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Listen to the sound clip Ultron was created by the original Ant Man, Doctor Henry “Hank” Pym. Dr. Pym also founded the Avengers with his wife, Janet van Dyne (AKA the Wasp), whom Ultron would come to consider a mother. Inspired by his studies of Professor Gregson Gilbert’s synthetic being Dragon Man, Pym began experimenting with artificial intelligence. After building a structurally crude robot (a torso on tank treads with spindly arms), Pym endowed it with consciousness using a copy of his own brain patterns as... from Miss Delight (Poppy Playtime) (Game, Poppy Playtime) HiFi TTS Computer AI Voice:

Ultron was created by the original Ant Man, Doctor Henry “Hank” Pym. Dr. Pym also founded the Avengers with his wife, Janet van Dyne (AKA the Wasp), whom Ultron would come to consider a mother. Inspired by his studies of Professor Gregson Gilbert’s synthetic being Dragon Man, Pym began experimenting with artificial intelligence. After building a structurally crude robot (a torso on tank treads with spindly arms), Pym endowed it with consciousness using a copy of his own brain patterns as...

This sound is from Miss Delight (Poppy Playtime) (Game, Poppy Playtime) HiFi TTS Computer AI Voice

Type your text and hear it in the voice of Miss Delight (Poppy Playtime) (Game, Poppy Playtime).

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