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Listen to the sound clip Young Metro Don't Trust You from I Don’T Soundboard:

Young Metro Don't Trust You

This sound is from I Don’T Soundboard

"No, don't do it," the voice pleaded, filled with desperation and fear. The tone was frantic, almost begging for mercy. The sense of urgency in the sound was palpable, as if the speaker's life depended on it. The words repeated over and over, a constant reminder of the gravity of the situation.

"I DON'T CARE!" The voice yelled, filled with defiance and anger. The words were sharp and cutting, betraying a sense of indifference that belied the intensity of the emotion behind them. It was a declaration of independence, a refusal to be swayed or persuaded by outside influences.

A soft murmur filled the air, almost imperceptible at first. "I Don't Feel So Good," the voice whispered, tinged with sadness and resignation. The sound was haunting, a lament of someone who had reached the end of their journey. It was a mournful farewell, a final goodbye to the world they knew.

"Korone Don't Sleep," the voice declared, filled with determination and defiance. The words were a rallying cry, a call to arms for those who refused to yield to fatigue or weariness. It was a reminder that rest was for the weak, and that true strength lay in perseverance and fortitude.

"I don't want peace. I want problems, always," the voice proclaimed, filled with aggression and hostility. The words were a declaration of war, a rejection of tranquility and harmony. It was a battle cry, a challenge to anyone who dared to stand in their way.

"NO! I don't want that!" the voice exclaimed, filled with revulsion and disgust. The words were dismissive, a rejection of something abhorrent and distasteful. It was a visceral reaction, a reflexive response to something that went against their very nature.

"I don't like sand. Star wars," the voice muttered, filled with annoyance and irritation. The words were a complaint, a lament for something trivial yet irksome. It was a minor inconvenience, a nuisance that grated on their nerves.

"Drop The Base," the voice commanded, filled with authority and power. The words were a directive, a call to action for those who dared to defy them. It was a challenge, a test of strength and resolve.

"I don't hate you," the voice whispered, filled with tenderness and affection. The words were a confession, a declaration of love and devotion. It was a reassurance, a promise of loyalty and fidelity.

"Don't Drop That Durka Durk Ind," the voice warned, filled with caution and concern. The words were a reminder, a word of caution for those who danced too close to the edge. It was a plea for restraint, a plea for safety and protection.

"Now that's a lot of damage," the voice marveled, filled with awe and wonder. The words were a recognition, a acknowledgment of something impressive and monumental. It was a moment of astonishment, a moment of admiration for a feat of strength.

"I don't care... I love it," the voice admitted, filled with passion and desire. The words were a confession, a revelation of their true feelings. It was a declaration of affection, a pledge of allegiance to something they held dear.

"Young Metro Don't Trust You," the voice warned, filled with suspicion and mistrust. The words were a caution, a word of advice for those who sought to deceive or betray. It was a sign of wariness, a signal to be on guard.

"Don Demarco," the voice intoned, filled with reverence and admiration. The words were a tribute, a homage to someone held in high esteem. It was a mark of respect, a nod to greatness.

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