"Dagenham Dave" is a song by Morrissey, the renowned British singer-songwriter and former frontman of The Smiths. Released in 2006 as a B-side to his single "In the Future When All's Well," this catchy track showcases Morrissey's unique storytelling abilities. With his distinct vocals and poignant lyrics, he narrates the tale of Dave, a factory worker from Dagenham, a town in east London.
Although a detailed cast list is not applicable, the song features Morrissey's signature band members who contributed to the recording and instrumentation. This includes his longtime collaborator Boz Boorer on guitar, Jesse Tobias on guitar, Solomon Walker on bass, Matt Chamberlain on drums, and Roger Manning Jr. on keyboards.
If you're intrigued by this captivating track or want to delve into Morrissey's discography, you can easily find and enjoy "Dagenham Dave" on various streaming platforms or download it from online music stores. Experience the charm and allure of Morrissey's melodies and lyrics by playing and downloading these sounds here.