"Last Days on Mars" is a thrilling science fiction film released in 2013. Directed by Ruairi Robinson, the movie takes place during the final 19 hours of a manned mission to Mars. Starring a talented cast that includes Liev Schreiber, Romola Garai, and Olivia Williams, the story revolves around a group of astronauts who discover evidence of life on the Red Planet. As they excavate the newfound discovery, they soon face unimaginable horrors that threaten their lives and sanity. The intense and suspenseful trailer for "Last Days on Mars" provides a sneak peek into the gripping storyline and stunning visuals that the movie offers.
You can immerse yourself in the captivating sounds of "Last Days on Mars" by playing and downloading the soundtrack here. This film is a must-watch for science fiction enthusiasts who crave an adrenaline-pumping adventure set in the vastness of space.