Have fun playing sound clips

Listen to the sound clip Lives. We are grateful to announce our plans to build a temple in each of the following 5 locations: Nagoya, Japan. Toyota, Japan. Kanazawa, Japan. Shizuoka, Japan. Nagano, Japan. The Lord is directin from Russel M. Nelson (Church of Jesus Christ) TTS Computer AI Voice:

Lives. We are grateful to announce our plans to build a temple in each of the following 5 locations: Nagoya, Japan. Toyota, Japan. Kanazawa, Japan. Shizuoka, Japan. Nagano, Japan. The Lord is directin

This sound is from Russel M. Nelson (Church of Jesus Christ) TTS Computer AI Voice

Type your text and hear it in the voice of Russel M. Nelson (Church of Jesus Christ) by joshmoody24.

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