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Listen to the sound clip Leo Supernova. The hippest lion in the galaxy, known for his outrageous mane and groovy dance moves. Gigi Gator. She may look sweet, but don't be fooled - this gator has a killer smile and a sharp wit from Sergio (The Loud House) (The Loud House) HiFi TTS Computer AI Voice:

Leo Supernova. The hippest lion in the galaxy, known for his outrageous mane and groovy dance moves. Gigi Gator. She may look sweet, but don't be fooled - this gator has a killer smile and a sharp wit

This sound is from Sergio (The Loud House) (The Loud House) HiFi TTS Computer AI Voice

Type your text and hear it in the voice of Sergio (The Loud House) (The Loud House).

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