouths to feed! from Animal Crackers
[Horatio] What? That makes no sense, you incompetent ignoramus! from Animal Crackers
[Horatio] Will you sh from Animal Crackers
[humming] from Animal Crackers
[imitates monkey] from Animal Crackers
[imitating monkey] from Animal Crackers
[inaudible] from Animal Crackers
[kid] This is so terrible. from Animal Crackers
[kids giggling] from Animal Crackers
[laughing] from Animal Crackers
[laughing] from Animal Crackers
[laughing] from Animal Crackers
[laughing] from Animal Crackers
[laughing] I love this job. from Animal Crackers
[laughing] Is a blessing! from Animal Crackers
[laughing] No, they won't. from Animal Crackers
[laughs] from Animal Crackers
[laughs] from Animal Crackers
[laughs] from Animal Crackers
[laughs] from Animal Crackers
[laughs] from Animal Crackers
[laughs] All right. Well... from Animal Crackers
[laughs] Nothing but the best for my little Zoe. from Animal Crackers
[laughs] She will be the star in no time. from Animal Crackers
[laughs] Tiny little body. from Animal Crackers
[laughs] Yeah, at the dog biscuit factory. from Animal Crackers
[loud growl] from Animal Crackers
[machine clattering] from Animal Crackers
[machine rattling] from Animal Crackers
[machine rattling] from Animal Crackers
[machine whirring] from Animal Crackers
[machine whirs] from Animal Crackers
[Mackenzie giggling] from Animal Crackers
[Mackenzie laughing] from Animal Crackers
[Mackenzie] Monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey! from Animal Crackers
[Mackenzie] Monkey's hungry. from Animal Crackers
[man] Ah. Horatio P. Huntington! from Animal Crackers
[man] Ladies and gentlemen. from Animal Crackers
[man] Thank you kindly, ma'am! from Animal Crackers
[meows] from Animal Crackers
[moans] from Animal Crackers
[Mr. Woodley] Quit? You can't quit! from Animal Crackers
[Mr. Woodley] Were you gonna say you're nincompoopy? from Animal Crackers
[muffled] Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
[muffled] Pull over! Pull over! from Animal Crackers
[music builds] from Animal Crackers
[muttering nervously] from Animal Crackers
[neighing] from Animal Crackers
[neighs] from Animal Crackers
[nose squeaks] from Animal Crackers
[orchestral music playing] from Animal Crackers
[Owen chuckles] from Animal Crackers
[Owen grunting] from Animal Crackers
[Owen laughing] from Animal Crackers
[Owen sighs] from Animal Crackers
[Owen sighs] from Animal Crackers
[Owen sighs] from Animal Crackers
[Owen] Chesterfield. from Animal Crackers
[Owen] Give me my cookies back! from Animal Crackers
[Owen] Hey, buddy. from Animal Crackers
[Owen] Mr. Woodley, I am so, so from Animal Crackers
[Owen] My family. from Animal Crackers
[Owen] Whoa. from Animal Crackers
[panting] from Animal Crackers
[performers cheering] from Animal Crackers
[playing jaunty tune] from Animal Crackers
[pop music playing] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[roars] from Animal Crackers
[screaming] from Animal Crackers
[screaming] from Animal Crackers
[screams] from Animal Crackers
[screams] from Animal Crackers
[screams] Mr. Woodley! I from Animal Crackers
[shrieks] from Animal Crackers
[shudders] Oh, joy. from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] from Animal Crackers
[sighs] Honey, Mackenzie really misses you. from Animal Crackers
[sighs] I have no idea. from Animal Crackers
[singing] ♪ Welcome! Welcome! ♪ from Animal Crackers
[slurping] from Animal Crackers
[snarling] from Animal Crackers
[snarling] from Animal Crackers
[snarls] from Animal Crackers
[snarls] from Animal Crackers
[sniffing] from Animal Crackers
[sniffing] from Animal Crackers
[sniffing] from Animal Crackers
[sniffles] from Animal Crackers
[sniffles] from Animal Crackers
[sniffs] from Animal Crackers
[snoring loudly] from Animal Crackers
[snoring] from Animal Crackers
[snoring] from Animal Crackers
[sobs] from Animal Crackers
[sputters] from Animal Crackers
[squeaks] from Animal Crackers
[squeaks] from Animal Crackers
[squeaks] from Animal Crackers
[squeaks] from Animal Crackers
[squeaks] from Animal Crackers
[stammering] I don't know what's wrong! from Animal Crackers
[stammering] Just try it, Mr. Woodley. Please? from Animal Crackers
[telephone ringing] from Animal Crackers
[thunder cracks] from Animal Crackers
[thunder crashes] from Animal Crackers
[thunder rumbles] from Animal Crackers
[tires squeal] from Animal Crackers
[wheels squeaking] from Animal Crackers
[whimpering] from Animal Crackers
[whimpering] from Animal Crackers
[whimpering] from Animal Crackers
[whimpers softly] from Animal Crackers
[whimpers] from Animal Crackers
[whimpers] from Animal Crackers
[whimpers] from Animal Crackers
[whimpers] Bulletman! from Animal Crackers
[whispering] Owen? from Animal Crackers
[whispering] Psst. Hey, angel. from Animal Crackers
[whispers] Seriously. Turn it off. from Animal Crackers
[whistle blows] from Animal Crackers
[whistle blows] from Animal Crackers
[whistling] from Animal Crackers
[Woodley] She's concocted something quite amazing. from Animal Crackers
[yawns] from Animal Crackers
[yells] from Animal Crackers
[yells] from Animal Crackers
[yells] from Animal Crackers
[yells] Ah! from Animal Crackers
[yelping] from Animal Crackers
[yelps] from Animal Crackers
[yelps] Ah! from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] Gosh. They really need to fix these potholes. from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] Hey. from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] Mackenzie! from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] No! from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] Oh, so what do they do? from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] They just love it! from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] Wait. from Animal Crackers
[Zoe] What's wrong? from Animal Crackers
[Zucchini screams] from Animal Crackers
[Zucchini] I'm in a hurry! from Animal Crackers
[Zucchini] What about the Zucchini? from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause I'm having a good time Having a good time ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause my, my It took some time for me to realize it ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause the future comes fast, yeah ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ 'Cause today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ A fleet of golden cars ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ A humble, heartfelt welcome ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ A most gracious "howdy do!" ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ A winsome salutation ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ All right ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And best of all for you It's starring me! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And Bob went to clown college ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And Chesterfield the Clown ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And circus full of slackers ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And I can't stop dancing ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And I feel like crying ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And I know that some will say That it could end in heartache ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And I'm feeling good And it feels so right ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And I'm feeling like dancing, dancing ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And I'm grinding through And it don't feel right ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And it really chaps my hide ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And its working out super fine, yeah ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And motorbikes On tightropes and t****ze ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And the future was The last thing on our minds ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And time flies, I wish I would've Met with someone psychic ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And upon yours truly Last but never least ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ And we offer up to you ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Anymore, yeah ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Anymore, yeah ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Anymore, yeah Today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Apples and bananas ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Apples and bananas ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Baby, while we're young ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Be as wise as an elephant As strong as a bear ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Been rubbing on a rabbit's foot Knocking on wood ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Bob was always loved and adored ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Broken all the mirrors Because my luck's so bad ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But baby as you will see ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But he had those animal cookies ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But he had those animal crackers ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But he took it all, and I got zip ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But if I can't hold you Then I really don't care ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But in truth, I must confess I cannot help but profess ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But it all went to Bob With his stupid hat ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But there's only one place That I want to be ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ But, my dear, you only fear The chances that we don't take ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Chinese acrobats From the farthest East ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ College for clowns, please ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Do you remember when Not so long ago ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Don't stop me now Yes, I'm havin' a good time ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Don't stop me, don't stop me Don't stop me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Don't stop me, don't stop me Ooh ooh ooh ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Feels like I'm walking in mud ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Feels like I'm walking on air ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ For like the thousandth time ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Hanging up horseshoes Trying to be good ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ He got the fame, the fortune He got the girl ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ He squandered all that magic power ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ He was everyone's best mate ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Hey ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Hey ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Hey, what you say? Ain't got nothing to do with me... ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Horatio P. Huntington ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I ain't Nostradamus But the future is upon us ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I ain't Nostradamus But the future is upon us ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I ain't Nostradamus But the future is upon us ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I ain't scared to let go... ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I am not your henchman ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I can fly like a bird From the hills to the sea ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I choose the difficult road ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I choose the difficult road And I spend my days marking time ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I did it all for you ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I don't want to stop at all ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I had the animal instinct ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I had the looks I had the brains ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I have multiple PhDs ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I know it can't last forever ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I know that you're hoping That this is The Notebook ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I like to eat, eat, eat ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I like when you do it like that ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I like when you do it like that You like when I bring it right back... ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I must've walked under ladders Passed black cats ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I should have been bigger than Elvis ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I wanna make A supersonic man out of you ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm a hot headed gold machine ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm a racing car Passing by like Lady Godiva ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm a shooting star Leaping through the sky ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm gonna bang bang So watch and learn! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm gonna dance till I die ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm gonna do it how we do it ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm gonna do it how we do it Like we do it how we do it ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm gonna go, go, go There's no stopping me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm not a superstitious man ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm the one with the pedigree ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm traveling at the speed of light ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ I'm traveling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man out of you ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ In the interest of decorum I must resist as I per forum ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ It could've been mine It should've been mine ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ It could've been mine It should've been mine ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ It could've been mine It should've been mine ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ It could've been mine It should've been mine ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ It's hanging heavy on my head Release me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ It's just one of those days ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ It's just one of those days one of those days, one of those days ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ It's just one of those days One of those days, one of those days ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Lay your eyes Upon a very pleasant feast ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Let's go out And have some fun ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Life is short Let's take advantage ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Like a tiger Defying the laws of gravity ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Like I do it I'm gonna do it like that ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Like Noah and Allie When Harry met Sally ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Maybe I found someone I really need ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Mr. Gosling ain't got nothing on me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ My luck has gotta change ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ My luck's gotta change ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ My manifest destiny ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ No more rain clouds over my head ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ No, I can't wait I can't wait anymore ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ No, I can't wait I can't wait anymore ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ No, I can't wait I can't wait anymore ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ No, I can't wait I can't wait anymore! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ No, I can't wait I can't wait anymore! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ No, I can't wait I can't wait anymore! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Now bask in every utterance I speak! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Now, here we are Getting older ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Of A list movie stars ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Of every opportunity ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, heaven knows I tried ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, how can I dance With lead in my shoes? ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, I could've had an entourage ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, I've been feeling so strange ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, it all should have been mine ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, it's just one of those days ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, my hair! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Oh, yeah ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ On behalf of me, myself, and I! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ One mustn't toot one's own horn Too, too loud ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ One of those days ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ One of those days ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Ooh, I got my permanent smile ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, watch me now Ooh, ooh, ooh, don't stop me now ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Please, please, please ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Please, please, please ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Rain clouds stuck right over my head ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Right now it seems like it will never Release me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Said the henchman to the Zucchini ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ She loves to eat, eat, eat ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ So I say ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ So welcome! Welcome! A thousand thrills and then some ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ So welcome! Welcome! Oh, for heaven's sake, welcome! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Sometimes I'm high... ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Stay with me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Stay with me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Stay with me We're in this together ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Stay with me We're in this together ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Stay with me, stay with me We're in this together ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Stay with me, stay with me We're in this together ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Stay with me, stay with me We're in this together ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Stay with me, stay with me We're in this together ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Surely you agree ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ That my majesty appears ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ That should have been mine ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ That should've been mine ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ The fame, the fortune, and the fame ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ The thought of it drives me mad! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Till I fly I'm gonna make you remember me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ To a smorgasbord of delights For the eye! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ To all of the excitement that you seek ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ To have loose fit earthly bounds Cha cha ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ To the great and glorious bounty Which is me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Today is yesterday's tomorrow ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ We have thrills in the air! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ We knew this had to be The kind of love that lasts eternally ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ We'll make this thing right tonight ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ We'll make this thing right tonight ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ We're in this together, together ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ We're in this together, together ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Welcome! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Welcome! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Welcome! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Welcome! Welcome! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Welcome! Welcome! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Welcome! Welcome! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Well You're one of my favorite henchmen ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Well, baby, you with it or not Not important, 'cause what you do to me ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Well, he was kind and generous ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ What a time ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ What you say? Tell me something that I ain't heard ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ While we're young ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Why take any longer longer? The feeling's getting stronger ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Why take any longer? The feeling's getting stronger ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Why take any longer? The feeling's getting stronger ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ With jugglers all around ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ With the fortune of a king ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ Yes! Everything I hate! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ You are mine! ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ You help me find my sense of urgency ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ You know You really should try to get past this ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪ You like when I do it like that And I know we'll be moving like that ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪I'm living my patience and my motivation I put them on separate teams ♪ from Animal Crackers
♪Why take longer? The feeling's getting stronger ♪ from Animal Crackers