Listen to the sound clip Kia ora. This is a quick call from A N Z. We have seen a recent increase in scams, and we are sending this automated message to our customers. To help protect you against scams, visit our website at Never share your credit card information over the phone and protect your pin number when using EFTPOS terminals. Always use trusted websites when shopping online and always ensure to check money machines before using. Thank you for being a valued customer of A N Z. Goodbye from Aria (New Zealand English) TTS Computer AI Voice:
Kia ora. This is a quick call from A N Z. We have seen a recent increase in scams, and we are sending this automated message to our customers. To help protect you against scams, visit our website at Never share your credit card information over the phone and protect your pin number when using EFTPOS terminals. Always use trusted websites when shopping online and always ensure to check money machines before using. Thank you for being a valued customer of A N Z. Goodbye
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