A Serious Man (2009) is a dark comedy-drama film written and directed by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan. Set in 1967, the film follows the life of Larry Gopnik, brilliantly portrayed by Michael Stuhlbarg, a physics professor whose life spirals into chaos and uncertainty. Larry's career, marriage, and family life crumble as he faces a series of bizarre and unpredictable events. The stellar cast also includes Richard Kind, Sari Lennick, Fred Melamed, and Adam Arkin. A Serious Man explores themes of faith, moral ambiguity, and the existential confusion that comes with life's uncertainties.
Discover the atmospheric sounds and emotional undertones of A Serious Man by playing or downloading the soundtrack from your choice of platforms. Immerse yourself in this thought-provoking film and its tale of a man desperately seeking answers in a world that offers none.