Have fun playing sound clips

Listen to the sound clip Hi love, this is Kendall Nicole Jenner Trogrlic. I’m deeply sorry for not picking your phone calls earlier, I want you to know I really love and appreciate you, you’ve filled my heart with nothing from Ghost Host (The Haunted Mansion) (The Haunted Mansion) HiFi TTS Computer AI Voice:

Hi love, this is Kendall Nicole Jenner Trogrlic. I’m deeply sorry for not picking your phone calls earlier, I want you to know I really love and appreciate you, you’ve filled my heart with nothing

This sound is from Ghost Host (The Haunted Mansion) (The Haunted Mansion) HiFi TTS Computer AI Voice

Type your text and hear it in the voice of Ghost Host (The Haunted Mansion) (The Haunted Mansion).

Go to the full soundboard
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