Rudderless is a heartfelt movie directed by William H. Macy in 2014. The film follows the story of Sam (played by Billy Crudup), a grieving father who finds solace in the music left behind by his late son. As he starts performing his son's songs in local bars, Sam forms an unexpected bond with a young musician named Quentin (played by Anton Yelchin), leading to the formation of a band.
The Rudderless trailer beautifully captures the emotional rollercoaster of the film, juxtaposing moments of sorrow and joy. With a captivating storyline and powerful performances, Rudderless takes us on a journey of healing through music. The film also stars Felicity Huffman, Selena Gomez, and Laurence Fishburne, adding depth to the narrative.
If you're looking to experience the touching sounds from Rudderless, you can now play and download the film's soundtrack, filled with original songs and melodies that will stay with you long after the credits roll.